Chapter 42 How does this make me good (seeking support, sixth more)

Chapter 42: How does this make me good (seeking support, sixth more)

Chen Fan froze for a long time, Jin Lan looked at her with simple eyes, even with a little anger.

Chen Fan backed away quickly.

Zhu Yeqing holds an umbrella for Chen Fan.

“You…how can you…you”

Chen Fan is completely messed up.

Li Long’s theory is dying. Chen Fan feels that Li Long will die tonight. It doesn’t matter whether Ye Aotian killed him or not. He firmly believes that Li Long will definitely die.

The death of this person will bring out a series of reactions.

Why can Ye Aotian be so presumptuous.

The death of Li Long was also the reason for Chen Fan to go home, because Qin City was not very safe. If Chen Fan stayed on his own, it would be unsafe.

The target of suspicion is naturally to Jinlan’s side.

And the facts have proved that Jinlan did blend in with it.

The information, and even the scheduling of some personnel, were made by Jinlan to help Ye Aotian.

As for why Jin Lan did this, it was entirely because Jin Lan wanted to cultivate his own power, and Ye Aotian was the person that Jin Lan believed was the best to control.

Thinking in another way, do you cultivate a rich second-generation who has hands and eyes open to the sky, or cultivate a subordinate who will be obedient as long as you get revenge?

All fools know to choose the second one.

“Chen Fan, why do you doubt me?”

“I… Sister Jin Lan, I just suspect that Ye Aotian dared to be so presumptuous, there must be an expert’s advice.”

“Really? So you think this expert is me?”

Nonsense, it must be you according to the plot, but fucking, what do you mean, you still touch me.

You are harassment, do you know?

“I haven’t helped Ye Aotian, and I’m not interested in training him. I think there must be some misunderstanding among us.”

“|I don’t want to care about these, Zhuyeqing, let’s go.”

Jin Lan frowned and said, “If you don’t explain it clearly today, you are not allowed to leave.”

Zhu Yeqing stood in front of Chen Fan.

Jin Lan’s driver also stood in front of Jin Lan.

The two fisted directly.

The driver took two steps back.

Zhu Yeqing just took a step back.

Both the driver and Jin Lan were shocked.

Jin Lan just thinks this woman is unusual, but she didn’t expect that this woman is so powerful.

“I think that when the dust settles, I will naturally know the answer.”

Damn, the plot is crooked and it’s hopeless. Chen Fan thinks that Jin Lan must be wrong. The guy’s personality seems to be crooked.

Get in the car and go home. As for Ye Aotian’s life and death, no one cares.

But this time, Chen Fan did not go back to his suburban house, but went straight into the house where his Chen family was located.

When I got home, I saw my father who was drinking tea.


“Your name is Zhuyeqing? You go down first, and I have something to say to my son.”

“Yes, sir.”

After Zhu Yeqing left, Chen Fan sat next to Chen Tianqiang.

Take the initiative to pour some tea for his father.

“Tonight, Li Long is dead.”

“Who did it?”

“Jin Lan did it.”

Sure enough, shit, I was almost deceived, and I felt stupidly that the Jinlan people had collapsed, and even if they were exposed, they would continue to act to deceive themselves.

Damn, what is the heroine?

What is the most powerful brain of the male protagonist? This is the strength.

This f*ck, Jinlan is much more secure than Lin Qingyue.

“I knew it. From the very beginning, I suspected that this mud leg had any support. On Qin Cheng’s side, it was so presumptuous. It turned out that it was Jin Lan doing the ghost.”

“It’s normal. If she wants to gain a firm foothold, she must have her own power. Ye Aotian is the most suitable. The death of Li Long, the next one will definitely be Zheng Qiang. With checks and balances, she will never have absolute initiative on her own, and it will be more secure. .”

“Thank you father, I was taught.”

Chen Tianqiang said: “I am coming back this time just to worship the ancestors. I don’t want to mix things with Qin Cheng, but this Ye Aotian, I think it’s good.”

“Why, father, do you think this mud leg is good?”

Chen Tianqiang looked at his son and said, “He will become your sharpening stone. Have fun, don’t worry, play chess little by little.”

After speaking, Chen Tianqiang got up and left.

There was a moment of excitement left by Chen Fan.

By the way, the plot is right.

In the actual plot, after Li Long died, Ye Aotian took the initiative to find Chen Fan trouble.

Normally, Chen Tianqiang would only need to take action and pinch Ye Aotian to death in minutes, but Chen Tianqiang did not. Hopefully, his son will face it alone.

To put it bluntly, I just hope that my child can grow up through the confrontation with Ye Aotian.

And Chen Tianqiang was also very happy tonight, Chen Tianqiang couldn’t accept that his child was a dog lick.

When Chen Fan took Zhu Yeqing home, Chen Tianqiang was more satisfied than anyone else.

Women, you can like them, but you only like one woman, that’s not the kind of Chen family.

At this time, Jin Lan, who knew the news, was stunned.

The driver told Jinlan the news.

“Leader, Li Long is dead.”

“How to die, he already has a gun, how can he still die?”

This gun was given by Jinlan. To put it bluntly, it means adding a little protection.

Jin Lan wanted to see what would happen if Ye Aotian died accidentally.

She didn’t want to be what Chen Fan’s diary described, assisting Ye Aotian.

Not in that thought, nor in that mood.

But when he knew that even if he arranged this way, Li Long was dead, Jin Lan was also a little panicked.

“It’s our people’s hands.”

Our people?

With a black question mark on Jin Lan’s face, she said, “Who?”

“Among the few people I looked for, there was a person who had a hatred with Li Long. Li Long put that person’s wife to bed, something happened a long time ago, and then he stabbed Li Long to death while others were not paying attention.”

“What about this person?”

“After killing Li Long, he was beaten to death by Li Long’s younger brother.”

Fuck me. ,

Isn’t this a dead end?

“What about Ye Aotian? Where is it, find it for me now, I want to kill him.”

? ? ? ? ? ?

The driver said: “Leader, do you want Ye Aotian to die?”

Jin Lan naturally hopes that Ye Aotian will die. Chen Fan suspects her. She is a little uncomfortable and feels very bad.

Jin Lan doesn’t know why. She would rather the whole world not believe in herself, and she doesn’t hope that Chen Fan doesn’t believe in herself.


ps: Please support, thank you everyone, please give more votes to flowers.


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