Chapter 54 Hey, who’s yours, go away (seeking support, second more)

Chapter 54 Hey, who’s yours, go away (seeking support, second)

Jin Lan definitely needs to show up, because this is required for his duties, and for a prince like William, Jin Lan can’t escape.

Unless Jinlan doesn’t want to do it anymore.

William took the initiative to say: “Hello, Jinlan.”

“Your Chinese is very good.”

“Naturally, Ye Aotian teaches well. I still like the culture of China, especially Guwu. Do you know Guwu?”

|”Probably understand a little bit, let’s not talk about this for now, let’s go to eat first, if you just arrive, you should be a little hungry.”

William shook his head and said, “I think, here should be a special paty for my arrival. I like a lot of people, and there are more people.”

“Then I don’t know, Prince William, who are you going to call?”

“I heard from Ye that those children from wealthy families in Qincheng are very good at playing, so the more natural people, the better. By the way, will Lin Qingyue come?”

“I don’t know that.”

“Then Chen Fan will come?”

Jin Lan glanced at Ye Aotian, then looked at William, and said, “Chen Fan should be back, but I have to call and ask.”

“Wow, Chen Fan is so amazing. I need you to call in person.”

William smiled and said: “Of course, I came this time with a mission. The family has some business cooperation and needs to find partners in China. I think these opportunities should be given to young people in Qincheng.”

Ye Aotian said, “Don’t give it to me?”

“No, no… Ye, it’s a partner, business is business, friendship is friendship, I believe you can grab it.”

Ye Aotian sneered, he was never afraid of challenges, the more challenging, the more interesting.

The two talked and laughed and left.

For Paty, Jin Lan will arrange it.

No way, for such a big person, Jin Lan also felt that she was a little powerless. If William had an accident in China, it would still be in Qincheng, then she would indeed be very unlucky.

[Hahaha, come to think of it, it’s a silly character. 】

[It seems to be William, Ye Aotian’s staunch ally. 】

[This guy will come and slap me in the face, well, I’m looking forward to it, but Laozi still needs to pay. If I don’t pay, how can I get slapped? 】

[By the way, isn’t Sister William also here? In the impression, Ye Aotian had taken down sister William, this tigress. 】

[The lady of the future duchess, because of the existence of this woman, Ye Aotian needs to face another villain’s revenge. 】

Looking at the updated diary, Jin Lan could probably guess the story that will happen in the future.

There are a few points, Chen Fan will kidnap Lin Qingyue, when and what opportunity, I did not write.

Currently Chen Fan is in the Blacken stage, that is to say, Chen Fan will be arrogant and very irritable.

But this guy likes acting, and he is very happy to do it.

Then there is the bidding scene. Not paty, it should be regarded as a salon, a foreign gameplay.

In this place, Chen Fan will be slapped in the face, and will be slapped in the face by William.

And what role do you play in this? Is it a spectator or something?

[Hey, he actually knows a foreign prince, this Ye Aotian is a bit mysterious, hahaha, sister Jinlan, you really want to climb up. 】

Damn, I know this guy has nothing to say.

Emotion is a supporting role in it, playing a role that worships the protagonist.

Dogs don’t want this part of the scene.

However, if he didn’t know the diary, Jin Lan would really be interested in Ye Aotian.

The identity of a prince has too much influence.

That all makes sense, and writing a novel is still normal.

Otherwise, the normal way, the villain Blacken, the protagonist must be not far from death.

It turned out to be jealous of William.

Jin Lan picked up the phone silently and called Chen Fan.

“Chen Fan.”

“Sister Jin.”

“At noon, there will be a bidding site. I hope you will come here.”

come over?

Chen Fan recalled the plot, instantly clear, knowing what came next.

Said: “Sister Jin, what’s the matter, I think, our current status is still not suitable for talking on the phone.”

“Prince William has a project to cooperate with China.”

Chen Fan fell silent and said, “Is Prince William of Law? How is it possible, why did this person come to Qincheng.”

|”Ye Aotian’s friend seems.”

“Just that muddy leg, trash, how could it be possible to have such a friend, how could it be possible.”

In my heart, Chen Fan is happy, my mother, my god, you finally opened your eyes, and finally gave the protagonist a chance to slap me in the face.

However, this play still needs to be played.

“Hmph, that muddy leg, Prince William, must have been cheated, Prince William’s friend, it could only be me.”

What I thought in my heart was that you should be friends with whomever you love his mother. Anyway, Laozi is not in the mood to be friends with him.

But the premise of face slaps must be said.

At that time, I must be the one who will be slapped in the face, and a lot of people are needed on the scene.

“When are you coming?”

“I went back, and I will take a lot of people there. I will let everyone see how William became friends with me instead of Ye Aotian’s muddy legs.”

After speaking, Chen Fan hung up angrily.

This acting skill, I absolutely give myself full marks.


Later, in the rich second-generation group, I posted a position and told these people very seriously that Laozi must all get up at noon today.

Must be given to me.

After sending it out, Chen Fan sat in the car with his legs folded and lit a cigarette.

The bamboo leaf green on one side is peeling fruit for Chen Fan.

Chen Fan shook the car window, looked out the window, and drew it comfortably.

Damn, I’m finally going to be slapped in the face, so excited.

Should I be beaten on my face and then be beaten on my right cheek again?

If Prince William arrives, these heroines have not changed their attitude towards the protagonist. Chen Fan once doubted, damn, is Chen Fan an old glass.

“Handsome guy, can you take me a ride?”

“No time, I don’t know you.”

Chen Fan shook the car window up quickly.

I’m crazy, I came to strike up a conversation when I was in a luxury car. This woman is crazy about money.

As a result, the moment the car window shook up, a hand shattered the glass and reached in.

“Handsome guy, take me for a ride?”

Damn, who’s yours, are you fucking poisonous, you, I don’t know you, let me tell you, I called the police.


ps: Please support, thank you everyone, please give more votes to flowers.


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