Chapter 173 Domineering Wushuang, Cao Zijin (seeking subscription, second update)

Chapter 174 The Protagonist Is Really Dead (seeking subscription, second more)

When the time came around eight o’clock in the morning, Cao Zijin’s retreat was over, and he sat in the living room in a daze and was eating.

Zhu Yeqing helped her tidy up her hair, while Chen Fan was looking at the phone and watching the message Mei Huajue sent to herself.

Most of them are documents. Obviously, Chen Fan is also preparing.

After all, it is necessary to go to work in his company. Moreover, Chen Fan is not sure whether the company is really in the magic capital or in the imperial capital. You know, the map upgrade, these are uncertain.

At least so far, Chen Fan feels that even if it is a change of place, he will not be surprised.

However, to a large extent, it is probably from the Imperial Capital.

The four families have four ruthless people, and, in the imperial capital, the rules are stricter. If you really cause too many troubles, you will really be punished.

After eating briefly, Cao Zijin said, “Husband, we need to visit Ye’s house in a while.”

*: Why, I don’t go to that place.

“It is said that it is a meeting. We are temporarily replacing Qian’s family to participate. We have our place.

“Really, are you sure?”

Although this is something that I know in my heart, on the surface, I still need to pretend it.

Such as shock, such as experience, um, my acting skills are getting better and better.

Sure enough, he is a talented actor.

“Yes, they begged us to go this time, and Zhu Yeqing seems to be someone who must be invited.”

Chen Fan said awkwardly:


In fact, this is a bit beyond Chen Fan’s advance. What does Zhu Yeqing do? In theory, Zhu Yeqing does not participate in this action.

Zhu Yeqing said: “It seems to be killing Dijunsi and needs my help.

“What does it have to do with you? If you don’t go, go, isn’t this “July 13″ a mess?”

“Master, don’t worry, how can I do my best? I am very sensible. I can learn a lot from Master.”

“Nonsense, how can I fish? I am very diligent. Okay, take Wu Meiniang with me.

After all, without Zhuyeqing’s protection, Wu Meiniang would need to exist. In this way, everything was reasonable.

After eating, changing clothes, a few people drove, and when they arrived at Ye’s house, looking at the rows of luxury cars at the door, Chen Fan knew that the plot that should come is still coming.

After Chen Fan and Cao Zijin walked in together, everyone on the scene looked to this side.

Chen Fan is proud and arrogant.

The villain should be awesome.

I took a look at the location of Qian’s house and sat down without hesitation, with his legs folded, clothes, and the expression you look at.

Damn, this time, it was supernormal, and this expression was so unpretentious, it was absolutely absolutely amazing.

Meihua Thirteen said: “Since everyone has arrived, then let’s talk about business. Regarding the killing of Dijunsi and the other three people this time, I need everyone to brainstorm.”

“The meaning given by the family also represents the meaning of the four families. There is a problem on our own side, and we naturally need to solve it by ourselves.”

“I hope you can take it seriously. This is a very serious problem. This time, the impact is too great. The Qian family has died so many people. You need to give an explanation.

Nangong Qingyan yawned, tidyed up her shawl, and then continued to fight.

For her, this kind of thing is not of much interest.The Nangong family rarely mixes up these things.

The Patriarch of the Ye family said, “I hope that this matter will be handled by the young people. After all, this is a good opportunity for experience.”

Here comes, here comes, gives the head away, and begins.

Everyone looked at the Patriarch of the Ye Family.

“Why, don’t you know the strength of Dijunsi? That has surpassed the first grade, and it is not something these children can fight against.”

But why is this person who has died speaking, shouldn’t it be Ye Zitian?

Chen Fan saw Ye Ziyue. At this time, Ye Ziyue lowered her head subconsciously, and Chen Fan felt something was wrong.

Who, fucking, is she really, damn, damn people are not dead, this story can’t go on.

“Then since young people are participating, why do you want to listen to your old guy?”

Chen Fan went back directly, he needed to bring back the development of the plot.

The owner of the family was stunned for a moment, but Ye Zitian was clinging to Chen Fan, and said, “Be careful when you speak.”

“Then you would fight a fight. You begged Zhu Yeqing from my family for help. Why, don’t you give me any respect? Among your ten families, is there no one among the young people who can come up with ideas? Otherwise, it’s just me. Wife is in charge, I think this is very good.”

Cao Zijin coughed and said, “If my husband needs it, I think I can do it. Moreover, we just got married the next day, let us take care of things, isn’t it a bit disrespectful to us?

Ye Ziyue said: “I agree, if young people are the main force, then Cao Zijin and I are responsible, how?,

Everyone at the scene took a look and quickly reached a consensus that these two people are indeed okay.

Ye Ziyue walked out and said, “I don’t have too many concepts above First-Rank. I want to know, what is the difference with First-Rank?”

Zhu Yeqing said softly: “If you have to understand, you can think that I can play ten first-class personnel alone.

In fact, this is meant to be conservative. If it is really a little master like Zhuyeqing who is beyond the first grade, it is estimated that it will be no problem to hit fifty or sixty.

But Zhu Yeqing is not a young master, and the realm has long been crushed.

During this period of time, she broke through again and successfully saw the realm of the gods.

The dragon gate behind the god, above, she couldn’t see clearly, and she felt vague.

Ye Ziyue said: “That’s very difficult. So far, we know that the strongest younger generation is the emperor, but he does not have the strength to reach the first grade.”

The emperor said: “I have reached the first-grade.”

The emperor sat aside and said with a gloomy expression.

This time, the family asked him to come and kill his father with his own hands. It was also a last resort. If he did not do this, then the emperor family would face encirclement and suppression by the other families. ,

In order to keep so many people in the family alive, the emperor had to stand up.

“I think our Qian family hasn’t been so lonely to be expelled.”

A man walked out and said proudly: “My name is Qian Wuming, and my strength is a little grandmaster beyond the first grade.”

Chen Fan’s black question mark face, f*ck, who are you? Where did you pop out?

The appearance of Qian Wuming directly scared Chen Fan, good fellow, this man’s original work is not there. ,

But wait, it seems that the plot has gradually changed.

In other words, a group of more powerful people are needed to appear, in this way, the strength is considered to be consistent, after all, the strength of Dijunsi has become stronger.

Chen Fan himself didn’t know why Dijun Si became stronger. Originally, according to the design, this guy was only in the realm of a little master.

In this way, a group of first-grade products rushed out, basically it is safe.

However, this guy was obviously not, and even immediately surpassed the realm of the grandmaster and came to the realm of the grandmaster.

In fact, Chen Fan really guessed wrong, because this person has reached the pinnacle of the great master realm.

This also needs to thank Chen Fan’s medicine for the help.

Chen Fan is restraining the potential of his drug formulation, but still miscalculates his strength.

Later, another person stepped forward, with strength beyond First Grade, but it was not a young man, but a middle-aged man.

It can be regarded as a position between the owner of the house and the young man.

Then a few more people appeared.

At this time, Chen Fan will not be able to.

This f*ck, don’t you want money?

The most deceiving thing at this time is that the plum blossom thirteen, good fellow, where did it come from? These f*ck’s are all monsters.

You are like this, but it’s a violation of the rules.

But it seems, it’s okay. In this way, the strength is relatively balanced. At least, the plot can be smoothed.

Ye Ziyue said: “That’s good, then we will be based on the strength of the first rank, people under the first rank, don’t play.

At this time, Ye Aotian stood up and said, “I am the pinnacle of the second rank, and I think I can participate in the war.”

Look, this is the protagonist. He knows he can’t do anything, but he wants to do something. This f*ck is ruthless. ,

It’s really awesome.


Everyone took a look and talked in whispers. Most of them were young and promising, courageous and responsible.

And here, Ye Ziyue didn’t even bother to take care of it, and said, “Well, that’s good, I have statistics here. I think it’s better to separate the basic plan. This time, the purpose is to kill, so , We must not go alone, we must meet directly, and everyone will do their best.”

Cao Zijin said: “I have other ideas. I suggest that the team should be separated, because it is impossible for the four people to get together. Only if they are separated can the solution be resolved.

It certainly won’t work separately.

what are you thinking?”

But looking at Cao Zijin’s eyes, it seems that you really have to do this, because in this way, the plot can be developed. ,

Ye Ziyue did not continue to speak.

Here, Cao Zijin said: “Well, there is a team that I care more about, that is, the team where the emperor is.”

The emperor was stunned, looked at Cao Zijin and said, “What do you mean? Do you think I will release water?”

Cao Zijin shook his head and said, “No, I don’t think you will release the water, because this matter is inherently wrong, and what you need is to correct this mistake, but, your father has gone crazy, you know that. , Then, why didn’t the Emperor’s family have an accident? I think there is a mistake in the news, right?”

Everyone stared at the emperor.

The emperor said: “Father said that we must get rid of anyone who threatens the emperor’s family.”

Cao Zijin laughed and said, “Didn’t it mean that the Qian family has a good relationship with the emperor family? Why, the emperor would be the first to think it was the Qian family’s problem?”

Qian Daode stood behind the crowd, shivering a little, afraid to talk nonsense

He’s really responsible for this, damn it, the excitement is gone.

The emperor said: “I don’t know, I just heard my father say this.”

Cao Zijin said, “That is, the crazy father didn’t kill his son, didn’t he?”

Everyone at the scene was sweating on their backs, and Chen Fan praised Cao Zijin. This is the villain.

The villain, how could it be a good person, Cao Zijin is the purest bad person, the purest evil person.

She has always been like this, but for herself, she really likes it.

“What do you mean.”

Cao Zijin said: “Then the problem will be solved very well. I dare to say that even if this group of people take action together, there is actually no way to deal with Dijunsi. Then, you can only take other routes. Therefore, you, the team, must You have to face Dijunsi directly. Only when Dijunsi faces you, will there be changes and will be merciful.”You are really cruel.

Let a child kill his own father?》

Is this the devil-like Cao Zijin?

Meihua Thirteen is sweating on the back, this, the group owner is too awesome, this is too cruel.

No wonder at the dinner table, everyone said that if they could, Cao Zijin could kill everyone, for the man Chen Fan.

This woman is really made. Her values ​​are only Chen Fan, and there is no superfluous person.

‘You are so cruel, you Cao Zijin, you are so cruel. ”

Cao Zijin said: “I’m just a planner, and you’re just an executor. If you don’t want to, you can withdraw from this pursuit, but you have to think about the position of your emperor family and the rest of the family. You have to know, If you don’t do this, you know better than anyone else where the future of the Emperor Family is.”

“Too many families desire this position.”

The scene was quiet, as quiet as death.

Ye Aotian was also shocked, this woman was so scary and so scary.

Ye Ziyue said, “If that’s the case, then we will be like this.”

Patriarch Ye said: “The most important thing is missing, Cao Zijin, you didn’t say it.”

Cao Zijin sighed and said, “Forget it, it’s not good. Ye Ziyue and I are enemies and friends. It’s unnecessary.”

Ye Ziyue suddenly thought of something and looked at her father.

Patriarch Ye stood up, stood up, and said:’In fact, the hatred he carries in his heart is for people of our generation. He hated the things that year. Our living Patriarchs are all bait, and he is worried. Humans, in fact, he also knows that he is in a madness, and he doesn’t have much time to be rational, so he must kill us.

“Only when we old people leave, the emperor family can truly survive.”

Cao Zijin didn’t speak, Ye Ziyue said: “Father, you don’t actually need you.

The owner said: “How can you not need me, not only me, but also us, then be our bait, we old people will become nourishment, let you young people grow up.”

At this moment, several Patriarchs stood up one after another and walked out.

“That’s pretty good. Since we did one thing wrong in 3.4, then we will do the right thing once, old emperor, I also want to compare and see how much has gone wrong after so many years. ”

“Yes, Lao Ye, let’s form a team when the time comes. I haven’t moved my muscles for a long time.

“The future is the world of young people. We old people naturally have to get out. If we don’t get out, young people won’t be able to get up.”

This f*ck, you have all changed, a good novel, how come you have become a passionate old man.

Fuck, this development, forget it, the final result is that Di Junsi is dead. ,

The protagonist’s pretence has been upgraded again.

That’s okay, as long as this core point is reached, it’s actually okay.

Mei Hua Thirteen said, “What about your opinions?”

Ye Ziyue said, “I don’t agree.”

The owner said: “What I say counts, my daughter is just worried about me, it’s okay.,”

Cao Zijin said: “If this is the case, then do it. I think this is the best plan.”

Ye Ziyue stared at Cao Zijin and said, “Are you not a little kind in your heart? Are you so cruel?”

Cao Zijin said: “This is me, did you know me the first day? I have said it many times, the purpose is that the emperor thinks about death. If the emperor thinks about death, everything is for nothing, everything will return to the source.”

In fact, this meant to tell Ye Ziyue that Dijunsi must die, and your father, in this paragraph, is already dead, and you have to accept this.

Ye Ziyue looked at Cao Zijin, very ambitious in her heart.

She is a little messy and doesn’t know what to do.

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