Chapter 81 Forgot to write the story of cerebral palsy (seeking subscription, sixth more)

Chapter 82 The Cerebral Palsy Story That I Forgot to Write (for subscription, sixth more)

The teacher talked about the medicinal properties of basic medicinal materials in class, and asked what can be put together and what should not be put together.

The rest is free activities.

The theme of this issue is about the promotion of medicinal properties of medicinal materials.

Different medicinal materials can cause different reactions when put together.

And Chen Fan’s task today is actually a rough calculation, it seems quite simple.

Need to be slapped, this is the first one. Only in this way can the protagonist’s cow be highlighted.

However, Chen Fan thought of a series of plots, which seemed to happen on campus.

Damn, remember what it is, hahaha. ,

“why are you laughing?”

“It’s nothing, it’s just a funny thing that comes to mind suddenly.”

Fun things?

This guy, did he forget to write in his diary?

Forget it, don’t worry, let’s take a look, when the diary will be updated.

Chen Fan, on the other hand, gave full play to what is called a waste villain. He did not do anything at all, but played with his mobile phone on the sidelines.

Obviously, Chen Fan had no interest in this campus copy, or that his father asked him to know people.

With this time, it is better to write a diary with peace of mind.

[I remember, what fun things will happen today, I just remembered it in my mind. 】

Sure enough, early in the morning, several heroines felt something was wrong, because Chen Fan’s diary was too little.

Actually, I don’t blame Chen Fan, because he didn’t think of it at all. After all, it’s other people’s plots, and Chen Fan really rarely cares about it.

Seeing Mu Jinli always felt that he had forgotten something, it suddenly came to mind here. ,

[The prescription needs to be forced, but the fun thing is that this life-renewing soup caused shock to the school. 】

[Then the actor got an apology from the heroine, poor Mu Jinli, this story is really, set for you, it is really not a dog to take a look. 】

[The most outrageous thing is that Ye Aotian said it was okay. Mu Jinli felt overwhelmed and insisted on inviting the protagonist to watch the school’s drama club. 】

[Puppy, hahaha, I think of it, it’s fun, I think of it, the play shows the story of the seven dwarfs, and then, the heroine and the hero are not there, only the seven dwarfs. 】

[Then there was a romantic drama performance. 】

[Hahahahaha, I have to go to the theatre, I am sorry if I don’t watch the theatre. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully uploading the diary and getting a special reward, Hand of God. 】

What the hell?

hand of God?

[God’s Hand: When you touch any object or person, you can immediately notice the weakness of the opponent. 】


Is this thing useful?

Chen Fan looked at Mu Jinli next to him and put his hand directly on her shoulder.

Mu Jinli said, “What’s wrong?”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, by the way, are you unaccustomed to others scratching your ears?”

“Yes, how did you know? When someone grabs my ear, I feel a little uncomfortable, and I have no strength. Don’t go out and talk nonsense.”

“Well, I won’t.”

Damn, I know the usefulness of this hapless God’s hand.

To put it bluntly, if the opponent is holding a weapon to assassinate him, as long as he holds it, he knows the weakness of the weapon, and he can easily break it off.

However, this thing, that is occasionally useful, is estimated to be useful in the later stage. In the later stage, the force value exploded and a group of cold weapons appeared. Those things were very scary.

When it’s critical, help is still possible.

Although so far, Chen Fan does not know who can break his defense.Forget it, it’s better than nothing.

Chen Fan looked at the medicinal materials on the table and then at the teacher. If he didn’t pour out something to spare, he might not be able to pass this level.

What on earth do you get? Is it a high-level recipe for Sustaining Life Soup?

That thing is achievable for Chen Fan, and even said that Angong Niuhuang Wan, Chen Fan is not difficult to do, this thing is not very difficult for him. ,

You must know the techniques of Huangdi Neijing, and the medicines contained in it are the oldest ones in ancient times.

The setting of the novel world, the more ancient, the more powerful.

Of course, this is not the case in reality.

If it is too high-end, Chen Fan also feels that it is not very good. Too high-end seems to affect the performance of the protagonist.

Damn, sometimes it’s not very good to know too much.

Chen Fan looked at the medicinal materials in front of him and recalled that it seemed that the formula studied by Lang Qingfeng was a traditional Chinese medicine decoction, which was used to fight the cold. The efficacy was a little better, but the cost would be reduced, and the harm to people would also be reduced. .

It’s a very good thing. If the protagonist does not appear, this prescription can be exchanged for money.

It’s a pity that I met such a protagonist.

But Chen Fan is unlikely to study that thing, that thing, Chen Fan is worried that he can’t control it well, so he can directly research out the special medicine, then it will be messed up.

I grabbed a few medicines at random, pondered for a while, found a few more, and threw them directly in.

It started to catch fire.

“You can’t put them like this. Putting these two together is poisonous. You will be scolded if you are like this.”

“What’s the matter? It’s not really for people to drink. Just leave this thing and just sigh.”

“Aren’t you fooling around? Stop quickly, it’s a waste.

“I won’t, I’m listening to you?”

Just kidding, have you ever seen a villain who can listen to suggestions?

If you can listen to suggestions, then you are not a villain.

If you had to say that, Laozi would throw two or three more things in it.

The mess is over.

Seeing Chen Fan’s random operation, Ling Yuyan knew that she couldn’t count on this guy. She believed very much. Chen Fan said that she could do medicine, and that was true.

After all, anyone who has nothing to write a diary and lie is too much.

It’s just that she thought Chen Fan would rub the protagonist’s prestige, but she still miscalculated Chen Fan’s persistence.

This guy, in order to continue to understand this story, it really does everything.

What about myself?

Looking at Ye Aotian, he skillfully put in a few medicinal materials, and he could only bite the bullet and said, “These medicinal materials are wrong, you can’t put them like this.”

“I think this is right.

“This is not right.

“But it says in the book that these medicines can be mixed together.”

‘I’m afraid that I’m not going to work, and I’m not going to work. If I don’t listen to me, I don’t care.

Let’s just start playing tricks, anyway, Ling Yuyan doesn’t have as high an IQ as others, and she knows how yin people are, all she can think of is to be stubborn.

It’s a pity that Ling Yuyan’s snarling has no effect. ;

Because the damn protagonist is very persistent.

After a while, the smell of medicine began to permeate the room. ;

Chen Fan keenly discovered the contents of Ye Aotian’s medicinal materials.

Obviously, he succeeded, and he was even more successful than described in the novel. This medicine should be very effective.

Gao Zifeng also felt that the taste was a bit familiar, but he couldn’t remember what it was.

Then Ye Aotian opened the jar, got some medicine dregs out of it, and then tasted it.

Good guy, really an old Chinese doctor, really ruthless, just try the medicine yourself.

“This is the Angong Niuhuang Pill series? No, this one is better than that.”

“I named him Suiming Tang.”


Chen Fan gave the protagonist a thumbs up silently in his heart, but the ridicule still needs to continue, and said: “Just you, can you still get the life extension soup? I heard that the life extension soup has been lost.

Everyone looked at Ye Aotian.

Ye Aotian said: “Isn’t it, it will be useful then, then I don’t know what you got out?”

Chen Fan happily opened his jar and said, “That’s it.

Everyone looked at a piece of paste, and Po Pi laughed out loud.

Laugh, you guys don’t laugh Laozi, this is not right, this paragraph, all you need is your ridicule, in this way, オ can highlight the protagonist’s awesomeness.

Otherwise, what is the meaning of existence as a villain?

“Laughing, I am a magic drug, what do you know, a group of short-sighted people, you say, Mu Jinli, you say, is this a good drug after all.”

“Well, it’s really not. I can speak for you, but I can’t do it against professional knowledge.,

Gao Zifeng came over, smelled it carefully, and said nothing.

I came to Ye Aotian from the beginning and said: “Today, you have witnessed a piece of history, life-saving soup. From now on, from our school, you may not be able to understand what the life-saving soup is. Let’s put it this way. If it is detected that it is cancer and you can only live for two years, then the life extension soup will allow you to live for two more years.”

Damn it, you can understand it in an instant.

Ye Aotian looked at Mu Jinli proudly, and then at Ling Yuyan.

Praise me, praise me, applaud, applaud, I am the son of destiny, what is a genius?

“Okay, the bell is ringing after class, everyone, let’s leave get out of class, Ye Aotian, you write down the formula, and then give it to the principal. I think the principal will help you apply.”,

“Thank you, teacher.”

Ling Yuyan looked at Ye Aotian’s leaving figure and sighed helplessly. Sure enough, she still couldn’t stop the protagonist from acting.

Gao Zifeng came to Chen Fan and said, “Your medicine, do you dare to take it by yourself?”

“Why should I eat? My life is very precious.”

Mu Jinli said: “Sorry, teacher, I didn’t watch it. I wasted so many medicinal materials. I’m sorry, teacher, I will pay for the money.

Gao Zifeng shook his head and said, “This is not necessary. This medicine is indeed not for taking.

Not for eating?

Chen Fan felt something wrong in a moment, and he wished to give himself two hands now, really owed hands, really owed hands, and so on, it was the hand of God.

The hand of God can not only see the shortcomings of everything, but also the advantages.

Unknowingly, he really got something out. Chen Fan pondered it carefully, and he probably knew what this thing was for.

Not to mention, this thing is really better than Ye Aotian’s, and more effective than that.

“Chen Fan, I remember correctly, your company is a medical company. This thing is not suitable for your company.”

Chen Fan froze for a moment and said, “Teacher, what is this?”

“How should I put it, this is in conflict with the hospital, so this can’t be passed by the Drug Administration. If it passes, it will be messed up.,

Messed up?

Mu Jinli was a little shocked, and said, “This is?”

“This is very simple. Men like it and women like it. To make a simple analogy, where do women want to be older?”

Ling Yuyan and Mu Jinli are a bit naive.

I didn’t think of it for a while, Chen Fan said: “I know, it’s naizi.

Accompany, you guy is really a villain, how can you say it in such a vulgar word?

Ling Yuyan said, “. “Then this man used it?”

“It will also change, and it will become bigger, but men and women are not the same. There will be more girls, and there will be fewer boys, but it also has an effect. I know why I said it conflicted with the medical system. ”

Oh shit.

That’s really awesome.

Chen Fan chuckled and said, “How about, know that I am awesome, haha, let you guys laugh at me.”

Gao Zifeng said, “Do you remember the recipe?”

Of course I remember, but Chen Fan would not say that.

“I don’t remember, I just threw it away.”

Gao Zifeng said helplessly: “Let’s forget it, in fact, I am also curious, how did you lose the medicinal materials, you actually got it out. This is a problem that plagues many people.”

You need to control it.However, Chen Fan felt that this formula had to be kept for himself, but could not be used casually. When the prescription was used for the first time, Chen Fan remembered that the plot was almost messed up at that time.

So this time, this recipe, just keep it, if your relatives need it, you can give it a little bit, and the rest will not give it.

Chen Fan looked at the two women next to him, then looked at Gao Zifeng’s eyes.

Sure enough, all men and women look the same in the world.

Please, Laozi is the villain, don’t look at me like that, it’s useless.

Gao Zifeng had no hope anymore and turned and left.

Only two women were left.

Ling Yuyan said: “Give me points, Chen Fan, give me some good things in this jar.

“You are not young, why bother? Be a man.”

, “No, no, you must give me some points, otherwise I will pursue you every day.”

After thinking for a long time, Ling Yuyan thought of such a threatening method.

Chen Fan frowned and handed the jar directly to her, saying, “Take it.”

Chen Fan looked at Mu Jinli and said, “Why don’t you?”

“The internal strength that my mother passed to me can be practiced for a long time. It will grow and regulate by itself, and it will not hang down.”

“Pass it to me, Master, Master, and be worshipped by the disciple.”

Mu Jinli smiled and said: “Impossible, I will not pass it to people who are not right in their minds.


Mu Jinli looked at Chen Fan and said, “By the way, I apologize to you, sorry, I was fooling around before and almost ruined the birth of a great drug (Has Zhao).”

“That’s okay, why do you want to make up for me.”

Bah, Chen Fan almost gave himself a mouthful.

What a damn thing I owe, how boring, what do you say this.

Isn’t this dying?

“How about we go to the drama club to watch a drama in the evening?”

Watching a drama?

Damn, why did the story go around and come to me? Wait, the drama club in the evening, it seems that the protagonist and heroine are not present in the drama performance, and then Mu Jinli and Ye Aotian are on the stage together.

Later, Lang Qingfeng watched from the audience, raging, looking for someone to fight Ye Aotian.

Then Ye Aotian taught him a lesson.

He fiercely pretended to be forced.

Now, it seems that everything seems to be in order.

I don’t know whether Ye Aotian will come at night.

It should be. If the world revises, Ye Aotian will definitely be revised.

“Okay, see you tonight.”

And here, Ling Yuyan thought about it, squirting, interesting, and there was a good show to watch in the evening.

Looking at the contents of the jar, Ling Yuyan laughed happily. He had to take this thing back and use it well.

This is a baby, you can’t just waste it like that.

Wait a minute, since Chen Fan helped himself, he should also help Chen Fan.

Then he picked up the phone and called Ye Aotian.

“whats the matter?”

“Ye Aotian went to the drama with Mu Jinli in the evening. It seems that Mu Jinli is reluctant. Don’t say I didn’t help you. I helped you this time. If you save me, you will give him a small report to our family.”

“Thank you, I will invite you to dinner later.

‘I have money, I don’t need it, goodbye.

Chen Fan, sister, but helped you smooth the plot.

Anyway, it is Mu Jinli who is disgusting, not me, happy.

Sure enough, our two horoscopes did not match.

ps: Please support, thank you, thank you all, please read more.

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