Chapter 25 What is the protagonist? (Seeking collection, fifth)

Chapter 25 What is the protagonist? (Seeking collection, fifth)

Ye Aotian was lying in the hospital, stitching up the wound. Obviously, he was injured again this time.

I went to find Lin Qingyue in the morning, but at noon, he was chopped down.

Without even thinking about it, this is what Chen Fan did.

This guy is very good, very good.

Ling Yuyan stood by, looked at Ye Aotian, and said, “Your name is Ye Aotian?”

“Yes, beauty, you start to remember my name.”

“No… Have you contacted my house?”

Ye Aotian looked at Ling Yuyan incredulously and said, “Are you… the one of the Ling family?”

“This is an ointment given by the family. This cheat is also given to you by the family. In addition, our marriage contract has been cancelled.”

? ? ? ?

Ye Aotian said, “Cancel? Why?”

“I don’t like you, don’t know you, and don’t know you well, there is no need to contact you.”

“You look down on me, right.”

? ? ? ?

What kind of brain circuit are you?

Persecution delusion?

Thirty years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi?

“I think my identity as Dragon King is not so bad.”

“Without contact with Gu Wu, you have always been just an ordinary person. Your master was connected to my family back then and took my family’s secrets. As a result, it is only a fur, you don’t have any talent.”

Still look down on me.

In fact, what Ling Yuyan said was nothing to ask for. To put it bluntly, you can do whatever you like, and whoever wants to like you.

I’ll help you practice in the future, I’m f*ck, my head is convulsed?

I’m fucking, now I’m going to avenge Chen Fan, I’m busy.

“Okay, I see. I respect you, but I don’t think I am a waste. I just got in touch with Gu Wu late. Just give me time, I’m no worse than any of you.”

“Thirty years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi…”

Ling Yuyan’s head is big, my damn, you are the protagonist of the destiny, you can fly to speak according to the script”?

Ling Yuyan’s meaning is very simple, what does your fucking life have to do with me, what age is it, and even arrange marriage.

In one, I know there is a marriage, and I still go to tease my sister, I, Ling Yuyan, want to like a half-hearted man”?

Yes, Chen Fan commented on me, saying that I am boring, and I admit that I am really curious about men and women.

Human nature is so, what’s the matter with it.

But no matter how curious I am, there is no need to get along with someone who is not slippery and has a tattooed skin, right?

Am I so bored?

“After the stitches are over, let him go. He is in good health and does not need to lie down in the hospital.”

The corner of Ye Aotian’s mouth was slightly cocked, and she was actually angry at me.

Funny woman who said she didn’t like me, didn’t like me, how could she be angry with me?

“I think we will meet in the future.”

Ling Yuyan stopped, turned her head and said, “The first time I met, someone would like to meet with a doctor for nothing.”

Although Ling Yuyan is a thief, it is a hobby. Ling Yuyan is still a doctor by nature. It is her job to save the dead and heal the wounded.

After speaking, turn around and leave.

But when this message was passed to Ye Aotian, she felt that this woman was a bit Tsundere.

The first time I saw someone like myself, it shows that I still like myself.

Sure enough, funny woman, very tough.

But Ye Aotian also felt the power of Gu Wu for the first time.

After the special ointment was applied, the back pain soon disappeared.

The Emperor Heart Secret Art in his hand made Ye Aotian very excited.

This is a complete and true emperor’s heart formula.

The Qi training skills that the master let himself exercise before are just the basics.

And this Emperor Heart Art can make oneself very strong.

Once I opened it, I took a brief look and found that the book contained medical techniques and specialized cultivation techniques.

Just closing his eyes, Ye Aotian felt the qi in his body slowly flowing.

He became stronger.

Moreover, Ye Aotian knew very well that he was definitely a genius.

I felt the flow of qi the first time I tried. If this is not a genius, what is it?

It’s just that what I have been practicing before is broken.

“Huh, the Ling family looks down on me? I will let you Ling family know what regret is.”

The setting in the book, Ye Aotian is indeed a genius, and when he cultivates, his speed is unusually fast.

According to Gu Wu’s statement, Ye Aotian’s Dragon King strength is at most ninth rank strength.

Just getting started.

And going up there is a higher level.

However, it was only with the help of Ling Yuyan that Ye Aotian accelerated his practice.

In the current situation, it is impossible for Ling Yuyan to come into contact with Ye Aotian, if he doesn’t know the plot.

Ling Yuyan may come into contact with each other, after all, it was arranged at home.

But knowing the plot, Ling Yuyan became more interested in Chen Fan.

His body is always full of mysteries, and his strength is unfathomable.

Moreover, the people are very humorous, and the tutoring is also very good.

Such a person is suitable to be the protagonist.

So why is Ye Aotian’s weird collection of contradictions becoming the protagonist?

It’s really weird.

Ling Yuyan was thinking, or else, look for an opportunity to just scrap the protagonist.

She can’t stand this neurosis a bit.

As for Chen Fan, after buying new clothes with his boss, he went back to his unit to check in.

“Do you have time after get off work?”

Chen Fan said, “Sister Jin Lan, what is the arrangement?”

“It’s nothing, Li Long opened a new bar, which is very good. Let’s go and take a look.”

? ? ? ?

Chen Fan said: “You go to the bar, is this appropriate?”

“What’s wrong, Qincheng, I’ll do what I said, where I want to go, where I go naturally, I am the number one at work, and after get off work, I am just an ordinary woman, why can’t I go?”

“Or do you think that I am older and not suitable for that occasion.”

I didn’t say, fucking, you fucking, did you install a bug on me?

Always think I call you an old woman?

Forget it, let’s go.

“You go home and prepare first, and come to my house to pick me up at 8:30 in the evening.”

Chen Fan nodded.

After the two separated, they went home.

As soon as he got home, Jin Lan saw that the diary was being updated.


ps: Please support, thank you everyone, please give more votes to flowers.


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