Chapter 18 This is called professional (seeking support, sixth more)

Chapter 18 This is called professional (seeking support, sixth)

Ling Yuyan, Chen Fan sighed helplessly. He felt that the matter was a little bit beyond his own perception.

In the original book, Ling Yuyan has played quite a few times. As a well-known doctor and even an ancient martial artist, her presence is very important.

A doctor can really save people.

The protagonist has fallen into death many times, and it is her help.

Moreover, the contact between this woman and the protagonist was very simple. The protagonist discovered her secret, threatened her with the secret, and gradually developed feelings.

And Chen Fan and Ling Yuyan also have an intersection, that is, they will kidnap this woman, or in other words, will go to trouble with this woman.

The purpose is to avenge the protagonist.

Then he was beaten by this woman.

Ling Yuyan looked at Chen Fan in front of him and said, “If there is nothing wrong with my body, I will leave first, and if there is any uncomfortable place, I will directly call the nurse to come to me.”

“Ok, trouble.”

Ling Yuyan left the room.

Her confirmation is true, Chen Fan was not injured, not only was he not injured, but the guy’s body was unusually strong.

Moreover, Chen Fan already has a seedling of Guwu in his body.

Ling Yuyan’s family learned the simplest way of practicing Qi, which is the so-called internal strength.

It is indeed much better than ordinary people.

Moreover, she herself likes to practice.

However, he couldn’t do anything like flying into the earth like in Xiuxian’s novels.

However, if this world is a novel, Ling Yuyan feels a bit at a loss.

Could it be said that in the boundless world, is there really a special kind of person in control of everything?

Or, if you know what is going to happen, you can change it?

She doesn’t know if it can be changed, everything is unknown.

However, Ye Aotian’s first impression was very bad. If she didn’t know Ye Aotian’s past or the woman Ye Aotian knew, she might at best think that Ye Aotian was a suitor of her own.

But when I saw Chen Fan’s diary in seconds, my woman or something.

She felt a little nauseous instinctively.

This f*ck is such a confident man that he would say such words.

[Unexpectedly, I also met Ling Yuyan, which is interesting and interesting. 】

[Ling Yuyan, a few of the main combat personnel, the one who plays with the knife in one hand is called a powerful one. 】

[This lady is not a good person, she is a female snitch, who likes to rob the rich and help the poor. 】

[I’m just curious, we have money, and we have enemies with her, why, we have a little money, and what’s wrong? 】

[Those who didn’t steal or steal, in her perception, I have to do charity to help others? 】

[This woman also has a problem with her head. Of course, it is set in the book that as long as she is rich, she is a bad person. 】

[However, since she has appeared, Li Long’s death will be accelerated by 80%. In my impression, this woman will go to Li Long’s house to steal things. 】

[It happened to be met with Ye Aotian, and then developed a love story. 】

[Tsk tusk, don’t think she’s a doctor, but she’s actually screaming secretly, but she can play. 】

At this moment, the few people who were looking at the diary were stunned.

No. 7 burst into tears.

Being complained by Chen Fan really made me laugh.

Jin Lan also shook her head helplessly.

She knew Ling Yuyan, the Chinese medicine of Ling’s family was still worthy of trust, but not many people knew about it, and Ling Yuyan would try to touch western medicine. , To cover up the facts of their own Chinese medicine.

Unexpectedly, she turned out to be a female snitch.

There were indeed a few cases in Qin Cheng, caused by the snatches, but I didn’t expect it to be this woman.

As for this show, Jin Lan really wants to give Chen Fan a slap, how can he evaluate girls like that? It’s not good.

Lin Qingyue glanced around, and found that there was nothing wrong with her, so she didn’t care about it.

For Lin Qingyue, she doesn’t like to eat melons, and she puts more emphasis on work.

Anyone who shows up has nothing to do with her. She will care about her only if she has her own content.

Ling Yuyan looked at the diary with a face of confusion, what do you mean, what do you mean, am I boring?

Still say something?

How did he know?

Damn, sure enough, this guy knows everything.

Snitch is her own secret, and the next target is indeed Li Long, but if Chen Fan knows about it, then she will have to plan again.

Still say, Chen Fan, this guy, can’t speak out?

However, this show, she admitted.

She is really curious about men and women, but she can’t talk about the word.

The protagonist has a problem with his head, and the villain’s head is not working well. The novel is probably selling badly.

Write so many women, do you understand?

However, being so evaluated, there is still no way to go back, which makes Ling Yuyan really angry.

I originally intended to be like a okay person, but now when I think of that word, my temper suddenly comes up.

You are waiting for you for me.

There is no end to this.

Chen Fan Hospital didn’t rest for too long, so he ran home.

There is a heroine here. Chen Fan doesn’t want to work overtime. Basically, when there are no scenes, Chen Fan stays honestly.

When did things happen at the bar, that’s when Chen Fan and Ye Aotian were actually fighting each other.

Moreover, during the period, Chen Fan had several opportunities to abuse Ye Aotian, but he had to grasp it.

In the whole book, he bullied himself for most of the time. It was rare that he could bully him a few times, but he had to get angry.

After returning home from here, Chen Fan asked her aunt to prepare dinner and wine for herself.

In particular, celebrate your successful completion today.

And at 8 o’clock in the evening, a woman returned home.

Silently changed into his night clothes.

I found a mask and put it on my face.

Ling Yuyan pinned a flying knife to herself. She planned to go out tonight to do something.

I didn’t notice it before, but I noticed things now.

Chen Fan seems to be a rich man. He should have a lot of good things in his family.


ps: Please support, thank you everyone, please give more votes to flowers.


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