Chapter 230 The Hongmen Banquet at the End of the World!

These Tianjiao on the Qianlong list are so squeezed that they want to be on the list.

It’s nothing more than profit.

Yes, it may also be for a better cultivation environment and cultivation resources.

And these things, he can provide these people!

As for the loyalty of these guys, don’t worry at all.

It is all controlled by the secret method of divine consciousness, just like a machine, there is no loyalty problem at all.

He was originally a villain, he acted unscrupulously and didn’t care about any rules and regulations.

It’s like Rosie in his arms now, no matter how he dislikes him, he got it, it’s his!

At the beginning, Jingchu eight giants felt.

After the Jingchu Martial Arts Club is over, Li Mubai will leave.

But soon everyone discovered that they were wrong.

After the Jingchu Martial Arts Association ended, instead of leaving, Li Mubai gathered all the people who had talked about the eight giants to the Tianya Haige Villa.

Jingchu is located inland, of course there is no sea.

There is no return, but there is a river, and there is a huge inland lake.

Tianhu Lake in front of Tianyahaige is the largest inland lake in Jingchu.

Observing with the naked eye, we can’t even see the difference between it and the sea. It can be seen that the area of ​​Tianhu Lake is huge.

Li Mubai invited the people of the eight giants to the Tianyahai Pavilion.

Of course not to invite them to come and admire Tianya Haige, the first mansion in Jingchu.

In the meeting room at this moment, everyone in Jingchu’s eight wealthy family was a little confused and a little nervous.

They don’t know at all now, what Li Mubai called the crowd to do.

“Shao Li, I don’t know if you call us today, is there any order?”

As everyone’s eyes gestured and urged, Chu Shanghan, who was talking about the Chu family, also had to get up.

In Chu Shanghan’s view, the Luo Family Patriarch should get up.

After all, in Shao Li’s villa, Luo Xixi, the daughter of Patriarch Luo, is now the favorite concubine.

“Jingchu is one of the birthplaces of Xia Guo’s martial arts.”

“However, for so many years, Jing Chu has not given birth to an innate warrior.

“Some of you may already know that during this period of time, I had a confrontation with the innate warriors of the hostile forces.”

“It’s true that the innate martial artist sent by the other party has been killed.

“During this period of time, the reason why you can’t eat or sleep well is because Jing Chu has no congenital residence.”

“So I decided to establish Jingchu Wu Academy.”

“Jingchu Wushu Academy is not only to convey fresh martial arts blood for Jingchu, but also to convey the power of Jingchu.”

When Li Mubai said this, some of the patrons looked happy at first, but soon showed suspicious looks again.

At their level, it is natural to know that there is no free lunch in the world.

Li Mubai wanted to do this, and even called them all over. It was definitely not that simple.

“Shao Li, this matter is a good thing for Jingchu, so we will naturally not refuse.”

“I just don’t know, Master Li called us, what do we need to do?”

The Luo Family Patriarch also spoke this time.

After he spoke, everyone around also looked over at this time.

Obviously, they all want to know the real purpose of Li Mubai calling them here this time.

“It is not an easy task to send fresh blood to Jingchu, or even to cultivate the strong.

“So I want to discuss with a few people to fully open the Jingchu Mausoleum.”

After Li Mubai’s words came out, the expressions of the eight speakers changed abruptly.

They have long known that today’s things are not that simple.

But a few people didn’t expect at all that today’s things were even bigger than the sky!

Before modern warriors appeared on the world stage, ancient warriors existed all over the world.

There is a very important reason why Jingchu can become one of the birthplaces of Xia Guo martial arts, because there is the inheritance of Jingchu Mausoleum underground.

The Mausoleum of Jingchu is the place of inheritance left by the ancient warriors.

According to the ancestral motto, only the warrior on the Qianlong Ranking can enter the first floor of the Jingchu Mausoleum every year.

On the Qianlong list, the strongest warrior in the past ten years is able to enter the second floor of the tomb.

Within a hundred years, the strongest warrior on the Qianlong list was able to enter the third layer of the Jingchu Mausoleum and accept the inheritance.

In other words, for a hundred years, there have been countless warriors in the land of Xia Kingdom and even all over the world.

Only a hundred have entered the first floor of the Jingchu Mausoleum.

There are only ten people who have entered the second floor of the Jingchu Mausoleum!

There is only one person who has entered the third floor of the Jingchu Mausoleum.

Now Li Mubai asked them to fully open the Jingchu Mausoleum.Isn’t this going against the ancestral motto and letting them all make a decision against their ancestors?

“Shao Li, this is absolutely forbidden!”

Elder Wang of the Wang family was the first to stand up right now.

Li Mubai’s proposal is undoubtedly to let them kill chickens and get eggs!

The existence of Jingchu Mausoleum allows Jingchu to give birth to a strong man every year.

However, after the Jingchu Mausoleum is fully opened and the resources in the Mausoleum are exhausted, how will Jingchu give birth to a strong man in the future?

At that time, let alone the ultimate master, it would be difficult to give birth to an ordinary master.

Just like all parts of Xia Kingdom today, there are no complete martial arts inheritance in many places, and it is very difficult for most martial artists to become internal martial artists.

“Shao Li, this is a decision to kill chickens and get eggs. After doing this, Jingchu, the birthplace of Xia Guo’s martial arts.

“In the near future, I am afraid it will become like other regions without martial arts heritage.”

“This matter, 6.7 million must not be.”

After Li Mubai finished speaking, soon the owner of the family spoke up.

After having the first person, these old guys even uttered one after another.

In the end, except for the Chu Family Patriarch and the Luo Family Patriarch not to speak, the remaining six Patriarchs all expressed their opinions.

“What if I must open the Jingchu Mausoleum?”

Li Mubai’s face suddenly showed a smile but a smile.

He is the villain of Destiny, not the son of Destiny who is bitter and enmity.

Today he wants to open the Jingchu Mausoleum, this Jingchu Mausoleum can only be opened!

“Shao Li”

“In fact, the opening of the Jingchu Mausoleum is of little significance.

“Jingchu Mausoleum is more of a tempering effect, which is very dangerous.”

“In the past, even the warriors who won the Qianlong Ranking were not able to come out after they entered.”

Chu Shanghan was accompanied by a smiling face now, vaguely persuading Li Mubai.

“Patriarch Chu doesn’t have to worry about these things.”

“Since several people do not approve of the opening of the Jingchu Di Tomb, then leave the token of opening the Di Tomb, and I will arrange for someone to open it.”

Li Mubai is not prepared to talk nonsense with these old guys.

Inviting these old guys here today is to give them face.

The matter of opening the Jingchu Mausoleum and discussing with them on the bright side will give enough face to these old guys. .

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