Chapter 224 Dragon group intervenes!

Now Xiang Nantian has not only completely changed his appearance, but also directly leads the dragon group on the bright side.

At this moment, Li Mubai’s subordinates did not find Yan Tiexin and Wen Yutao.

However, the Dragon Group had already mastered some basic information about the two of them.

Therefore, after the two successfully entered Jingchu, Long Er also showed up directly and began to contact Yan Tiexin.


At this moment, Wen Yutao snorted directly.

Although the other party is not like their enemy, since the enemy is unknown, the identity of the other party is very good.

Then simply kill Long Er directly.

“Second Junior Brother, don’t be impulsive.

When Wen Yutao smashed Long Er to death with a palm, Yan Tiexin also spoke immediately.

“what do you want to say in the end?”

Yan Tiexin’s patience is not very good.

At least for now, he no longer wants to sell “six or seven zeros” with this person on such meaningless things.

“What I want to say is that I know who your enemy is and can provide you with some help.

After Long Er finished speaking, Yan Tiexin’s complexion also changed slightly.

“You’d better show me the evidence that convinces me completely, otherwise at most one breath, I will ask you to move your head.”

After Long Er’s voice fell, Yan Tiexin was not excited, but a little angry.

“Evidence, of course there is.

Long Er dared to meet Yan Tiexin and Wen Yutao directly, so he was naturally well prepared.

These are some very obscure, even very vague photos and videos.

However, these data indicate.

The death of Wang Yin and the disappearance of Long Chen are inseparable from Li Mubai.

“Who is this guy?”

At this moment, Yan Tiexin and Wen Yutao are basically sure that Long Er’s identity is no problem, and the information he provided is also very useful.

“This person is the eldest of Jinghai Li’s family, Li Mubai.”

Long Er knew that this kind of thing could not be concealed.

Therefore, when Yan Tiexin and Wen Yutao asked, he also told the truth directly.

“So, it’s Jinghai Li’s family that got us right?’

Yan Tiexin’s complexion finally changed slightly this time.

Even if he was practicing as far away as Yunshan Xiaoyaomen, he had heard of Xia Guo’s Jinghai Li family.

In this way, we can know how terrifying influence the Jinghai Li family has in Xia and the world.

“If it is Jinghai Li’s family who wants to take action against a few of the Xiaoyaomen, then…

“What the two see now is not me, but the powerhouse of the Li family.’

“Although I don’t know why Long Chen and Wang Yin have a holiday with Master Li Mubai.”

“But all the evidence now shows that so far, this matter is only being done by Master Li Mubai, and the Jinghai Li family has neither supported nor opposed it.”

What Long Er said is strictly prohibited, which is also the style of Long Group.

As members of the Dragon Team, when they do things, they have never distinguished between big mistakes and small mistakes.

As long as there is a slight mistake, you will immediately fall into a situation where it will not be restored.

“Since we already know this information, what happens if we kill you to keep a secret now?”

Yan Tiexin thought for a moment, and then said to Long Er in a cold voice.

The appearance of Long Er made Yan Tie’s heart very unreliable and made him feel very passive.

I thought that the two had secretly sneaked into the land of Jingchu.

Never thought that their whereabouts would have been grasped by others a long time ago.

“It doesn’t make any sense for the two to kill me. I am already a dead person. After I die, another dead person will become me.

“The two enemies now should be Li Mubai of Jinghai Li’s family, not me.”

Neither Yan Tiexin nor Wen Yutao could understand what Long Er said.

However, the two still understood a little bit.

That is, now the enemy of Xiaoyaomen is Li Mubai and his party, not Long Er in front of him.

“In that case, I have one condition.

“That is our next time in Jingchu, and none of your people can pay attention to our whereabouts.

Yan Tiexin thought for a moment, but still didn’t take a shot at Long Er.

They are new here and don’t know anything about it.

Now that Long Er, a person who knows everything in Jingchu, cooperates, their next actions will undoubtedly be much more convenient.

“I can promise both of you about this.”

Now Long Yi has left Jingchu after completing the task.

All members of Jing Chu’s Dragon Group are now in charge.

Since Yan Tiexin had such a request, of course he could agree.

“However, if you two need my help, they can come to Xiangjia Teahouse to find me at any time.”

When Yan Tiexin and the two were about to leave the Xiangjia Teahouse, Long Er also spoke 0

Hearing this, Yan Tiexin and Wen Yutao didn’t say much.

Soon, the two also left the Xiangjia Teahouse directly, and finally disappeared completely in the vast crowd.

“Can they two make it?”

After Yan Tiexin left, another young figure walked out.

This person’s code name is Long San, and he is also a great master.

“do not know.”

“However, I didn’t expect this little Xiaoyao Sect to cultivate so many innate.”

“It seems that Qin Xiaoyao really has a way of cultivating martial artists.”

“We don’t need to pay attention to the movements of these two people.”

“However, Li Mubai’s every move must be closely watched.”

After Yan Tiexin and Wen Yutao left, the two of them seemed to have fallen to the sea.

There was no news of the two for the next five days.

At this time, even Long Er couldn’t help thinking, are Yan Tiexin and Wen Yutao scared?

Because they were too afraid of Jinghai Li’s family, so these two guys, now they fled directly?

The first villa of Jingchu, Tianyahai Pavilion.

Li Mubai was sitting leisurely on the recliner while drinking tea.

Not far from him, Li Yinfeng and Shang Jianfeng both looked tired.

“Master, will no one come over this time?

“Otherwise, after so many days, we would not have found nothing.”

Li Yinfeng rubbed his temples with a headache.

2.6 During this period of time, he and Shang Jianfeng have been tense, for fear of missing the fish that slipped through the net.

However, the two had been on duty for several days, and they still found out that some powerful warrior had entered the land of Jingchu.

“Either the other party really won’t come.”

“Either, I have already entered Jingchu.”

Li Mubai recalled the two at this moment, for this reason.

“Have you entered Jingchu long ago?”

Li Yinfeng was slightly surprised.

All entrances and exits of Jingchu are guarded by Li Family Martial Artists in the open and secretly.

As long as the other party is slightly suspicious, he will be spotted immediately.

Now if the other party has entered Jingchu, it seems impossible.

“Although both of these situations exist, I would rather believe that they exist than that they are not.”

“We must strengthen our guard during this period, especially the Tianya Haige Villa.”

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