Chapter 177 Chen Fan became the head of the Chen family (seeking subscription, sixth update)

Chapter 178 Chen Fan Becomes the Patriarch of the Chen Family (seeking subscription, sixth more)

In the house, Chen Fan knelt on the ground, looking at the ancestral hall in front of him, quietly waiting for the end of his father’s incense.

In fact, the decline of the Chen family is a must. This is something that can’t be helped. Only in this way, the villain Chen Fan will truly seek help from others.

In this way, the subsequent plot can arouse, and in the second half of the plot, Chen Fan plays a booing role.

That is to say, I need to go to the fire. To be honest, Chen Fan really likes this work.

After all, it’s fun and fun.

You don’t have to work on your own, you only need one person to fall down, and the next person will naturally appear.

I have never seen an upgrade of the villain at all. In fact, many novels will write about the upgrade of the villain, but these will be sprayed.

You villain, you write what he did to upgrade, isn’t this to add to the protagonist?

In fact, in this section of the original book, his father has already died, but Chen Fan made a negotiation and did not want his father to die.

Therefore, in this paragraph, Chen Fan made a compromise. It was just a trick.

However, this paragraph was also when Chen Tianqiang removed the position of the Patriarch, allowing Chen Fan to inherit the Patriarch.

Chen Fan burned incense here and performed the final ceremony, saying: “Next, there are only two of us left. I also need to give you some of the family’s things.

Later, he took out a series of documents.

“I will give these documents to Cao Zijin. I hope you can understand that the Chen family’s property must exist, and these people must also live. Even afterwards, the Chen family will not even have Chen’s surname. But if the blood is still there, then exist.”

Chen Fan nodded.

If you are not a traverser, you have to admit that this choice is the best.

“These houses were originally left by the older generation. As the final cost-preservation thing, you have to ensure that you can’t use these at any time. The rent alone is enough to turn over.

Chen Fan nodded.

“And some antique calligraphy and painting or something, you can also take these away, but it is still an old saying, I hope you understand that the Chen family must survive, your acceptance, the fact that Ye Aotian is better than you.

Chen Fan continued to nod.

But you still have to pretend to be unconvinced. ,

After all, this villain still needs to be tested.

And here, Chen Tianqiang quickly took out a notebook and said: “The phones on this are all the contacts accumulated in the family for so many years. I am also very happy. You have your own contacts. You are going to the Imperial Capital to find Meihua. I agree with this matter very much.”

“Well, I know that if the Chen family fails, then we will find a bigger family and let them support our family.”

“Yes, this idea is correct. Our cakes are all given to us. This is a problem of resources, and this problem is the core of continued development. Contacting Meihuajue is also contacting the core of resources. Even just a little leftover material is enough for our family to eat for a long time.

“With Cao Zijin’s control, there are generally very few problems at home.”

Chen Fan nodded silently.

“Well, be nice to your daughter-in-law, Cao Zijin did not tell me less, you beat her, our old Chen family does not have the habit of a big daughter-in-law?”

Chen Fan scratched his head in embarrassment. Damn, she must be cleaned up when she goes back, mother, dare to come and file a complaint.

“Father, let’s drink a little, you are planning to travel.”

Chen Tianqiang said: “The kid is still smart, yes, I plan to go out for travel, and now it belongs to your young people. The four families mean that the family needs a blood exchange. In fact, this is a very good thing, only this time. Regarding things, I feel that the death of those people is too strange, and there are always people who deliberately do it.”

In fact, Chen Tianqiang was right, because there were three people around Dijunsi. They were not the servants of Dijunsi, but the undercover agents sent by the four families. They needed to kill these people through the hands of Dijunsi. .

Only the older generation is dead, so the new ideas brought by young people can give ten families a different feeling.

There is a feeling of nourishing a cup.

But it must be admitted that this method is the best, because it is precisely this method that allows these industries to keep progressing.

Cruelty is cruel, but it’s good.

It works.

A cup of tea, a little side dish, and the rest is white wine.Chen Fan and Chen Tianqiang lay on the chairs and drank comfortably.

“Unknowingly, I’m so old, and I’m going to have a daughter-in-law. I have to go early, look back, and get the baby out for me. I want to hold the baby.”

“Well, I understand, I will.

“But Cao Zijin is not suitable for giving birth for the time being. When the family is stable, prepare to prepare. By the way, Zhu Yeqing likes you.

Chen Fan was stunned for a moment and said, “Well, I like me, but her business…”

“I know, I have investigated it a long time ago and have hatred against our Chen family. You really think that your father doesn’t know anything. I asked about it separately. She said that those things have passed long ago, and now there are new ones. There is a reason to live.

“Uh, all right.”

Chen Fan feels wrong, because this time in reincarnation, Chen Fan feels that his father seems to have changed.

“Ye Ziyue likes you too.”

-Sipping wine, Chen Fan spit out directly. ,

This f*ck, dad, are you the author?

You are too outrageous.

“What’s the shock? Is it difficult to see? I don’t think it is difficult. Your mother and I know it. What’s wrong.”

“Some things are impossible.

“I don’t know what you plan to do, but, being a father still understands very well, you have your own ideas, our children, where is so bad, so I am still very at ease.”

Yes, this old man still found out.

Chen Fan can hide it, but it can’t hide it all the time.

Chen Fan did not hide it from his father.

“In fact, Liu Feifei likes you too. By the way, Nangong Qingyan also seems to have a good impression of you, and Jin Lan is also good.”

Stop talking about this f*ck.

I’m all messed up now.

“Why do you know everything?”

“No. 7 is a person in many families. I found out after a little investigation. Moreover, No. 7 is also interested in you, but no one knows who No. 7 is.”

Damn, is there something wrong here?”

Mother, sick.

“Drink less, newly married, go back with your daughter-in-law.”

Chen Fan was helpless, and finally bid farewell.

Take the position of the owner.

Parents’ travel is the best arrangement. In this way, parents will not be involved in the plot, and the money saved is sufficient.

The old couple go out to play, don’t worry about anything, and have fun every day, it’s very good.

But in the end, Chen Fan actually didn’t know, because he was already dead at that time.

But now, we still have to take revenge.

Back at home, looking at Cao Zijin, who was already resting in the living room, Chen Fan said, “Did you drink with someone?”

“Well, go out for a drink, you came back so early?”

Chen Fan threw the documents out and said, “Let’s sign all of these. It is estimated that the Cao’s family will give you some things when I look back. This time the evaluation of ten families is basically a solid matter. It’s just the rest. I don’t know how to deal with it anymore.”

Cao Zijin said, “Is there anything left?”

Chen Fan despised it, put his socks aside, and said with his legs folded: “Sigh about those things, what else can it be?”

Cao Zijin held the foot wash water, washed Chen Fan’s feet, and said, “Then my husband, how do I feel, you seem to be very angry today?”

“Give me number seven.

Cao Zijin was stunned, but silently gave Chen Fan the call.

Chen Fan dialed in.

“You number seven.”

“Hello, Chen Fan, what are you looking for?”

“From now on, I will be the head of the Chen family. You can tell me about buying news. I have something to ask you now.”

“You, you say, you say.”

“It’s very simple. My father asked you to buy news from me, or rather, he asked you to buy news from many people.”


Damn, eldest sister, this is a business secret, don’t you ask me for money?

Are you as you?

“Okay, then what did you say?”

‘I did not say anything. ,

“My father said that many people like me, and even said that you are also interested in me. I really don’t understand. Do we know each other?”

Cao Zijin lowered his head and dared not speak.

Here, Number Seven said helplessly: “Um, it should be nonsense, I am not interested in you.”

“Well, that’s not bad, don’t sell my news in the future, be careful that I’m not polite to you.

“So handsome, cough, okay, I get it.”

When the phone hung up, Chen Fan rubbed his temples and silently looked at the roof. I was tired. I leaned.

Cao Zijin said: “My husband, I have been thinking about so much, isn’t everything just let the flow go?’

Nonsense, of course it is going down the plot. If it hadn’t been going down the plot, Laozi would have reincarnated a long time ago. Would you still need you to serve me?

“Well, let me tell you something. Patriarch needs training for some things that the Patriarch can know.”

“??? Training, what does this mean?”

“It’s not a training, but this time is different from before. My father told me that this time is a complete shuffling and disrupting the order. At that time, everyone can go to the four family companies and choose the internship that they think is suitable. , Or what, get in touch with some people or something.”

“To develop my personal connections and interpersonal relationships, I chose Meihua’s family. I guess Ye Aotian would also choose Meihua’s.”

This is the first time Cao Zijin has heard of it.

“How often do these rotate?”

“It will be washed out once in about 30 years. The worry is that some people are content with the status quo and can’t work hard to make progress. I think these are all okay, but when the time comes, you will pay more attention. Come to control, hand over someone or something, pay attention.”

In fact, what Chen Fan meant was to give Cao Zijin a period of relaxation. ,

In fact, it can be regarded as a honeymoon trip or something.

“Husband, I don’t want to go to Meihua’s house.:’

…For flowers…….

For the first time, Cao Zijin put forward his own ideas.

Chen Fan was stunned and said, “Why not Meihua?”

“I just feel that if we all go, there is only one choice. I hope that we can have one more choice. This way, it will be a good thing for our family.”

Chen Fan sighed and said, “Well then.”

Cao Zijin knew that when Chen Fan agreed to this matter, it meant that his choice would not affect the subsequent plot.

As long as it doesn’t affect, then Cao Zijin can pave the way.

For her, everything, there is no failure to say, you must have some unique ideas of your own.

How to continue is the core.

He even said that at the last step, Cao Zijin felt that he absolutely must stop it.

Never let Chen Fan die in front of him.

“Husband, I’m asleep.””Well, I see. How do you feel that you are a husband? Mother, I’m already punching in at work.”

: “Oh, if you don’t like me, then forget it.”

Chen Fan saved his awkward cough and said, “It’s just a joke, look at you.”

Hahahaha, sure enough, you still have feelings for me, but Cao Zijin just likes Chen Fan’s sometimes duplicity.

In the group, No.7 said happily: “Chen Fan called me, wow, so happy.

At this time, countless people despised it.

“What’s so happy about this? By the way, I know something.

Becoming Patriarch, Ye Ziyue also learned some news and shared it in the group.

Liu Feifei said: “Doesn’t that mean that I am finished? I don’t want it, I don’t want to be like this.”


“You haven’t yet, you still need to make a movie, did you forget? Your story is still there, but you will probably be less in the follow-up.”

The female protagonists in these groups understand very well. After all, I have read a lot of novels, and they all understand the way of urban wireless literature. To a certain extent, if you change the copy or something, a new woman must appear.

The reader is a man, and men are very normal, and the novelty is just that, and it is impossible for a woman to watch it for a long time.

This is also the reason why some of the novels by the single heroine are short in words, because you can’t write the story infinitely long.

At this time, everyone looked at Mei Hua Thirteen in the group.

“Meihua Thirteen, what are you doing?”

“Sleep and play with your phone.

Liu Feifei said: “Stay with me, this guy, I suspect she might really like women, ah, ah, don’t touch my mother.”

Meihua Shisan said: “I just have a fun, look at you, we are good sisters.

Ye Ziyue said: “In this way, I’ll take care of you. You have to know something about Kings and Kings. By the way, are there any recommendations from the four families? I will probably not go to Meihua’s house. What about the other families?”

“The Nangong family, the Nangong family is one of the four families, the one that suits you best, the financial category, aren’t you talking about getting a case for Sister Jin Lan.

Jin Lan said: “We are planning this, but we don’t know what to look for as an opportunity. You can tell me first, Nangong Qingyan is no longer, you know those things best.”

“It’s very simple. Of the four families, the Long family is the absolute boss, then what is it, the Miao family, and then the Nangong family, and then our family. Let me tell you, our family is the last one. .”

Hahahaha, the people in the group were smiling presumptuously.

“The strongest is the Long Family?”

Meihua Thirteen said: “Yes, but if you have to choose, I suggest that you don’t choose the Miao family. How should I say, the Miao family is not very good, and they have a little respect for the subordinates.”


“What does it mean?”

“Do you know Xia Gu? It’s something from Miao Jiang, you probably have heard of it.

Everyone in the group nodded.

Meihua Thirteen said: “I went to play once when I was a child, and that time, I saw a woman who was scary, and she didn’t feel anything. She was a ruthless person who existed simply to kill. Moreover, there are other purposes for the internship, because the four families are facing the foreign group of people, it is probably for the game.

Damn, there are these things?

In the latter part of the novel, is it so outrageous?

“What are they better than? Let alone sports events or something.”

Meihua Shisan said: “Well, it’s a sporting event, let’s put it this way, do you know about violent football?”

I probably know something in the group.

“I can use iron balls as footballs, and then fight against something. Anyway, there are a lot of these types. The four families take it seriously. Then, sister Ye Ziyue, be careful, those people are very dark.

Ye Ziyue said: “Then can I do it too?”

“Yes, yes.

“That’s all right.

ps: Please subscribe, thank you all, and ask for further reading.

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