Chapter 271 Interest is an eternal theme!

“A group of mobs, even if the four of you join forces, what can you do?”

After seeing the two of Li Mubai coming over, Chu Yi immediately let out wild words.

In his eyes, all the people present, except the farmer who didn’t know where they were hiding, and the other ancient warriors, were all just ants.


Li Mubai didn’t talk nonsense, such a martial artist in the late innate period was nothing to him, but to others, it was undoubtedly a huge threat.

After getting the Ziwei Silver Soul Gun, Li Mubai hasn’t tried his best. Now he has encountered someone who can’t get through with him.

Then take Chu Yi’s sacrifice spear directly!

Chu Yi didn’t care about Li Yinfeng, Tie Jun, and Langya.

But after seeing Li Mubai’s shot, his pupils suddenly shrank and he was horrified.

Li Mubai didn’t seem to be dewy, but he didn’t expect that Li Mubai was the strongest among this group of people.

Li Mubai’s strength is even higher than that of Nong Yiren.

In the dark, in a dark corner, Nong Yiren’s eyes were also full of jealousy.

In the beginning, Nong Yiren and Chu Yi were in a cooperative relationship.

Later, Nong Yiren wanted to kill Chu Yi, and Chu Yi also didn’t plan to let Nong Yiren go.

So Chu Yi slaughtered the peasant martial artist.

After entering the secret realm of Nongshen Mountain, Chu Yi leaked his domineering aura and relied on his strength to seize many opportunities along the way.

The hatred between him and Tie Jun was also triggered in this way.

At this moment, after seeing Li Mubai’s shot, Chu Yi fled without saying a word.

If he and Li Mubai face-to-face, he really may not be afraid of Li Mubai.

But now there are three helpers beside Li Mubai, he is obviously not an opponent!

So Chu Yi didn’t hesitate and ran away.

“I just want to run now, it’s too late!”

When Chu Yi left to run, Li Mubai’s spear stabled directly at him.

The trio of Tie Jun also knew that there was a rare opportunity, so they directly shot with all their strength.

“Nong Yiren, old ghost, I’m dead, and you won’t get any benefit!”

After discovering that he was not the opponent of Li Mubai’s four, Chu Yi directly asked Nong Yiren for help.

“Master Li, many of our colleagues come here to seek opportunities.”

“Now that the great opportunity hasn’t appeared yet, why bother to fight you to death?

After Chu Yi asked for help, Nong Yiren also showed his figure.

Without Chu Yi, Li Mubai would be the only one here.

“You have to fight against me too?”

Li Mubai didn’t know Nong Yiren, but he could see that the opponent was also innate, and his strength was not lower than Chu Yi.

“It’s not against Li Shao, just to ensure the interests of all colleagues present.

“If there is a dominance of one family, I believe it will not do any good to all the colleagues present.”

Nong Yiren is not weak, and very cunning.

Now in a few words, the pros and cons are clarified.

Li Mubai did not count Nong Qiaoxin here, he was already four innate. The luxury of this lineup can even be called the word “dream”.

Many warriors came in this time in the secret realm of Nongshen Mountain.

However, the warriors of all forces are almost always an innate leader.

With Nong Yiren taking the lead, strangers soon came forward.

When the last chance did not appear, everyone did not want Li Mubai to kill Chu Yi.

Especially now that Chu Yi and Li Mubai have torn their skins, they will definitely target Li Mubai with all their strength in a while.

“These healing elixirs and the elixirs for restoring inner strength and true qi, first recover.”

Li Mubai didn’t pay attention to these people. At this moment, he took out six pills and handed them to three people.

Among the three, Tie Jun was injured the most. He was injured by Chu Yi in many places.

If he didn’t come here and met Langya, the two would join forces to deal with Chu Yi, this time he would have to die.

“Are there any traces of Faxiang Nantian?”

Compared to Chu Yi, Li Mubai is more concerned about Xiang Nantian’s movements.

“No, even the dragon group has blood stab warriors, we haven’t found them.”

The three of Li Yinfeng shook their heads this time.

Now they can be sure that Xiang Nantian was indeed scammed to death before.

The elites of the Dragon Group and the Blood Spurs all acted under the command of Xiang Nantian.

But this time in the remains of Nongshen Mountain, Xiang Nantian is very low-key.

After such a long time, no clues were revealed.

There was a distance between Chu Yi and Nong Yiren in the direction where they were.

However, at this moment, Nong Yiren’s attention was not on Chu Yi at all. At this moment, his whole person looked at Nong Qiaoxin with excitement.

Among his many subjects, he thought that Nongkeli was the most successful.

It is a pity that Nongkeli has been refined into a puppet by Chu Yi and has no value.

However, Nong Yiren never dreamed that Nong Qiaoxin would be completely successful compared to Nong Keli.

If it weren’t for Nong Qiaoxin now beside Li Mubai, he would definitely study Nong Qiaoxin’s slices.

What Nong Yiren didn’t know was that because he was nosy just now, he was already a dead person in Li Mubai’s eyes.

“”Master, what’s the chance of this place?”

Li Yinfeng asked curiously at this moment.

The few of them came here because of chance and accident.

Before coming here, none of them had done any homework.

“This place, every time you open it, there will be a top treasure.”

“After all the warriors on the scene fight, some warriors will get this thing.”

“Because the items that appear each time may be different, so I don’t know what it is this time.”

Li Mubai said while observing the surrounding situation.

He was sure that Xiang Nantian must be in this place.

Because of Chu Yi, they fell into a passive state.

If there is no (Wang Qian Zhao) Chu Yi entangled with them, at this time, Li Mubai and his party will also hide in secret

“Xiang Shao, the matter this time seems to be difficult to handle.

“On Li Mubai’s side, there are actually four congenitals!”

A member of the dragon group was next to Xiang Nantian, whispering intestines.

“The final fight relied on the brain, not the fist.

“There are too many strong people in this place, and even strong people from all over the world have come.”

“On Li Mubai’s side, almost all the means have been revealed. All parties will definitely watch him closely.”

“The members of the dragon group will try to seize the chance for a while, and if they can’t get the chance, they will leave immediately.”

Xiang Nantian is not going to use Dragon Team’s elite to deal with Li Mubai.

For a while, the biggest role of Dragon Group is to seize the opportunity of this place.

After the dragon elite exits, the blood stab warrior will appear.

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