Chapter 253 Lingquan is taken from Shennong Mountain!

For small characters like Zhao Xiaoxian, Li Mubai usually doesn’t bother to care about it at all.

Now that the three souls that scared Zhao Xiaoxian had lost seven souls, he was terrified after the wolf fox escaped, and he did not continue to pursue it.

Because the follow-up matter does not need to be pursued by him, Zhao Xiaoxian will handle it by himself.

After this episode happened, in the elegant hall, the three of Li Mubai also continued to eat.

“Although Wufengju is not a five-star hotel, the food here has always been so delicious.”

The episode that happened just now obviously didn’t affect Rosie’s appetite at all.

After so many dishes came up at this moment, she was also very excited to eat.

“Yes, when we first came to Wufengju, we were very curious about how the dishes in this place are so delicious.”

“But the dishes here are quite expensive. The most affordable dishes are also more expensive than the ones in the Michelin three-star restaurant.”

Although for Luo Xixi and Chu Yuyan, this kind of consumption is nothing at all.

But if you eat it open, you can eat a house after three or five times.

It can be seen that Wufengju is not open to ordinary people, and it is not unreasonable.

“The ingredients of these dishes all contain aura. To some extent, it can be regarded as a primary elixir.

“The place where these dishes grow is very interesting.”

After Li Mubai ate a few simple dishes, he discovered that this Wufengju is actually nothing special.

Although their food cooks well, it is the ingredients that are really great.

I don’t know where Wufengju bought these ingredients. Almost all ingredients contain pure aura.

“Boom, boom, boom”

At this time, the door of the elegant hall was knocked.

Li Mubai swept away his spiritual knowledge and knew that Boss Wu had come to apologize.

What happened just now has nothing to do with Boss Wu.

But Boss Wu came right now, and Li Mubai happened to have a question to ask him.

“Come in.”

After hearing Li Mubai’s voice, Boss Wu came in from the door with two waiters.

One of the young women was holding a bottle of wine in her hand.

This wine is not an ordinary wine, it is also blended with Lingquan.

Moreover, the aura is stronger than other dishes here, and other things are obviously good.

Another young woman is carrying a tray in her hand. In the tray are several famous dishes from Wufengju.

“Shao Li, I will accompany you with what happened just now.”

“It’s not respectful to talk about one’s heart.

As Boss Wu said, he brought a few dishes to the table himself.

Finally, the bottle of spirit wine was also opened.

“Boss Wu, don’t worry about what happened just now.”

“However, I have something to ask you.”

“Where did these dishes and drinks of Wufengju come from?

When he heard Li Mubai’s words, Boss Wu was not surprised at all.

Li Mubai is not the first guest to ask this question, nor will he be the last.

As long as Wufengju is open for a day, someone will definitely ask.

“Shao Li, it’s true that all the dishes and drinks of Wufengju are made from Shennong Mountain.”

“Shen Nong Shangzhong has continuously sold these ingredients and spirit springs to the outside world over the years, but there are quotas for all parties.

“My clan has some ties with the Xiao family of Shennong Mountain, so I can get a small quota, so I opened this Wufengju.”

Boss Wu didn’t conceal it, and directly told Shennongshan.

Jinghai Li Family is the only one in Xia Country, but below Jinghai Li Family, like Jinghai Xiang Family, and this Xiao Family of Shennong Mountain, they are very huge and terrifying behemoths.

If Li Mubai goes, the other party will definitely give Li Mubai face, but he will never follow Li Mubai’s words.

“Okay, I won’t pursue the matter today.

After Boss Wu answered him 1510, Li Mubai was in a good mood.

Shennong Mountain can continuously produce these pure and spiritual vegetables and spiritual springs, which shows that there must be some kind of treasure in Shennong Mountain.

Not only that, in Shennong Mountain, there must be better vegetables and spiritual springs.

Not long after Boss Wu left Li Mubai’s room, he was stopped by a smiling young man.

“The genius doctor of Chu.”

Before Chu Yi could speak, Boss Wu said Chu Yi’s identity.

“Huh? Do you know me?”

Chu Yi was taken aback. He didn’t expect this boss Wu to know him.

“Know, know.

“Six months ago, I was seriously ill and almost died. Thanks to the help of Mr. Qin, I would have lost my life long ago.

Others don’t pay much attention to Qin’s affairs.

0……Look for flowers……

But Qin is always the savior of Boss Wu, and Boss Wu is of course very concerned about the news of Qin’s doctor.

I heard that when he was on the train, the doctor Qin met his fellow teacher, so he asked more about this matter.

Later, I naturally knew that Chu Yi in front of him was the little uncle who lived Yan Luo Qin Lao.

“It turned out to be so.”

“I want to ask Boss Wu about one thing. If Boss Wu is inconvenient to say, then I won’t say it.”

Chu Yi didn’t make it difficult for others, but said very politely.

“Convenient, convenient.

Boss Wu takes his life very much. After learning the lesson six months ago, he is now respectful of such genius doctors as Chu Yi.

After all, no one knows, when he suddenly had a long and two shortcomings.

“Okay, then I will ask briefly.”

“Where did the ingredients of Wufengju come from?

In fact, before Chu Yi spoke, Boss Wu probably knew that Chu Yi might have to ask this.

After all, Wufengju is the most attractive and commendable, that is, these dishes and Lingquan.

“The genius doctor of Chu, it is true that all the ingredients of Wufengju come from Shennong Mountain.”

“Shennong Mountain is the place where the Xiao family has lived for generations.”

“These ingredients, as well as Lingquan, were all purchased with the Xiao family.

“But because output is limited, most people have quotas.”

“Some people can only buy it a few times a year. My ancestors have a very deep relationship with the Xiao family, so I can get a certain amount of food every month.”

When facing Chu Yi, Boss Wu said obviously more.

After all, he may not get any benefit from Li Mubai, but from Chu Yi, he might be able to get some care.

“Okay, give this medicine to Boss Wu.

“After being melted with Lingquan, it will be brewed into medicinal wine, which has the effect of strengthening the muscles and bones and nourishing the kidney.”

Chu Yi was very satisfied with Boss Wu’s answer. At this moment, he didn’t mean anything to Boss Wu, and it was just a big pill.

After eating at Wufengju, Chu Yi returned to Luo’s house with Luo Xuefei.

“You seem to be in a good mood.”

Concubine Luo Xue walked ahead, smiled bitterly, and said to Chu Yi.

In fact, she had never seen any sorrow on Chu Yi’s face. At this point, she really envied Chu Yi. deficit,

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