Chapter 222 Kill Wang Yin in the wilderness!

With the end of Wang Yin’s last battle, today’s martial arts society has also come to an end.

After the martial arts meeting ended, Wang Yin left directly and very low-key.

Wang Yin turned a blind eye to the olive branches handed over by all parties.

However, after walking through the street for a certain distance, Wang Yin suddenly found that something was wrong!

Behind him, there was a tail following.

After this discovery, he immediately felt happy. These tails that followed him were most likely the people he wanted to find.

Of course, no matter whether the other party is or not, since following him behind, it is a plot against him.

At this time, Wang Yin didn’t hesitate, and went straight to the remote places in the suburbs.

After walking for a while, he also smiled on his face.

Because at this time, the tail that followed him still did not leave.

In this way, things can’t help but become interesting.

Jingchu was originally built on the mountain, and even most of the area is located in the city on the mountain.

In Jingchu, it couldn’t be easier to find a wilderness.

After arriving in a deserted suburb, Wang Yin also stopped directly.

“You followed me all the way, think about how to die or not?”

Wang Yin looked back at Li Yinfeng with cold eyes.


He just took a look, and he just got interested.

Li Yinfeng’s strength is already very close to the Great Master.

However, let alone Li Yinfeng’s strength, he was just close to the Great Master.

Even if he is a true master, what can he do?

“And you?”

When Wang Yin asked Li Yinfeng how to die, he never thought that someone not far away would actually ask him this question.

When Wang Yin looked back, he saw Li Mubai coming here calmly.

After seeing Li Mubai, Wang Yin frowned slightly.

The breath on Li Mubai’s body is very ordinary.

At first glance, Li Mubai looks like an ordinary person who has never practiced before.

Unfortunately, if you feel it carefully, Wang Yin will find out.

The aura on Li Mubai’s body is similar to that of the old man.

“So, Long Chen is in your hands?”

After seeing Li Mubai, Wang Yin finally understood.

Although he didn’t know how the other party discovered him, he still concluded that Long Chen was broken in Li Mubai’s hands.

“That’s all right, I ask you a question, and you answer it truthfully, and then I can also answer some of the (ahcg) questions you want to ask.”

Li Mubai stepped forward and said casually.

“Very well, it’s really fair.

“However, I need to ask first.

Wang Yin nodded, then looked at Li Mubai and said.


After Wang Yin finished speaking, Li Mubai also nodded directly.

No matter why Wang Yin is now, he probably won’t hide it.

Because a dying person will never reveal any secrets anyway!

“My brother Long Chen, in your hands?

At this time, Wang Yin directly reiterated the old saying.


Li Mubai nodded directly.

He has long known that Wang Yin and Long Chen are related, and now it seems that there is no problem with his judgment.

“Who do you learn from?”

At this moment Li Mubai also asked.

He didn’t worry about losing Wang Yin, because after Wang Yin’s identity was discovered by him, Wang Yin was already a dead person.

“You don’t deserve to know!

However, Wang Yin was obviously not prepared to abide by the agreement.

After Li Mubai asked, he did not answer the question directly.

So when his voice fell, Li Mubai had already made a decisive move.

Li Yinfeng knew that Li Mubai was very strong, and the information obtained from all aspects showed that.

The strength of the young master is at least the Great Master, or even above the Great Master!

However, at this time, Li Yinfeng suddenly discovered that he was wrong, and that his mistake was outrageous!

Li Mubai’s strength is more terrifying than he thought!

Wang Yin in the early innate period was directly suppressed by the young master at this moment!

Wang Yin’s fists shook, and on his two arms, there were waves of astonishing flames burning.

This kind of flame is completely transformed by inner strength, and its power is not weaker than that of an alcohol blowtorch.

As a result, at this time, Li Mubai directly volleyed down with a palm, and blasted Wang Yin out!

Fortunately, no one else saw this scene, otherwise it would definitely be scared!

Who would have thought that Li Mubai from Jinghai Li’s family is not only terrifying in identity, but also terrifying in strength!

“Innate Peak!”

Wang Yin was stunned at this moment, his whole person was simply horrified!

This Li Mubai is actually better than their master!

No wonder the younger brother would be planted in the hands of Li Mubai.

Let alone Long Chen and him, even if their master comes, I am afraid they are not Li Mubai’s opponents!

At this time, Wang Yin did not hesitate, and was about to flee in an instant.

“You can’t run away!”

Unfortunately, in front of Li Mubai, he has no right to escape at all.

The difference between the strength of the two was too great, even if Li Mubai just volleyed out, he directly knelt Wang Yin to the ground.

Immediately, Li Mubai’s figure flashed directly beside Wang Yin.

After this flash, he stood with his hand and did not continue to shoot.

At this time, Wang Yin’s body shook twice, and then fell directly into a pool of blood.

“Ding! You killed Wang Yin, an important supporting actor in the protagonist’s camp, and the villain’s value is +8000!”

After Wang Yin came to the end, Li Mubai also directly gained 8,000 villain points.

As his strength increases, as the difficulty of the script increases.

Now a supporting role in the protagonist camp has become extremely valuable.

Just like this Wang Yin, he was just an innate early supporting role. After beheading him, Li Mubai directly obtained a villain value of eight thousand!

“Master, this person is dead.

Li Yinfeng came over to check Wang Yin’s status at this moment, and then determined that this innate martial artist had already died!

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, Li Yinfeng would not even dare to believe that the innate strong would be so vulnerable.

In other words, in the hands of the innate powerhouse, even the same innate warriors can kill at will.

“Continue to dig deeper into his intelligence.”

After confessing to Li Yinfeng, Li Mubai also left directly.

“Yes, Master!”

Li Yinfeng did not dare to neglect, and immediately summoned people to deal with the matter.

On Yunshan among the continuous mountains, Mr. Xiaoyao and the other two disciples did not expect it.

After Long Chen lost contact, the third disciple Wang Yin also lost contact on the third day after entering Jingchu.

After discovering that Wang Yin had lost contact, Qin Xiaoyao suddenly smiled.


Qin Xiaoyao had no plans to be born after he had been pursuing a secluded life.

No matter how the outside world changes, Qin Xiaoyao is deaf!

But today, Qin Xiaoyao is angry!

Both Long Chen and Wang Yin have tokens that can show him.

Only the old guys who were his contemporaries were the ones who were able to take down his two disciples without knowing it.

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