Chapter 175 Let you kill people, don’t act (seeking subscription, fourth update)

Chapter 176 Let You Kill People, Don’t Act

In the RV, Chen Fan yawned and rested comfortably, while on the one hand, the driver in charge of the car drove in the direction of a forest.

The reason for being here is entirely because the forest is closed.

And these people were driven in.

Many people participated in this operation, and even said that several families sent people to stop it.

The purpose is to hope that this group of teenagers can be given a chance to practice.

You know, this kind of experience is very rare, after all, in peacetime, where can we hunt others?

But if there is an opportunity, it still needs to be grasped.

As for why Chen Fan wants to come here, it is not Chen Fan’s willingness, but the family’s persecution. ,

The halo of a hero, perhaps, such a scene is really worth seeing.

Several young people formed a team and gradually entered the forest.

And a group of family owners who took the lead also sneaked in.

Surprisingly, Ye Ziyue also participated.

At this time, Chen Fan was by the car, got some red wine, and ate the fruit comfortably, as if the life and death of these people had nothing to do with him.

The people around are watching, but they can only watch.

Discussions have already started in the group.

“Number seven, number seven, can you broadcast it live?”

Number Seven said: “I’m debugging, right away, wait for me, I have locked the location of these people, it seems that some experts have taken action and drove these people into the forest.”

“Uh, who is it?”

Nangong Qingyan said: “It is estimated that it is the members of the four families, and only these people can do this. It is estimated that it is not realistic for others.”

“Almost, it’s not much different from the information I investigated, but I was quite surprised. To be honest, is this Dijun Si in the state of a lunatic at this time, or what?”

Cao Zijin said: “If you can always be a lunatic, maybe this matter can be handled easily. After all, after experiencing those things, you will definitely not be able to accept it in your heart.”

Isn’t this nonsense? Who can accept that your own woman will green yourself face to face? The most important thing is that you can find a better one. You find a particularly ugly and fat person.

“What about Xiaolan?”

“What about Zheng Shaoyang’s affection, what do you want to see?”

I rely on.

“What’s the matter, don’t they go to work?”

Number 7 said: “Ye Aotian is just such a woman, Xiao Yu is still pursuing it, so I must look for Xiaolan, there is not much time, and finally Ye Aotian went out. I must cherish it.”

“What about Xiaoyu?”

, “I am playing at the casino with Luo San, what, do you want to watch it too?”

Forget it, don’t watch it.

, This is too miserable.

The protagonist works hard for his family and his own dreams outside, hoping that he can become a family by himself.

As a result, the women next to me, one after another, did not look good.

Liu Feifei said: “You said, in whose hands Dijunsi will die in the end.,

Cao Zijin said: “Eighty percent is the emperor, others can’t kill the emperor at all, but if the emperor’s thinking is going to die, then everything is very clear.”

Number Seven said: “You guys, have you put everything in the woods?’

Nangong Qingyan said: “I put it all in, to ensure that it is safe, and the casual staff is also arranged by me, and I can definitely record it for you.”

On the 7th, the camera was turned on, and the position was aligned little by little. ,

Soon, I saw a small team and met a master.

The two groups didn’t have any unnecessary nonsense, they shot directly.I have to say that surpassing the strength of the first grade is definitely an existence against the sky. There is no ambiguity when one person faces the offense of several people.

But only after the arrival of some patriarchs, the battle began to have a turning point.

“Where is Zhuyeqing?”

Inquiring from the group, Zhu Yeqing said: “I’m hiding here. The young master’s request is that these patrons must die.,

“Well, this is the rule. If the old one does not die, this paragraph will not go well. Let’s see first. If you don’t need to make a move, it is the best. If you need to make a move, just kill the old one.”

Zhu Yeqing nodded and agreed.

Soon, the battle came to the point where professionals took action, because the young man fell directly to the ground within a few back and forth.

But when the Patriarch also fell, Cao Zijin said helplessly: “Is it such a waste~?”

In fact, it’s not that these people are wasteful, but that Cao Zijin is too strong here, you know, these people are all taking medicine.

Although it may not be considered a powerful thing, it is enough to deal with these people.

But helpless, Zhu Yeqing put on a mask directly and killed it.

Throwing a punch, the opponent was dumbfounded, and ended his life.

After doing all this, Zhu Yeqing ran away.

Continue to find the location of the next person.

A few people in the group watched the death of an individual seriously.

But when Di Junsi was here, countless people stared at him.

The Patriarch of the Ye family took the Emperor Brother and looked at the Emperor Si who was sitting at the entrance of the cave.

“Why bother? Back then, when we went to fight together, what a demeanor you were at that time, now. Look at you, what did you turn yourself into?”

Di Junsi sneered, then got up and killed him.

Betrayal does not mean that you have lost martial arts.

In contrast, the force value is increasing.

The emperor’s side called his father’s name, but it didn’t make any sense.

Obviously, this guy is determined.

Damn, something has gone wrong.

But at this moment, the protagonist directly confronted Dijunsi without knowing it, his arm broke, and the person fainted instantly.

Ye Ziyue also pretended to pass out, staring nervously at her father’s side.

After discovering that his father had been beaten away by Emperor Si, Ye Ziyue was vigilantly preparing to save her father.

She didn’t want her father to die.

The Patriarch of the Ye Family, vomiting blood, never thought that one day he would have such a result, and he was so much worse than others.

At this time, Ye Ziyue stuffed him with a pill, and quickly tapped a few times on his body.

“This is your daughter

“Shhh, father, don’t say, go to bed first, you are not his opponent, this matter is handled by someone, don’t move.”

“What is your strength?”

Helpless, Ye Ziyue directly knocked her father out.

Just when Ye Ziyue was about to take a shot, she instantly heard the sound in the earphones and lay down directly.

Because someone is coming. Can’t do it yet.

A fat man ran fast, throwing all kinds of things in his hand.

It’s money morality. ,

Damn, is this guy so cruel?

When the strength exceeds the first grade, in fact, you are not afraid of bullets, but the morality of money does not care about those. If you are not strong enough, then use a bomb to kill this guy.

I am not afraid of bullets, but it hurts to hit them.

The bomb was thrown out without hesitation, and it exploded beside Dijunsi.

The emperor stared at Qian Dao stubbornly.

Qian Daode refused to admit defeat, and threw out some strange boxes, which broke apart.

My f*ck is poison.

Damn it, this f*ck, this money is really vicious enough.

“: Niubi, really Niubi.”

What everyone in the group saw was stunned. This money morality is really omnipotent.

“Laozi wants you to die, I want you to die, to be buried with my parents.”

At this time, Dijunsi gradually recovered a bit of reason, and said: “It’s you hahahaha, I didn’t expect that my wise life would actually follow the way of your kid.”

After finishing speaking, he killed him directly and shot Qian Dao away with a palm.

But it didn’t kill money morality.

I must have kept my hand.

“This f*ck, I have a bad feeling, damn it, damn it.”

Qian Dao must not die. After all, it is a member of the protagonist group. If this is dead, how could the plot begin?

Ye Ziyue must get it right.

But seeing that Qian Dao was still alive, I decided to wait and see.

Qian Daode looked at Di Junsi fiercely, and said, “Why didn’t you kill me.”

“What’s the point? Why kill you? What can I do if I kill you?

Qian Daode’s question mark on his face, what does this mean.

“Be nice to Mei Lan. Actually, I knew from the very beginning that she would not like me in her life, even if she liked a small character, she would not like me.”

“In addition to questioning and beating every day, what else did you do? You never cared how she felt.

This f*ck.

Liu Feifei said: “What do you think, I’m not watching a hot-blooded TV series? I’m watching an Ethical Harem TV series? No, this f*ck is a story about a female channel.”

Meihua Thirteen said: “Damn, if the hero and heroine are more handsome and beautiful, I will be a ninja too, but, this f*ck, how does it feel weird?

“Fuck me, my eyes, fuck me.”

; Ling Yuyan is the one who can’t accept this the most.

I was prepared to watch the fall of a generation of table heroes, but I saw an emotional drama?》

This f*ck is really incredible.

Liu Feifei said helplessly: “Sister Ye Ziyue, otherwise, you can do it, don’t go on, I can’t stand it anymore.”

“I am also a little nauseated, but the money is ethical.”

At this time, a stone hit Qian Dao’s head, Qian Dao fainted.

Zhu Yeqing walked out, checked the surrounding area, and after making sure that there was no one, he silently took off the mask.

Ye Ziyue also gradually got up.

Di Junsi looked at the two, looking at them in disbelief.

“How can you, why, why are you?”

“There are many, many better people than you, but the frog at the bottom of your well.”

Dijunsi’s thoughts were turning quickly, and he said, “It’s Chen Fan, all of this is Chen Fan, hahahahahaha, it’s interesting and interesting. Unexpectedly, I didn’t expect that this year, the strongest young man turned out to be Chen Fan, actually got your two right-hand men.”

Ye Ziyue said: “You still know too little. Our strength is given by Chen Fan. It is not our allegiance to him. It is the strength that we gained after loyal to her first.”

Di Junsi was dumbfounded, what is the development of this f*ck?

“It’s impossible. I don’t believe him. He is so young. We tested the Chen family back then. He didn’t have any cultivation strength. It was impossible to cultivate.

Unfortunately, Ye Ziyue didn’t give him the right to talk nonsense.

With a wave of his hand, Di Junsi was pulled over directly from the air.

Pinching his neck with one hand.”It’s better to die. Don’t worry, the emperor’s family is still there, and the rest of the family will also be there. It just needs to die a lot of people, because you must kill these people.”

After solving Dijunsi, Ye Ziyue took her father and left.

Zhuyeqing also gradually disappeared into the forest.

When the time estimate was about the same, the personnel rushed in one after another. When they saw Emperor Brother holding his father’s body and crying aloud, the scene was indeed a bit bleak.

And Qian Dao is keenly aware of something wrong.

“.~ Ye Aotian, there is a master.

Ye Aotian said, “Who is it?”

“I don’t know, I can’t guess who it is, but this person is very powerful. I suspect that he is the censor. Only when it was determined that we could not deal with Dijunsi.,

Ye Aotian said, “Well, I know, take someone, and take all these seniors back.”

After seeing Zhu Yeqing come back, Chen Fan also knew that the matter was resolved.

“All dead?”

Zhu Yeqing said: “Yes, young master, they are all dead, and the heads of the major families are all dead.”

“Hahahaha, good death, good death.”

Chen Fan was just happy, happy because the plot went smoothly. What he didn’t expect was that he suffered from countless people’s malice.

Everyone stared at Chen Fan fiercely.

Some people even rushed up directly cursing.

Zhu Yeqing slapped one.

Directly knocked all these young people unconscious on the ground.

Has this group of people been so brave all the time?

Chen Fan got up and said, “You are really, I just complain about it. Look at you, what does it have to do with me, it really is.”

Anyway, it’s like this, then continue to play the role of your villain.

And with Chen Fan’s departure, regarding the death of Dijunsi, he finally gave an interesting answer, that is, when facing the emperor, Dijunsi hesitated and chose to end his life.

It can be regarded as a good finishing touch for this table man.

All of this was as expected by Chen Fan. Although it was bumpy, he finally saw a happy ending.

Still very happy.

After all, the plot is smooth, in fact, these are enough.

As long as it is basically matched, the protagonist is protected and promoted, then you can enter the affairs of the four families.

As for the life and death of the ten families, Chen Fan never cared about them.

Damn, Laozi’s second day of marriage (Zhao Hao), the honeymoon hasn’t gone, so Laozi is forced to open business, and the plot is rubbish. Can’t you experience the villain? The villain also needs to rest, okay?

At this time, in a room, Ye Ziyue looked at her father and said solemnly: “Father, I told the public that you are dead, you have to understand this.

The Patriarch looked at Ye Ziyue and said, “Why?”

“I don’t know how to explain it to you, but I can guarantee that the Ye Family will definitely not collapse, and will even become better. But you need to change your face to appear in the Ye Family, but you can only As a housekeeper.”

The Patriarch was silent for a long time, and said: “These are all laid out by you.”

‘It’s the person behind me who supports me and helped me make arrangements. Although it’s hard to accept it, he is a tough person to the extreme. My strength is also given to me and me. ”

The owner of the house silently looked at his daughter’s strength and fell into deep thought.

These are not what he can understand now.

“What do I need to do for you? Can I help you?”

Ye Ziyue said: “Theoretically, father, you actually died this time. This time, all the heads of the major families need to die. I plead and let you survive, but you must understand that you will change your face in the future. If you need to adjust, I will let someone send you to do plastic surgery and change your voice., no”


Ye Ziyue said, “Did you agree?”

The owner said with a smile: “Naturally agree, why not agree? I just think, I didn’t expect that you have quietly grown to the point where I need to look up.”

“Without a father, I just want you to live, and hope that this family will be better. I am just this simple idea.

ps: Please subscribe, thank you. Thank you.

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