Chapter 22 One hundred thousand villains, innate strength!

It’s Su Qingyue!

Li Mubai almost forgot about this woman!

Just now, Su Qingyue was also brought back by Murong Bing.

“What do you find me for?”

Li Mubai looked at Su Qingyue and asked.

“Shao Li, I want to ask you… can you save Ye Xuan…”

Su Qingyue gritted her teeth and spoke.

At this moment, she already knew that “Ye Xuan” was Ye Xuan!

It was her old classmate, the Ye Xuan who killed the Ye family five years ago!

Although I don’t know why Ye Xuan is still alive!

He was also very angry that Ye Xuan lied to her at first.

But now this situation does not allow her to be angry anymore.

Therefore, she still wanted to beg Li Mubai again to save Ye Xuan.

Although Ye Xuan’s “death” was the matter in the banquet hall, but in general it was also because she took Ye Xuan there.

Things started because of her.

If she doesn’t care, her conscience is overwhelmed.


“Why should I save him?”

Li Mubai asked interestingly.

“As long as you can save Ye Xuan, Shao Li, I…I am willing to…”

Su Qingyue gritted her teeth and spoke.

The next half sentence, but I can’t say it.

“What are you willing?”

Seeing this, Li Mubai couldn’t help but smile.

“I…whatever I do…I can…”

Su Qingyue lowered her head, her voice murmured like a mosquito.

“Anything you can do?”

“are you sure?”

Li Mubai’s voice became amusing.


Hear the joking in Li Mubai’s tone.

Su Qingyue gritted her teeth and hesitated for a while.

“Hehe, come to me if you think about it.”

Li Mubai smiled and glanced at her, and after throwing her a business card, he turned and left.

Just eaten Murong Bing, who has a 98-point appearance.

For the little white rabbit Su Qingyue, Li Mubai is not in a hurry at the moment.



After receiving Li Mubai’s news, Xia He happened to drive the car to pick him up.

“Back to the villa.”

After getting in the car, Li Mubai gave a faint call.

At the moment, Xia He drove back in the car.


Su Qingyue was stunned for a moment.

A question in my heart keeps repeating.

Who is Ye Xuan? Is it worth it?

after all.

Ye Xuan and her are just a classmate relationship.

Five years ago, she took many criticisms and risks to collect the dead bodies of Ye Xuan’s parents for burial.

It was because she felt that Ye Xuan was pitiful and couldn’t bear his parents’ corpse in the wilderness.

but now.

If you sacrifice yourself to save him.

Really, is it worth it…

Su Qingyue fell into self-contemplation…


“Master, the master already knows about you coming out alone.”

In the car.

Xia He, who was driving, said softly:

“Master said, this time there was no accident because the young master was lucky, but young master must never do this again in the future. After all, you are the future of the Li family, young master. You have a distinguished status and you must not make any mistakes…”

“Well, I got it.”

In the back seat, Li Mubai nodded lightly.

His eyes were placed on a small rock in his hand.

This stone.

It was the forbidden zone stone that was snatched from Ye Xuan.

Follow the description in the book.

Originally, Ye Xuan followed his master, mainly learning medicine and alchemy.

The real martial arts cultivation.

After returning to the city, he accidentally awakened this stone of the forbidden zone.

Got the guardian heritage inside.

Practice and rise step by step, and finally gallop in the city!

Simply put, there are many inheritances in this stone.

But Li Mubai now has a systematic existence, and he has no spare time to practice on his own.

And this stone can only fuse with Ye Xuan’s blood.

Li Mubai can’t use it even if he wants to use it himself.

Because once Ye Xuan’s blood drops on the stone, the stone will directly merge with Ye Xuan and cannot be separated.

At the moment, Li Mubai intends to smelt this stone directly.

Because there happens to be a function in the system, you can smelt some rare items to get villain value.

“System, scan this stone.”

Li Mubai said to the system in his mind.

“Ding! The scanning is successful, the Ye family ancestors inherited, the stone of the forbidden zone, smelted to get 100,000 villains!”

One hundred thousand villains!

Although Li Mubai knew that the value of this stone was not low, he did not expect that there would be so many.

This is worth five Murong Bing…


Li Mubai smiled slightly and said silently in his heart: “System, smelt!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for the successful smelting, and the villain’s value is increased by 100,000!”

“System, exchange innate strength!”

Seeing that the villain’s value is accounted for, Li Mubai immediately said again.

This 100,000 villain value, plus the previous 37,000, is more than 100,000!

In his capacity, nothing else is missing!

Only strength cultivation is what he needs!

The realm above Master Huajin is an innate real person!

Compared to Master Huajin’s energy release.

The peculiarities of congenital real people.

It is possible to fly through the sky and travel in the sky!

Three hundred years of Shouyuan!

“Ding! Consuming 120,000 villain points, the innate level strength has been successfully exchanged, and it is fusing for the host!”


New book hits the road, please take care of it! ! !

Seeking flowers! ! ! Evaluation vote! ! ! All kinds of requests are rolling all over the floor! ! ! I hope readers who like this book will support me a lot! ! !


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