Chapter 15 Protagonist, cheer (seeking support, third)

Chapter Fifteen: Come on, the protagonist (seeking support, third)

You still don’t have much reaction to this, so let’s start all over again.

Sure enough, Lin Qingyue panicked and pushed Chen Fan directly away.

He didn’t hesitate to smash the flowers on Chen Fan’s face.

“You… presumptuous.”

Hahahahaha. ,

By the way, this feeling is right, so let me just say, what is wrong, it turns out that your person set the wrong way, but it’s okay, correct it.

Little baby, hurry up and say bad words, hurry up, so I can continue to lick the dog.

“How can you… be like this.”

What the hell are you doing so gentle?

Forget it, no matter.

Go on acting.

“Sorry, I didn’t control it, I thought, you like me too…”

“How could I like you bastard, I would never like you if I was killed, if it weren’t for your family, how would I be willing to contact you”

“Everything depends on the family. Don’t you mean that the father has the right and the mother has the money? What will you do?”

“Except for eating and waiting to die every day, what else can you do?”

Whoops, I’m such a waste.

However, this feels right, this is the attitude of the heroine towards licking dogs.

You are so good. Don’t be gentle and gentle. Nothing. When you are gentle, I almost can’t give it to the eldest brother.

Ye Aotian rushed up without hesitation and stood in front of Chen Fan and Lin Qingyue.

“Oh, Master Chen, how come you start to use strong? If a woman doesn’t like you, don’t embarrass a woman. This is not gentle enough.”

“Where are the cats and dogs, dare to be presumptuous with me? How about the security? Lin’s estate, beggars can be put in?”

Damn, I can definitely get the Golden Horse Award. Just kidding, this rich second-generation villain made myself play, absolutely top-notch.

Lin Qingyue looked at Ye Aotian.

It’s hard for you, the protagonist, with gauze wrapped around his head and injured arm, so he insisted on coming out on stage.

It’s not easy.

“Since you are injured, don’t come to join in the fun”

“Thank you for your concern. I just met some cats and dogs. Some people didn’t dare to mess around on the face. They used various methods behind their backs.”

The black question mark on Chen Fan’s face.

What do you mean, what are you talking about, how can I not understand.

But Chen Fan looked at the situation in front of him, and it became clear in an instant. It turns out you misunderstood that I was looking for someone to beat you.

That’s easier.

Anyway, I also need to pull hatred with you, so just pull it directly.

“It was me, what’s wrong?”

Fuck you. ,

Ye Aotian couldn’t do this anymore, and said, “You admit it, don’t you?”

“Yes, I admit it, what’s the matter, have an opinion? Not only did I find someone to beat you, I even plan to find someone to do you, and grab a woman from me, so are you worthy?”

“You are looking for death, don’t think that you can cover the sky with one hand in Qincheng.”

Chen Fan stood there and said, “Why, I can just cover the sky with just one hand? What’s wrong? You hit me.”

The inner monologue is, elder brother, please, I’m going to shoot, I can jump.

You see, I kissed the woman you fancy, and I even hugged her.

Hit me, hit me quickly, please, brother, you shot it, if you don’t do it again, this scene can’t continue.

Ye Aotian looked at Chen Fan fiercely.

Here, Lin Qingyue has stepped aside.

She naturally knew what was going to happen next.

At present, she doesn’t like two people. She doesn’t like Chen Fan because this guy is duplicity, doesn’t like herself, and pretends to be nice to herself.

I didn’t like Ye Aotian because I felt that this person was too stupid.

What I wanted to express was that I didn’t want this person to join in the fun, but Ye Aotian actually felt that he was caring about him?

Are you so confident?

Regardless, your business has nothing to do with me.

I, Lin Qingyue, is Lin Qingyue, and I don’t need to look at anyone’s face to do things.

Ye Aotian used the rest of his hand and directly used his full strength.

It hit Chen Fan’s chest.

In an instant, the tremendous power made Ye Aotian’s fist hurt, and he felt that his bones seemed to be cracking.

But she resisted and didn’t call out.

At this moment, Chen Fan gave a strange cry, then exerted force, flew out and fell to the ground.

Ye Aotian looked at his broken fist and was a little stunned. When did he become so strong?

And Chen Fan, who fell on the ground, pointed at Ye Aotian and said, “You… dare to hit me, do you know who I am? You are dead, you hit me in Qincheng, wait, Laozi wants Slowly kill you.”

“Come on, others are afraid of you, I am not afraid of you.”

Chen Fan finished speaking and fell directly on the ground with his eyes closed.

Then there is nothing to do with me.

Waiting to go to the hospital.

The curtain call came to my own, and today’s performance came to a successful conclusion.

The rest is about the hero and the heroine.

Ye Aotian turned around, and the fist that had punched before began to seep blood.

It looks like it is indeed injured.

“We meet again.”

Lin Qingyue did not speak.

“I don’t know, can you give me a chance to have a meal together? Let us get to know each other?”

Chen Fan cried silently in his heart, agreeing to him, agreeing to him, agreeing to him.


Ye Aotian said a lot, but Lin Qingyue replied.

No, you guys, what are you doing?

Hurry up and continue to develop.

Ye Aotian was also stunned, and said, “What do you mean by this word?”

“Nothing, I just don’t want to talk to you.”

After speaking, greet people and lift Chen Fan on the ground onto a stretcher.

After all, Chen Fan’s affairs are more important. As for Ye Aotian, it’s just like what was written in Chen Fan’s diary.

A person, the people around him don’t care, and cares about strangers boringly.

That really deserves to be scolded.

Chen Fan on the stretcher narrowed his eyes and looked at Ye Aotian, who was blinded.

Damn, you are really trash you.

Lin Qingyue said: “I was rushed to the hospital. He was in an accident. Don’t think about it, and you, Ye Aotian.”

Don’t, sister, I don’t want you to protect me.

Please, don’t be like this, it’s so hard for me.

Nowadays, the heroes and heroines of novels are not taking the usual path?


ps: Please support, thank you all, please give me more votes to support the flowers.


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