Chapter 49 Who the hell is the playground (seeking support, fifth more)

Chapter 49 Who on earth is the playground (seeking support, fifth)

Chen Fan can’t wait to walk with wind, that’s a scream.

The look in Zhu Yeqing’s eyes gradually became ambiguous, and the back of Zhu Yeqing’s eyes became fuzzy.

You guy, otherwise I will give you money, you go find someone else, I just want revenge, I really didn’t want to fall in love with you, really.

In the diary of the past few days, Zhu Yeqing probably understood it, already knowing his general plot direction.

Revenge, then give his body, then hate Chen Fan, and finally fall in love with Chen Fan.

It belonged to ruin the Chen family, but also ruined himself, and finally fell into a lonely and lonely scene.

In the end, Chen Fan did not fall in love with himself.

Lin Qingyue is still in love.

Don’t look at me, look at others, I can’t, I, my eldest aunt come every day.

“Driver, I will drive to the playground in Qincheng in a while.”

“Master, the playground is closed.”

“It’s okay, just drive over, don’t care about the rest, just look at the scenery.”

Why does Chen Fan appear here? Chen Fan doesn’t know it anyway. There is no reason in the novel. Probably, you have to appear when the protagonist abuses your villain.

You can’t show up.

“Master… I feel a little sick.”

“Uh, are you uncomfortable? Well, you go back first.”

It was strange, she was nervous.

Zhu Yeqing got off the car and ran away.

She was a little bit scared, she didn’t dare anymore.

Really dare not.

There was still plenty of time. Chen Fan was in the back seat very calmly, closing his eyes to rest.

Just wait, just say the lines in a while, and just go home and get it done.

At this time, at the bar, the secretary and Ye Aotian had a very good time. After all, active women have little resistance to men.

The secretary actually doesn’t have many roles. The full name is not even mentioned, but I heard that it is Xiaolan.

Ye Aotian didn’t bother to ask, but felt that someone should share the joy of his victory tonight.

It doesn’t matter if Xiao Lan is here, anyway, this woman will share her victory with Lin Qingyue anyway.

But in the whole novel, the reason why Xiaolan is not described is because Xiaolan is no longer there for the first time.

After all, novels, heroines, are more or less the original ones, but there are some that are not. Generally, the mothers are good-looking, the daughters are good-looking, and the fathers are disabled in the later period.

In short, such a lady must be someone who hasn’t touched a man for a long time.

In the bar, Xiao Lan was a little confused, but somewhat sane.

‘It’s a bit noisy. ’

“Well, let’s go out and wander around, where we want to go, have helped me so much, let’s talk, I will satisfy you.”

“Can you… accompany me to the playground?”

“Yes, why must I go to the playground?”

“I…when I was a kid, I always wanted to go, but I didn’t have the chance. When I grew up, I wanted to go, but I found out that they are already big. Go to the playground again. It’s shameful. You won’t despise me?”

“will not.”

Ye Aotian drove, took Xiaolan away from the bar, and came to the playground.

After the two got out of the car, Ye Aotian looked at the blocked door, and, without saying anything, gave the old man a little money, and the old man let him go.

“It’s strange, it’s a bit lively tonight, why do so many people want to come to the playground?”

The old man said this twice.

The first time Chen Fan came in by himself.

The second time Lin Qingyue came in.

After receiving the money, the old man was naturally satisfied and ready to rest, but after a while, someone knocked on the door again.


“Let’s go, I want to go to the playground to play for a while.”

Looking at Jin Lan in front of him, the old man looked confused, why, you are going to play mahjong inside.

No matter it, it has nothing to do with me. It’s not that there are people who come here to date at night, and the old man naturally understands it.

Jin Lan gave the money and went directly to the playground, taking advantage of the moonlight, and slowly disappeared in the playground.

At this moment, Xiao Lan was like a child, playing around.

On one side, Chen Fan was watching from a distance.

It needs to wait, after all, the hero and the heroine need to develop their feelings a little bit.

When the love is deep and righteous, he will go out again, be taught a lesson, and then completely Blacken.

Well, at that time, there was not only love for Lin Qingyue, but also cruelty, and then the plot would be even more outrageous and exciting.

Any kidnapping, imprisonment, etc. can be done.

However, Blacken still needs to brew his emotions.

Hiding in the grass, Chen Fan took a little melon seeds out of his pocket and looked at the scene in front of him.

It’s really exciting.

[Mom, it’s going to start right away, oh shit, it’s exciting, let alone, the hero and the heroine really dare to play. 】

[As everyone knows, I can see Dad clearly in the grass. 】

[Oh fucking, are you so awesome? How do you feel, this woman doesn’t look like Lin Qingyue, is it her own illusion? 】

“Give me some melon seeds.”

“Okay… Damn, you fucking… oooooooo”

Chen Fan was covered by Jin Lan and was afraid to speak.

“Why… why are you here?”

“Seeing you ignore me, you just followed me, what’s the matter, do you still doubt me?”

‘I don’t know, my father keeps me away from you. ’

No reason, just make up a reason.

Jin Lan smiled and said, “What are you looking at?”

“They are dating, this adulterer and adulteress, waiting, Laozi must strangle Ye Aotian.”

“Share me some melon seeds, don’t be so stingy, let me take a look, don’t you keep saying that Ye Aotian is the person I cultivated? Let me take a look at the level of the person I cultivated.”

Hey, why are you doing this? We are now in a half-hostile state.

Don’t go too far, let me tell you.

Forget it, don’t care, whatever, damn it, Jin Lan appears here, it’s outrageous.

“Part of me.”

Just when Chen Fan and Jin Lan looked at them with relish, another voice attracted two people.

Chen Fan and Jin Lan were shocked.

Lin Qingyue squatted beside Chen Fan.

“I… oh my god… oh oh oh.”

Lin Qingyue and Jin Lan held Chen Fan at the same time.

“What’s your name, am I that ugly?”

You…you…you are here, who is in there?


ps: Please support, thank you everyone, please give more votes to flowers.


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