Chapter 260 you do not know me?

Nong Qiaoxin was secretly hurt at this moment.

Their hope of survival is very slim. Under such circumstances, other things seem to be of no importance at all.

“Now after you recover, your cultivation base can reach the initial stage of innate.”

“However, the initial stage of innateness is also your limit. No matter how you practice in the future, you will not be able to surpass the initial stage of innateness.

“Now you have two options. One option is to abolish your cultivation base and start practicing from the beginning.”

“The second option is that I will help you cultivate to the early innate stage and stabilize your realm. You choose.”

Li Mubai did not give Nong Qiaoxin a detailed explanation. In his opinion, these two options actually work.

Nong Qiaoxin’s own talent is not very good. Under normal practice, at best, it is the peak of innate early stage.

It would take at least twenty years, or even thirty years, for normal cultivation to reach the peak of the innate early stage, given the extremely outstanding talent.

Now I choose the second option. Although the ceiling is lowered by 07, it can be directly cultivated to the early innate period.

Overall, it’s already pretty good.

Especially Nong Qiaoxin’s body is very weak now. After the cultivation base is abolished, whether he can survive is still a question.

“I’ll choose the second one.”

After Nong Qiaoxin finished speaking, he looked at Li Mubai.

For this man, her feelings are very complicated. She doesn’t know whether she should hate Li Mubai or be grateful to Li Mubai.

Perhaps, Li Mubai should be grateful, after all, without Li Mubai, she would have died.

After Nong Qiaoxin made his choice, Li Mubai also shot directly.

At this time, strands of pure spiritual power continued to flow into Nong Qiaoxin’s limbs, Baihe and the veins of his body.

After these many spiritual powers flowed into Nong Qiaoxin’s body, Nong Qiaoxin’s injuries continued to recover.

Her cracked veins, bones, and exhausted internal organs are constantly recovering.

While using his spiritual power to heal Nong Qiaoxin, Li Mubai also exchanged two Wang Yu Lu Dan from the system mall, both of which were done.

With the passage of time, Nong Qiaoxin’s condition continued to improve, and her aura became stronger and stronger.

“Open your heart.”

But at this moment, Li Mubai suddenly spoke up.

“good ”

After hesitating for a moment, Nong Qiaoxin still gave up struggling.

Although she had fallen into a state of losing control before, she vaguely knew Li Mubai’s methods.

Some secret method Li Mubai has mastered seems to be able to control her.

This time Nong Qiaoxin was wrong. Li Mubai didn’t show her mind-consciousness, but left a mark of divine consciousness in her sea of ​​knowledge.

The attributes of the villain’s scumbag are also vividly reflected in Li Mubai.

Even in the face of this kind of woman who he has completely obtained, Li Mubai has left a hand.

He must also do the same, after all, Chu Yuyan and Luo Xixi are only martial artists with the highest internal strength, and their strength is very weak.

But this Nong Qiaoxin, after his recovery, is in the early innate period.

The warriors in the early innate period were already very powerful. If Nong Qiaoxin couldn’t think about it for a while and did something irreversible, it would be bad.

It is a very painful process to leave the imprint of divine consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness.

At the same time, Nong Qiaoxin can also know what Li Mubai is doing to her.

She calmed down completely at this moment. She didn’t hate Li Mubai. The two had met right away.

It’s her who will do the same.

At this moment, Nong Qiaoxin was even sighing why she didn’t meet Li Mubai earlier.

If I could meet Li Mubai earlier, maybe her sister and younger sister would still be saved.

An hour later, Nong Qiaoxin completely recovered.

The feeling of weakness on her body has completely disappeared, only the slightly torn clothes on her body are still showing.

Not long ago, what happened to her and Li Mubai.


Li Mubai also exhaled a sigh of breath at this moment.

“Now we may be able to have a good talk.”

Li Mubai motioned to Nong Qiaoxin to sit down, but Nong Qiaoxin did not refuse.

“I don’t know who you are yet”

After Nong Qiaoxin sat down, he immediately asked a little strangely.

It is undoubtedly a very strange thing for a man to get himself, but he doesn’t even know who the other party is.

“you do not know me?”

This time Li Mubai is a little bit smiling. He may not be well-known in the world, but in Xia Guo, especially the younger generation, there should not be many people who don’t know him.

“My name is Li Mubai.”

Sure enough, after Li Mubai said his name, Nong Qiaoxin also overlapped the outline of Jinghai’s top young man with Li Mubai in front of him.

Immediately, she also showed a bitter smile, thinking that she had met a man whom she could trust in a very absurd way.

Only now did I know that what she had met was just a young man.

However, so far, apart from a ridiculous thing that happened, Li Mubai has treated her very well.

“My name is Nong Qiaoxin, and I come from a farm in Shennong Mountain.”

Nong Qiaoxin said this, looking at Li Mubai’s complexion a bit weird involuntarily.

Her mother and Li Mubai’s mother seem to be a cousin.

Of course, the Li family in Jinghai opened its branches and leaves, and the clans were all over the country of Xia, and there were too many people who had a close relationship with Li Mubai.

She and Li Mubai have this kind of kinship, but she doesn’t know exactly what the relationship is between them.

“What’s wrong?”

Li Mubai was a little curious, Nong Qiaoxin said half of what he said, and suddenly stopped.


“Don’t talk about what you just said, what else do you want to know?”

Nong Qiaoxin directly changed the topic right now. It doesn’t matter if you don’t study it deeply. You must study it deeply. By then, both of you might be embarrassed.

“Then tell me, why did you become like this?”

“What else is the god of agriculture.”

Before Nong Qiaoxin, Li Mubai had encountered a warrior who had run out of control.

The warrior who had run out of control was in a worse state than Nong Qiaoxin, and had reached the point where he was exhausted.


Hearing what Li Mubai said, Nong Qiaoxin was a little shocked.

She did not expect that Li Mubai, an outsider, would even know the God of Saturn.

“No fuss, I know a lot more.”

Li Mubai chuckled, then motioned to Nong Qiaoxin to continue.

“Nongshen Temple is the place where the ancestral house of the farm family is located.

“It is recorded in the ancient books of the farm family that there is a practice method called “Nong Nerve”.”

“Agricultural nerves is an extreme practice method, this practice method can help the cultivator to quickly become innate!”

“When cultivating agricultural nerves, you must practice exercises, worship the god of agriculture, and finally take pills and medicaments.”

Having said this, Nong Qiaoxin paused, and then continued to speak. .

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