Chapter 59 Isn’t this smooth? (seeking subscription, third update)

Chapter 59 Isn’t this just going smoothly? (seeking support, eighth more)

Chen Fan looked at Jin Lan. At this time Chen Fan felt that he was guilty. Really, he deeply felt that he was a sinner.

I need to review myself, Jin Lan is really thinking about the protagonist.

What is the pattern, what is the plot, this is the real plot ~ plot.

Chen Fan needs to be slapped in the face, but the emergence of variables has made this slapped face, but it has not been realized. Although William admitted that he and Ye Aotian are good friends, the appearance of Anna broke this balance.

Anna said that she knew Chen Fan first, that is to say, now Chen Fan and Ye Aotian belong to the stage of a tie.

If the face slap is not completed, then the plot is wrong.

What Chen Fan hopes is that there will be an error in the bidding, that is, if his bid fails, then the protagonist will go to the rescue.

However, the protagonist also made a mistake when he was treating that person. At that time, Chen Fan appeared.

That was the second face slap.

Chen Fan laughed at the protagonist, and then the protagonist tried to turn the tide, in the shock of countless people, took away the promise of the William family.

But now the plot is the owner, because this bidding won’t work for anyone.

Suddenly, there is no way to tell.

Anna did not appear, the bidding must be the protagonist, but when Anna appeared, the bidding was a bit confused.

But Jin Lan’s meaning is very simple, double dislike, to be on the safe side, whoever is rescued at that time will get a reward.

This f*ck, this face slap is definitely better.

Although the plot is a bit worse, the result is the same.

Chen Fan must be quite happy.

“Hmph, treat with this person, I am worried, he has something wrong, my side is in the treatment, then I will be too helpless.”

Ye Aotian looked at Chen Fan and said, “Then I hope Young Master Chen, don’t lose face by then, I don’t know, what level are the three old Chinese doctors in your family, and can they still see symptoms?”

“What do you mean?”

Ye Aotian didn’t confuse him directly. He looked at Chen Fan and said, “What do I mean, I don’t need you to say anything. Without home, what are you?”

“Oh, it’s interesting and interesting. Just got some strength, it just swelled like that? I want you to see what is the strength of the family.

The two sides are at war with each other, and they have no idea of ​​letting up.

At this time, watching the lively heroines is completely indifferent.

Because they think it’s very interesting, more of them, they are appreciating Chen Fan’s acting skills.

As for Ye Aotian, what about the protagonist? If you don’t feel it, you don’t feel it. In contrast, Chen Fan is even better.

William said: “Now that it is said, the housekeeper is currently being secured in a hospital in Qincheng. I think the two of you should be able to give a plan today or tomorrow.”

Whoops fucking, it scares me to death.

Chen Fan was shocked. He thought he would change the map soon, but he didn’t expect it to be transported.

That’s pretty good.

In fact, changing maps is a very common thing in urban novels, but it will take a long time.

It’s all very far away.

Each returned to his place.

The salon has officially started.

Ye Aotian and William played with a few women.

And Chen Fan did not go to Lin Qingyue, but found a place to drink.

“Brother Chen.”

A boy ran over and offered to toast Chen Fan.

“You are?

“My father is Zheng Qiang.”

Hey, Zheng Qiang is really able to resist. Li Long is dead over there. Zheng Qiang hasn’t been annexed. But thinking about the plot, it’s fast too.

In this period, Chen Fan didn’t mix it up. At present, Chen Fan just wants to go down the plot, as long as he doesn’t mix things up, don’t care about it.

“Let your father converge recently. That’s all I can say, Jin Lan, it seems that your father is about to be operated on.

“Shao Chen, do you think

|”I have no interest in your family’s industry. I have no idea of ​​cooperation. I want to cooperate with me. Your Zheng family is still close.”

The man left lonely.

He was actually more worried than his father.

Chen Fan looked at the boy in front of him, you know, this person is extraordinary.

He is proficient in finance and likes to trade stocks. If there is an accident at home, he will not be called back.

Belongs to top students.

He once became Ye Aotian’s right-hand man.

Zheng Shaoyang.

It can be regarded as a potential stock.

After success, my father’s stall was preserved, so that the family can live a relatively happy life.

Of course, it was also forced by Chen Fan.

This conversation was actually mentioned later, why Zheng Shaoyang would break his arm and take the initiative to seek refuge in Ye Aotian.

It was Chen Fan who looked down on him.

Look at how dedicated this villain is. Such talents are offered to the protagonist. This f*ck, if you still can’t kill Laozi in the end.

, Laozi really looks down on you.

Really, I’m so worried.

Ye Aotian looked at Lin Qingyue who was drinking and took the initiative to step forward.

“Are you alone?”

This time Lin Qingyue completely ignored Ye Aotian, but turned around and left.

My mother didn’t say anything this time, let me see what you can do.

Chen Fan looked at Lin Qingyue, who was walking towards him. Without a word, he got up and ran towards the toilet.

What are you looking for Laozi for, Laozi has nothing to do with you,

Then just when Chen Fan wanted to run, Anna blocked Chen Fan.

“where are you going?”

“I am anxious to go to the toilet.”

“Lin Qingyue came to you, why are you leaving.”

“She didn’t come to me. I always knew that she would not like me. She was just afraid of my house. The closer I approached me, the more nauseous I was. I was so active, but I couldn’t touch her heart. ”

Anna froze in place, fucking, your logic, endless loop.


You are there, no wonder you can smooth the plot.

Anna looked at Jin Lan in the distance, thought for a moment, and took the initiative to come to Jin Lan’s side.

“Hello, get to know, my name is Anna.”

“Jin Lan.”

“Many people say that you are very smart, and I have questions to ask you.”

“Well, you said.

“If I don’t want to marry someone, what should I do?’

Jin Lan hadn’t spoken yet, at this moment Ye Aotian sat over.

You see, isn’t this the answer?

“Yes, yes, what are your plans? Why do you want to contact the Grand Duke?”

“Anna’s arrival, I think, this woman can use it, if I create a scorpion, about Ye Aotian and Anna, I think the Grand Duke will be happy to help me deal with this person.”

Chen Tianqiang was stunned for a moment, and then praised: “You have improved. I am very pleased that you have learned how to kill with a knife. That’s good, not bad.

“That’s what you learned from your father.”

“Don’t say these are useless, what are you going to do?”

…Seeking flowers 0…

Chen Fan thought for a while and said, “I think it’s all you need to take a picture of the conversation, because of the rumors, you still need to see and hear the rumors’ own thoughts.”

Chen Tianqiang is no longer surprised this time, but shocked.His son, this is a resuscitation, so awesome?

Chen Tianqiang used this method at the beginning, and there was a man competing with him for the post.

Chen Tianqiang also created rumors, saying that this man had a story with a woman in the unit.

This rumor is naturally false, but it is not important, because the rumor has been exposed, it is indeed false, but the person at the post is gone.

Unexpectedly, his son could still comprehend this level.”Give me the picture and I will send it over.”

Chen Fan took a random shot, and the photo was posted by Chen Tianqiang.

Soon, overseas, a man was about to go to rest and sleep. When the phone rang, he was also taken aback.

This is my personal number. People who are familiar rarely call at night.

When I knew it was the Chen family, my temper was not much. The Chen family in China had heard of it.

Photos, messages, made Rose stand up.

The photo is very simple, but Ye Aotian took the initiative to chat with Anna.

Nothing else, but this photo, plus this rumor, made Rose a little uncomfortable.

“Thank you, thank you for telling me, I will take care of it myself.

Rose is very confident. He firmly believes that if his fiancée had been contacted by the Chen family first, the Chen family would definitely not be able to touch it. ,

But what about others?

Rose picked up the computer and sent a message to the seventh.

“Can I see the live video?”

“It’s about Anna, if others know that the Grand Duke of Rose is an infatuated species, then how many girls will be sad.”

“No. 7, you seem to be gossiping lately.”

Seventh smiled and posted the video.

The live video is very simple, everyone is talking and laughing, each playing with their own.

The contact between Jin Lan and Anna is normal for the Grand Duke. As the top leader, it is normal for this woman to contact Anna.

But apart from Anna, the second person to contact was Ye Aotian.

No one else.

No one picked up a conversation.

Everyone present should know the marriage contract between this woman and herself.

But only one named Ye Aotian took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

“I want to know the identity of Ye Aotian and who he is.”

“Dragon King, this news is one million dollars.”

“Reasonable. I didn’t expect it to be him. If it were him, everything would make sense. I didn’t expect this guy to go to China.”

Seventh said: “Is there still need to buy news? I have better news here.”


“It’s very simple. Regarding Ye Aotian’s personality, so far, Ye Aotian has come into contact with many beautiful women, but Ye Aotian likes almost every beautiful woman.”

“It’s his approach. In addition to the power value, the Dragon King is famous for its romanticism. Hehe, I know, let’s take a look first. If it is really too much, I think, a little Dragon King, I haven’t paid attention to it. .”

After thinking about it, the Grand Duke said: “By the way, what kind of person is Chen Fan of the Chen family? How much is the news?

“There are two versions of this news, the fake version, which is given as a free gift, and the real version, which is not cheap.”

“You think, I; Rose will be short of money?”

Type 7 replied: “In the eyes of everyone, Chen Fan is a second generation of waste and rich, everything depends on the family, the goddess Lin Qingyue, who still doesn’t like herself, even dated Ye Aotian, and Chen Fan ran into him. ”

“What about the real version?

|”The real version is the same. It’s just that Chen Fan is not the second generation of waste rich in public perception. From the moment he met Anna, he kept his distance very well. I think, Anna’s character, you understand Yes, I really like to tease others.”

The Grand Duke said: “I don’t believe that my Anna is an absolute goddess. It is impossible for a man to resist her teasing.”

ps: Please support, thank you all. Please give more votes to the flowers.


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