Chapter 98 You have to line up to fight the protagonist (seeking subscription, fifth more)

Chapter 99 You have to line up to fight the protagonist (seeking subscription, fifth more)

There is still some time before the protagonist pretends, but the protagonist meets a strange person.

Xiao Feng.

Well, how do you say it, this copy of the entertainment industry, there is a villain, Xiao Feng is a male star, a popular Xiao Xian ~ meat.

If he didn’t deal with Ye Aotian, he always gave Ye Aotian a problem, playing big cards on the film-spot or something.

But, these are all small tricks, which can be regarded as indirect to help the protagonist pretend to be forced.

But what does this person come to do with himself?

In addition to people who should be contacted by Chen Fan, people who are generally unwilling to contact Chen Fan are too lazy to take care of them.

“Master Chen, hello, my name is Xiao Feng.

Chen Fan frowned and said, “What’s the matter?”

“It’s nothing, it’s just that I didn’t expect that the well-known Chen family’s grandson turned out to be you.”

“Oh, why do you think I am unworthy?”

Xiao Feng hurriedly explained, “No, no, I just thought, I didn’t expect to be able to meet you in this small place.

Chen Fan smiled and said: “Just explain your intentions. If you can’t make my heart beat, please come back, so I can have a good chat.”

Xiao Feng sneered and said, “I think we all have a common enemy. I am not happy with Ye Aotian. I think I can help you and deal with him…”

Chen Fan was stunned for a moment, then laughed presumptuously, and said, “To deal with Ye Aotian? Need your help? Do you know what you are in our eyes?”

Xiao Feng did not dare to answer.

“In the eyes of our capital, you are just goods. You have to figure out your status. What qualifications do you have to chat with me directly? You are on an equal footing with me? You are also worthy, and you don’t take a piss to take pictures of yourself. In the circle, male stars A lot, you can’t, a lot of people want to climb up and get fucked.”

Xiao Feng’s face was angry, but he didn’t show it, so he could only bite the bullet and leave.

The reason for this, Xiao Feng also understood Ye Aotian’s strength.

He manages all the night markets in Qincheng, not only that, he even said that the life extension soup that Qincheng is currently selling is also made by him.

, You know, in the circle, life extension soup is also extremely popular, this is really a good thing for prolonging life.

The more I understood, the more afraid I was, and even the Ling family stood behind Ye Aotian.

What’s ridiculous is that he actually did it against this person before.

Isn’t this dying? In this place, that is Ye Aotian’s strength, the only one who can compete is Chen Fan.

As a result, Chen Fan lost his mind after throwing Xiao Feng.

You look down on Laozi, right?

“Oh, Feifei, where are you going.”

Liu Feifei was taken aback for a moment, and said, “Don’t call me Feifei anymore. There are two Feifei on the set, and the other is Big Brother Feifei. You will be misunderstood like you. Call me my full name.”

After speaking, he ran away.

At this moment, Xiao Feng completely ignited his anger, f*ck, everyone looked down on Laozi, didn’t they?”


Talk to the assistant directly.

“At night, find someone.”

“do what?”

“Tie Liu Feifei to me, then send it to Chen Fan’s villa, and tell Ye Aotian that Laozi will watch these two men fight to death.


Xiao Feng sneered and looked at everyone, bullying Laozi? You all have to pay the price.

And when the incident came to six o’clock, the group of people expected by Chen Fan had already appeared.

More than a dozen people are holding things and arguing here. Obviously, they are here to collect the venue fee.

In fact, it’s not that we really charge venue fees. When making movies, most of them have been in contact with the government.

In many cases, these people who come to make trouble just think that celebrities have money and spend money to solve problems. To put it bluntly, they come here to ruin people.

The director was directly protected and said: “We have already given the money, why is there still someone to collect it?”You are giving to others, not to us. We want more.”

Ye Aotian stood up directly and said, “Who are you, don’t you know where this is?”

“What a cat or a dog, it’s so weird and beautiful. It’s probably the one who kneeled and licked the rich lady in charge.

You fucking want to die.

Ye Aotian rushed out directly, fighting with this group of people.

Because they are all ordinary gangsters, they are not so cruel.

But after all, I brought the guy.

However, Ye Aotian did indeed increase his strength a lot, and he broke the handle of the shovel with a fist. ,

Suddenly, a group of people didn’t know what to do.

At this moment, a person rushed out, and a stick was about to hit the back of Ye Aotian’s head.

Ye Aotian shook his head twice, then turned his head, looked at Ling Yuyan, and said, “Who is it, okay, it’s you, I have always felt that someone attacked me, for so many days, I have been wondering who it was. I didn’t expect that you voted yourself today. Caught the net?”

Damn, this guy has developed antibodies, this f*ck is outrageously good.

Why are you hitting, the back of this guy’s head can’t be hit?

Damn, you have to be cruel.

Ling Yuyan overlooked one thing, this Ye Aotian upgraded, damn it. Strength increased.

My previous strength doesn’t work anymore, f*ck, this guy, is the protagonist after all, the speed of this upgrade. It’s really fast.

Ye Aotian punched directly without saying a word.

Ling Yuyan began to avoid.

Suddenly, a stick hit Ye Aotian’s head directly.

Ye Aotian reached out and touched the back of his head.

Who the hell am I, why do I always like to attack Laozi from behind?

Looking back, looking at the two wearing masks.

Just about to speak, another stick hit his forehead directly.

Well, the force is very strong, the direct sticks are all f*ck, and they are broken.

Ye Aotian’s head was confused and fell directly to the ground.

The three women exchanged glances with each other and ran away.

All the people on the scene were left blinded.

How to deal with this?

What should I do with this f*ck?

“It’s better to call the police, call the police and deal with it.

The director said quickly, and asked everyone to send Ye Aotian to the hospital quickly, otherwise, the matter would be serious.

At this time, Chen Fan, who was sitting in the distance, looked confused.

Damn it, this can be regarded as the protagonist pretending to be forced, after all, he also bullied more than a dozen people.

The people around also exclaimed.

It should be counted.

Chen Fan sighed, this f*ck, where are these three weird things popping out from.

Ling Yuyan can still understand, but what the hell are the other two people?

Chen Fan got up and looked away.

At this time, on the stretcher, Ye Aotian slowly opened his eyes and looked at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan also looked at him.

Without saying anything, he pinched his waist directly with a look of pride.

It seems to be saying, don’t doubt, that Laozi asked someone to beat you. Absolutely, believe your instinct. Laozi did it. No, it’s not true. I’m not sure about this pot, and it won’t work if Jesus comes.

Ye Aotian was taken away, while Cao Zijin was very happy to watch.

“Husband, tell me, who did the fight?

“I don’t know, no matter who it is, I am in a good mood, are you still filming?”

“How are you filming? Going home, I’m going to have hot pot tonight,

You eat shit, you eat hot pot, day by day, thinking a lot, this hasn’t been in the door, so you start to ask for this?

But forget it, after all, my mother’s task.

“Well, let’s prepare when you go back. Since you are not filming, let’s go.”

In the car, Chen Fan looked out the window in a daze. Cao Zijin said: “Husband, look, you are on fire. Many people are asking who you are.|

“You want to kill me.”

Wow, husband, you are so smart, how do you know.

Chen Fan looked at it for a while, and didn’t bother to talk to this woman. Seriously, if it weren’t for the plot, Chen Fan wouldn’t have much contact with this woman.

I can’t understand it at all, and, at any time, it always makes you puzzled.

It is too dangerous for a woman like this to be around.

However, there are indeed other things at night. Chen Fan needs to go home. According to calculations, it is time for the protagonist and himself to appear in the evening.

At that time, you have to think about how to deal with the protagonist.

No, how to let the protagonist beat him, how to show his strength, this can cause the heroine to shock.

And Chen Fan looked at Cao Zijin next to him, and said, “I ask you something.

“You said, husband.”

“It’s very simple, if I do bad things, what do you do?”

“I will help you too, we are a husband and wife, that’s for sure.”

“Well, I like this answer. In the future, you can tell me about the Cao family. I will help you, but you must help me.”

Cao Zijin said: “That’s for sure, don’t worry, marry a chicken as a chicken, and a dog as a dog. Since I choose to marry you, that’s yours.”

“Oh, isn’t it? Or, the bridal chamber first?”

Cao Zijin looked out the window and said, “Husband, look, the scenery outside the window is really good, isn’t it? I feel that the scenery in Qincheng is really good, it’s amazing.”

Ha ha.

Chen Fan sneered, you are also scared.

In fact, from beginning to end, Chen Fan would not believe that Cao Zijin liked him, but Chen Fan would believe that Zhu Yeqing loved him.

Just how long and when, Chen Fan didn’t know.

It may be good to be confused sometimes.

Back at home, Zhu Yeqing, who recovered his spirits, prepared dinner for the two of them.

And specially opened a red wine. ,

Hot pot can match anything.

For Chen Fan, the compulsion of life is a must.

At the dinner table, Cao Zijin ate two bites, put down his chopsticks and said, “Chen Fan, take you seriously.”

No joking, but serious. Chen Fan knew that she was going to talk business.

“I am the daughter of Xiaosan, so you should understand my situation.”

“Naturally know, let’s talk about it, what needs to be done.

Cao Zijin said: “It’s nothing, I just want to figure out one thing, why, my mother, will be kicked out, but in the end my family asked me to come back, but if I want to know the answer to this matter, I think it must be When I became the Patriarch of the Cao family.”

…Seeking flowers 0……

Chen Fan was stunned for a moment and said, “Are you sure? Are you planning to completely ban the Cao family?”

“Yes, but I won’t let the Cao family get rid of the roots. It’s just that it’s me who is responsible for this. If I die, I hope that the Cao family’s words will be my brother’s child. I can’t kill the Cao family. Give it to the Chen family.”

Chen Fan asked Zhu Yeqing to pick up some dishes for himself.

Then he lowered his head and ate.

This f*ck is wrong. In my impression, you fucking shouldn’t talk to Laozi about this.

What you should say is, nothing is pictured, it is hidden, you said it directly, how can I play?

Could it be that Laozi has a big deal with you, am I the villain?

“I know it’s hard for you to accept, but this is what I say in my heart.”Chen Fan looked up and said, “Where is the Chen family?”

“I will help you to carry forward the Chen family, and I believe that I have this strength, Jin Lan, I know you are afraid of Jin Lan, as long as you want, I will do another way to completely ruin her.”

Chen Fan put down his chopsticks and said, “I told you, I will handle my affairs myself.,

Cao Zijin knew that he had affected the plot.

Indeed, she probably guessed that the development of her story should be hidden, and then replaced step by step.

However, now that she knows the plot, she has a feeling of regret.

She doesn’t think so much, it’s like this, and, Chen Fan, she feels that she is a very nice person and is worth entrusting for life.

Cao Zijin chooses a spouse very simply. Unlike most women, she never believes in intuition.

She likes to talk about the data, which is the so-called condition.

Capable and responsible, the appearance must be decent, and the body also needs to be strong and strong. These Chen Fans are all in line.

Most importantly, I don’t particularly hate myself.

This is very difficult.

At first glance, she didn’t feel anything. She herself was a very sensible person, and Chen Fan alone, in her understanding of him, believed that Chen Fan was the person who best met her requirements.

“Naturally, I know. I just expressed my own thoughts. I will support your husband’s decision. Don’t worry.

Chen Fan breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Well, that’s all right.”

In fact, this sentence means that as long as it does not disrupt the development of the plot.

If it destroys the development of the plot, Chen Fan really can’t accept it.

Moreover, in the follow-up, Cao Zijin really needs to take a shot alone, and Chen Fan watched this shot from the side.

In the middle and late plots, Chen Fan gradually became invisible, and most of them were Cao Zijin alone against Ye Aotian.

At the end, he is dead.

After all, urban novels and appendixes are also normal.

In the end, the Chen family was indeed shattered, because the person in power became Cao Zijin.

Chen Fan’s parents couldn’t accept it. Chen Fan arranged to go to the elderly. Chen Fan himself went to death generously.

But at the moment, it is not time for her to deal with the protagonist, she needs to deal with it, although every time it is a gift, Chen Fan must also deal with it.

Otherwise, how could the protagonist grow up.

You, a villain with a full level, shoot directly, and the protagonist must not be pinched to death by you.

It is only possible for the protagonist to grow up.

“Then cheers, I think since I have reached an agreement, I am still willing to grow old with you.

Chen Fan nodded.

Have a drink with Cao Zijin.

Chen Fan actually overlooked one thing. Women choose their spouses, although most of them are based on feelings, but they are based on conditions, and they also exist, but rarely.

But often this type of woman only needs to fall in love with one person, that is, she really falls in love and likes it from the bottom of her heart.

For Cao Zijin, there is no betrayal in love under absolute sensibility.

Chen Fan himself believes that Cao Zijin dealt with Ye Aotian in the later period because of the scandal or something.

In fact, these are Chen Fan’s own thoughts. The real result is that Chen Fan lost and the wife wanted to find a place for Chen Fan.

It is a pity that when the author describes it, it always revolves around the protagonist, and all women must have a connection with the protagonist or something.

All women must see the protagonist and they have to like it.

This is also the core of the urban harem text. ,

After taking a few big mouthfuls, Cao Zijin lay directly on the table and said, ‘I’m drunk too much, it’s dysfunctional, I’m going to sleep. ‘

Chen Fan was stunned for a moment.

Chen Fan is mainly worried that the kidnapping at night will cause unnecessary things to Cao Zijin.

It affects the development of the plot, but since she took the initiative to sleep, everything is simple.

Protagonist, don’t be ashamed, really.

ps: Please subscribe, follow up, thank you all.


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