Chapter 267 Five Thunders!

“Five Thunders!”

It is the best method to kill these demons, kendo and thunder method.

His Azure Emperor Longevity Sword Art is still near the fire, but the five thunder rectification he obtained under the Jingchu Mausoleum is now in handy.

In Nong Qiaoxin’s surprised gaze, Li Mubai squeezed several tricks in succession, and then dropped a palm.

Immediately, a thunder with the thickness of an arm struck the sky spirit cover of the base-building zombie in an instant.

This base-building zombie’s bronze head and iron bones are very powerful.

However, under the Five Thunder’s rectification, his head was instantly shattered to pieces, and even his body was completely smashed by the thunder.

After killing the base building zombie, Li Mubai raised his hand and waved, a small fireball also landed on the base building zombie.

In a short while, this base-building zombie was also turned into fly ash.

Li Mubai hadn’t planned to take the armor left by the foundation-building zombie, but under the blast of the Five Thunders, this armor was exhausted.

Now it has been completely broken into slag.

Nong Qiaoxin still looked at Li Mubai in surprise until this moment, although many ancient warriors could also use some magic methods.

But Li Mubai’s method of calling the wind and calling the rain, protecting the sword from thunder, really should be possessed by the ancient martial artist?

“Let’s keep going.”

After killing the base-building zombie casually, Li Mubai also led Nong Qiaoxin to continue exploring the ruins in 687.

This ruin is obviously not simple, otherwise there will be no base-building zombies.

“How long does the secret realm of Nongshen Mountain normally open?”

While weaving through the ruins, Li Mubai also directly asked Nong Qiaoxin.

“According to the records in ancient farm books, the time of opening each time varies from seven to ten days.”

“If we want to explore other places as much as possible, we must hurry up.”

Other warriors enter the secret realm of Nongshen Mountain, as long as they can save their lives and get chance.

But after seeing Li Mubai’s method, Nong Qiaoxin felt that she and Li Mubai should be able to explore as much as possible in the secret realm of Nongshen Mountain.


At the beginning, Li Mubai also felt that he and Nong Qiaoxin should be the first warriors to come to this place.

Soon Li Mubai discovered that other warriors had come before them.

In the corner not far away, there was a dying warrior.

The breath of this warrior is very weak, almost just waiting for death.

“Nong Yuanjie?

“How will you be here?”

Nong Qiaoxin also saw this warrior at this moment, and then she discovered that this dying warrior was their farmer’s warrior.

“Second Miss?”


Nong Yuanjie was already dying and was about to die.

Now that he heard Nong Qiaoxin’s words, he immediately returned to the light, and his breath was slightly strengthened.

“Second Miss, Chu Yi is a liar, he didn’t really cooperate with our farmer

“He doesn’t seem to be an ancient warrior, he has some means we haven’t seen before


Nong Yuanjie said this, and immediately coughed violently.

Finally, he tremblingly grabbed a jade medal and wanted to say something.

But he opened his mouth and blood kept flowing out of his mouth.

In the end, Nong Yuanjie couldn’t leave anything, so he was directly exasperated!

“Chu Yi?”

Nong Qiaoxin is very strange to this name, she has never heard of it.

Li Mubai is a bit familiar. When did he seem to have heard of this name.

I am a little bit impressed, but not very impressive.

“This jade card should have something to do with this ruin.”

Li Mubai leaned over and picked up the jade medal. When he got the jade medal, he could feel it.

There seems to be a certain rhythm in this jade medal and this ruin.

“Nong Yuanjie is the strength of the middle master, and the opponent can beat him to death with a single punch. It can be seen that this martial artist named Chu Yi is very powerful.”

Nong Qiaoxin felt a little sad.

She has no affection for the senior management of the farm.

But in her opinion, the other people in the farm are still very good.

Especially this Nong Yuanjie, who only came from a general family, can cultivate (ahcg) to this point, it is conceivable that Nong Yuanjie has worked hard behind him.

It is a pity that at this moment, Nong Yuanjie has been in mourning for many years, which makes people sigh with emotion.

Although Nong Yuanjie could not be rescued, Li Mubai and Nong Qiaoxin still knew that there were other warriors in this ruin.

“One punch to kill the grandmaster must be a martial artist of the innate level.”

“Be careful next.”

Although both of them are congenital warriors, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

Before Li Mubai dealt with most of the innate warriors, the opponent was in the light, he was in the dark, and he could easily succeed.

The opponent encountered this time is obviously different, at least for now, he doesn’t know where the opponent is.

“Go this way.”

Originally, Li Mubai walked aimlessly through the ruins.

However, when he came to this corner just now, he suddenly found out.

There was a slight reaction to the jade medal that I got just now.

Walking in front of him, the long sword of spiritual strength was also condensed by him, ready to fight against the sudden appearance of warriors at any time.

Li Mubai’s powerful spiritual consciousness, at this moment, is also like a tide, covering all directions.

However, he did not find other warriors or cultivators in the ruins.

The warrior named Chu Yi seemed to have left directly after killing the farmer’s warrior here.

“right here.”

After not encountering any other warriors along the way, Li Mubai and Nong Qiaoxin came to a stone gate smoothly.

“What’s in it?”

Under the shelter of Shimen, Nong Qiaoxin’s spirit cannot feel what is behind Shimen.

“It’s a storage room. There are many boxes like before.”

“But I don’t know what’s in the box, I need to go in and take a look.”

Although Li Mubai’s divine consciousness was very powerful, he couldn’t penetrate behind the stone gate and also penetrated the box inside.

Especially, there are restrictions on those boxes.

“How do you open this stone gate?”

Nong Qiaoxin observed for a while, she found that it might not be easy to break through this stone gate with brute force.

“Although I don’t know how to use it, this jade card should be the key to opening the stone door.

As Li Mubai said, he also took out the jade medal he had obtained before.

After he took out the jade card, he never thought that this stone gate sensed the jade card and it opened automatically.

After the Shimen opened, the two easily entered the secret room.

After the two entered the secret room, the jade medal also returned to Li Mubai’s hand again.

“These boxes may also have the same mechanism as before. Let’s open them carefully one by one, right?”

After looking around, Nong Qiaoxin immediately suggested.


Li Mubai was not prepared to expend effort to break the prohibition, but decided to open it simply and rudely.

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