Chapter 51 This pot, the heroine doesn’t want to recite (seeking support, seventh more)

The fifty-first chapter this pot, the heroine does not want to recite (seeking support, seventh more)

Chen Fan returned home humming a little song, looking for Zhuyeqing.

“Where are you, Zhuyeqing.”

At this time, Zhu Yeqing closed the door of the room to death.

She is very scared now, f*ck’s, it’s too scary, this guy, it’s not really because of herself, she just wants to get something Blacken’s.

Lin Qingyue didn’t go on a date. You still Blacken, isn’t it too much?

“Master, I am a little tired, so I will rest.”

“I am very angry now.”

Zhu Yeqing did not continue to return news of Chen Fan.

Forget it, I’m too lazy to act, Chen Fan also thinks what happened today is a bit weird, so let’s go to sleep and see what happens next day.

If there is nothing big the next day, Chen Fan will think about it, is it true that the personality of these heroines has begun to change.

If it happens, then just let it go.

Without thinking about it, I fell asleep deeply.

At this time, Lin Qingyue returned home, looked at Xiaolan in front of her, and said, “Why do you like Chen Fan so much?”

“I’m sorry…I couldn’t help it, he is so charming, boss, I really think that Ye Aotian is a very good person.”

“What’s good?”

“He has been fighting alone until now, and he is not afraid of rolling all the way.”

“He killed someone.”

“That’s what the other party hurt him.”

I f*ck.

Lin Qingyue is not good, does the whole world of feelings really revolve around Ye Aotian?

“Well, I’ll ask you something else. How many men have you slept with.”

Xiao Lan became alert for an instant and looked at Lin Qingyue nervously.

With this expression, Lin Qingyue knew the answer instantly.

“No wonder, some people in the company look strange at you, do you have an ex-boyfriend?”

“Well, go in.”

It’s very speechless, OK? Lin Qingyue really felt that these are two worlds.

She never thought that her best friend would be such a woman.

I have seen a man who sees a woman unable to walk, and I have never seen a woman who sees a man unable to walk.

“Why don’t you look for a good boy? Why don’t you look for these people? Tattoos, fights, and hooligans?”

|”I don’t know, boss, don’t ask, it’s my personal business.”

Isn’t it a private matter?

“Let’s go, the company doesn’t need you, you go to Ye Aotian, I think Ye Aotian needs you very much.”

“Satsuki, you…”

“Let’s go, I don’t like Ye Aotian, and naturally I won’t like you. I can’t accept that you have a relationship with Ye Aotian.”

It turns out that you really like Ye Aotian.

“Boss, I actually tested Ye Aotian on purpose today.”

? ? ? ?

Are you still inverted?

Lin Qingyue looked at Xiaolan and said, “What do you mean by this?”

“I know the boss will come. After all, I borrowed your clothes. Many people mistakenly think that you are going to date Ye Aotian. You are definitely not used to this.”

“Then what?”

“Then I’m not sure where you are. I can only test him. He really talks with me about you all the time, and you also like Ye Aotian.”

I…what kind of ghost logic do you come to this conclusion.

Sister, I beg you, don’t show up, okay.

Xiaolan continued: “If you don’t like Ye Aotian, how can you get angry because of my relationship with Ye Aotian?”

I…do I want to tell you that someone wrote a diary, and the description in the diary is true, and knows that you are a broken shoe.

A lot of men slept? Never love yourself? :

This explanation is not clear.

“You… Forget it, I’m tired, you go out, the resignation formalities are done, I don’t want to see you anymore.”

Xiao Lan nodded silently and left the room.

Lin Qingyue looked at the window, otherwise, she would find a tofu and hit herself to death, which would be very ridiculous.

Silly lack of Ye Aotian, you wait for my old lady, my old lady can’t kill you.

Xiao Lan left Lin Qingyue’s home and silently sent a message to Ye Aotian.

“I know you will hate me.”

Ye Aotian looked at Xiaolan’s news, fell into deep thought, and said, “No, I was too anxious at the time.”

“I like you, I don’t ask for a name, our relationship, I will be a dew love, if you need, you can come to me at any time.”

If Chen Fan is here, she must definitely give Xiaolan an award for the show.

It’s outrageous.

“No, come by my side, you will be fired by Lin Qingyue.”

“She should like you, because of my relationship with you, she is angry. If a woman doesn’t care about a man, she won’t be angry.”

“It’s okay. Come to my side first. You can work a lot here, and you won’t be hungry. I, Ye Aotian, will never treat anyone who has helped me. Especially women.”

Sure enough, Xiao Lan felt that she had not seen the wrong person.

This man is so much stronger than Chen Fan, she is willing to give everything for Ye Aotian, even if it is her own body, she doesn’t care.

Actually, Xiaolan’s thoughts are normal most of the time, but it is not good in the world of fiction. If the woman touched by the protagonist is touched by someone else, the matter is very serious.

Unfortunately, Ye Aotian didn’t know the identity of Xiaolan, the broken shoe.

But these really have nothing to do with Chen Fan, because Chen Fan is sleeping at this time.

The realm of the Great Perfection of the Yellow Emperor’s Neijing, is slowly adjusting Chen Fan’s body all the time, optimizing him little by little.

This is the product of the system. You don’t need to practice hard, just need you to sleep a lot, and your strength will increase rapidly at a terrifying speed.

This night, many heroines are doomed to have insomnia.

But only Chen Fan sleeps very sweetly.

Zhu Yeqing quietly opened the door and walked into Chen Fan’s room.

Chen Fan opened his eyes and looked at her.

Zhu Yeqing became alert instantly.

“Master, I just see if your quilt is well covered, I’m leaving now.”

After speaking, Yan Yan ran back to his room.

Take revenge, take revenge, and now Zhu Yeqing is thinking about how to protect herself.

Chen Fan, this guy, deliberately Blacken, this guy is a shameless person, he is just greedy me.


ps: Please support, thank you everyone, please give more votes to flowers.


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