Chapter 6 This reward? You are not right (seeking support, sixth more)

The sixth chapter is normal, I am afraid (seeking support, sixth)

Chen Fan, who listened to the music in Goulan, ended his busy day and returned to his home, lying down comfortably.

Come to a piece of music, and take out the meals that the aunt made before.

Make some beer, fold your legs, and enjoy the life that doesn’t require acting.

For now, things have not developed to the point where Chen Fan can’t control it, and Chen Fan is also happy to enjoy such a life.

Although Lin Qingyue looked for herself, Chen Fan was a little uncomfortable, but she was out of the scene and didn’t need to work overtime.

Besides, which book would be boring to describe the dialogue between the heroine and the villain?

They all take the protagonist as the first point of view.

At this time, Ye Aotian returned to the rental house.

As for why the house is rented out, Chen Fan doesn’t understand. The heroes of the novel seem to be like this.

Then you have to have a beautiful landlord or something, no matter what, you have to have a pretty widow, right?

The return of the God of War is very awesome, and it has both.

In the room, Ye Aotian simply bandaged the wound, took out the computer, and sent a message to his hand.

As an underground world, the mysterious Dragon King naturally has his own power and subordinates.

“On the 7th, I have already returned to China. What happened to the things I asked you to investigate?”

“It’s still investigating, and it has achieved some results. The orphanage you lived in was demolished later.”

“Forced? In other words, the death of the dean has something to do with those forcibly demolished?”

“It’s very possible, but it’s just a suspicion. It’s still under investigation. By the way, how about you?”

Ye Aotian sneered and gave a wicked look.

“Nothing. I just met an interesting person. By the way, help me investigate a person, called Lin Qingyue.”

Lin Qingyue?

“Lin Qingyue of Qincheng?”

“you know?”

The number seven on the other side of the computer paused for a long time, looking at the diary in his hand, unavoidably lost in thought.

This is real?

Still fake?

“I don’t know, I just heard that the Lin family’s real estate is still very good in Qincheng. Do you need to investigate her?”

“Well, I think this person is very good, very suitable to be my woman.”


Number 7 was silent for a long time, resisting the nausea, and casually sent the information to Ye Aotian.

“This is the information you need.”

“Thanks, yes, number seven, are you a man and a woman? How about meeting when you have time?”


Do you think women want to be crazy? Wouldn’t you spend money to go out and find it yourself?

No.7 said helplessly: “If you have something, don’t say anything, goodbye.”

The message is closed.

Looking at the diary at this time, the seventh is the most daunting at this time.

Ye Aotian is considered one of her clients. She is a hacker genius herself. Relying on the reselling news, she made a lot of money and gained status.

It is normal to come into contact with the Dragon King.

But for her career, she must understand that she can’t have emotional stories with any clients.

She saw the diary. There is not much in the diary, but there is a lot of news that can be obtained.

Ye Aotian may be the protagonist, and Chen Fan is the traveler.

Lin Qingyue and Jin Lan may be the protagonists. No, Lin Qingyue may be the protagonists.

He hasn’t appeared yet.

Damn, are you one of the heroines or the passersby?

I f*ck.

The moving diary keeps the hacker’s No. 7 always paying attention to Qincheng’s big and small things.

The divorce was not a big deal, and it didn’t cause much disturbance, but still let the number seven check it a little bit.

On the 7th, I tried to call Chen Fan, but the phone number was correct, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get through.

The empty number is displayed.

Is it the choice of the world line or how?

What would happen if he killed Ye Aotian?

It’s messy.

No. 7 simply doesn’t want to. Since there is no way to resist, let it be. In fact, No. 7 is also curious. If it is really straightforward in the novel, what role is he?

Why should I give a female number two?

A new day is coming soon.

Chen Fan, who got up early in the morning, recalled the story of the novel.

According to the plot, Ye Aotian should be investigating the orphanage, and then confronted several people from the demolition company.

Then, because of the existence of these small characters, a little bit of provoke the big ones.

Then the contradiction gradually escalated.

Today, there is no role of its own.

In other words, I can go to work and enjoy life with peace of mind.

Okay, no need to kneel and lick the hostess, it’s really comfortable.

After finishing the clothes and dressing up, I went directly to the company;.

Most civil servants work like this, clocking in to work every day, salting fish, messing around, and waiting to get off work.

When I arrived in the class and found that there were no people, Chen Fan turned on the computer and started writing today’s diary.

[July 8th, sunny, shit, I feel like writing stories in elementary school. 】

[Jin Lan didn’t know what to wear today, I was a little bit looking forward to it, but yesterday I was scared to death. I thought she was in her second spring. 】

[Lin Qingyue is a stupid, she continues to scold her today, damn, she won’t sleep in the middle of the night, so she called herself. 】

[What are you talking about looking for me, you are the heroine, you look for the male protagonist, why are you looking for me? 】

[It doesn’t matter, I don’t have my role today. It is estimated that the protagonist is ambiguous with the landlady and the pretty widow at this time. This book is not pornographic, it is outrageous, damn it. 】

Feel free to write something and get the reward.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully uploading the diary, earning +600000 money, and strengthening your waist. 】

This reward makes me feel embarrassed.

Dog system, question me, do you suspect my kidney deficiency?

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the recipe, the key to desire. 】

[Key to Desire: When people are middle-aged, their desires and energy are reduced, and naturally they need supplements. The work you are engaged in is mostly dealing with middle-aged and elderly people. Perhaps, there are unexpected miraculous effects. 】

Isn’t this fucking the old man Happy Pill?

I accompany the leader for dinner and gave the specially made king eight soup a taste.

Looking at Jin Lan who hadn’t come yet, Chen Fan couldn’t help but laughed.


ps: Please support, thank you all, please give me more votes to support the flowers.


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