Chapter 100 You won’t come again, it’s really green (please subscribe, first update)

Chapter 102-You Are Not Here Again, It’s Really Green

Ye Aotian had just opened his eyes at the hospital at this time. When he saw the message in the mobile phone, Ye Aotian couldn’t help but become alert.

“How can it be, why, it’s like this, why.”

The message was very simple. It was sent to him by Zhu Yeqing and told him that Liu Feifei was at Chen Fan’s home at this time, that is to say, this little girl was kidnapped.

This is a very terrifying thing, such a simple little girl fell into the hands of the devil, this is too much for Ye Aotian to accept.

Calling Ling Xiaoyun, people here walked in.

“What’s wrong?”

“Prepare, tonight, we are going to fight once, and I will make Chen Fan pay the price tonight.

“Are you crazy? Take everyone directly to Chen Fan’s home?”

Ye Aotian said: “Liu Feifei was kidnapped, and she is at Chen Fan’s house at this time. I can’t just sit back and watch.”

, You fucking, are you an animal that walks on the lower body? A woman was kidnapped. What does it have to do with you?

“Actually, you are not very familiar with her. Her life and death have nothing to do with you.”

“She is the woman Ye Aotian fancy, and the woman I fancy, don’t let her suffer any harm.

Ling Xiaoyun said, “But it is difficult for me to agree, because, like you, our Ling family really can’t afford to kill a group of people directly to the villa. This change is saying that you are planning to attack the Chen family directly. , Then the Chen family can just tear their face, take everyone, and destroy our family directly.”

Ye Aotian fell silent. At this moment, his reason told himself that he shouldn’t do this.

“I don’t understand, I don’t believe that Chen Fan will kidnap.”

“I suspect that Xiao Feng did it. I doubt it very much.”

Ye Aotian thought about it for a while, sent a message to Zhu Yeqing, and confirmed it. The news was indeed the case. ,

Then everything makes sense. Although Ye Aotian thinks Chen Fan is very Damn it, Chen Fan rarely targets his family, and generally only targets himself.

This person, Ye Aotian was regarded as an opponent because he was worthy of the title of opponent, but Xiao Feng?

What a cat and a dog, such a small character, 12 actually wants to fight between the two of us?

“Then what do you mean?”

“Four people, up to four people, there is no way to find more, if you continue to find more, it will be messed up.”

Ye Aotian said, “You and Ling Yuyan, can you not?”

“It’s no problem. Young people are best to deal with the affairs of young people. Moreover, if we young people go, Tao Xiaotian will not be able to take action. She can be regarded as an elder.”

“What age is that woman?”

“It can only be said that it is much larger than you think. His exercises are not comparable to those of Chen Changsheng. Although they belong to the longevity category, her exercises can maintain the vitality of the human body. Theoretically As long as the realm is high enough, it can be true, even when it is dead, it will look like a girl.”

too horrible.

However, compared with his own Emperor Heart Jue, it was still a bit worse after all.

The Emperor Heart Jue is the strongest.

“There are two more people, I’m thinking about who to take.”

Ling Xiaoyun said, “Isn’t your team five people? There are three others.”

“I’ll call and ask. Although the team is five people, the other three people are just here to make a name. Most of them are overseas. I rarely see them.”

The phone was dialed, and the first woman directly replied to fuck off, resting.

The second woman answered the phone and said that she was near the hospital and could go together.

After a while, the two came.

Two sisters, Miaolingyin and Miaolingyu, stood in front of Ye Aotian.

“Unexpectedly, with such good luck, the two of you are actually in Qincheng.”

Miaolingyin nodded, without saying much, Miaolingyu said: “You plan to kill the Ye Family directly, the four of us?”Ye Aotian said: “Yes, four people are enough, plus me, five people, I think, if these are not enough, then this matter is beyond the rules, I think, Chen Fan is also waiting When I go, I believe him. He is not the kind of person who is willing to use conspiracy and tricks. He will fight me head-on.

Pull it down, you are the protagonist.

Not conspiracy, mother, you will kill people in the end, if the old lady is a traverser, in the first chapter, you will directly kill you as the protagonist.

Miaolingyu likes to say that she is her younger sister, and Miaolingyin likes to listen, she is her elder sister.

The exercises of the two sisters are war dance, and they tend to dance skills.

It can be said that the two sisters are not necessarily the strongest, but they must be the most difficult.

In such a description, it is a green snake and a white snake.

The family believes in snakes, and the route they take is a soft, tangling route.

Soft bones are unparalleled.

The two exchanged glances and said that they could indeed go tonight.

Ye Aotian said, “Okay, we are going to prepare and set off directly at 9:30 in the evening.

Here, Ling Xiaoyun said: “I’ll go find my sister.”

Ling Xiaoyun left the infirmary and went to his sister’s office. At this time, Ling Yuyan in the office was eating.

“What, are you crazy to attack the Chen family?”

“It’s not really attacking, but, to save people, Liu Feifei was taken away.”

“Brother, you really pretend to be stupid, but you still don’t understand. A woman, this person will make a random decision. Do you think this is really appropriate?”

“It’s appropriate and inappropriate. This is the best way. We don’t have a choice. We chose him in the family. Moreover, we do things within the rules and will not be too aggressive.”

Ling Yuyan smiled and said, “Sometimes, I really feel that Ye Aotian is stupid. Seriously, if it’s me, if he is targeted like this, I may find someone to assassinate him on the next day.”

Nonsense, Laozi knows it too.

In Ling Xiaoyun’s eyes, both of these guys had abnormal heads, as if they were acting.

Damn, how could I have such an illusion?

This illusion is not good, not good.

Ling Xiaoyun said, “Okay, don’t worry about it, pack up and put on clothes.”

Ling Yuyan said: “Brother, that, let me ask a little bit more, you can help me think about it, you said, if we can go this way, you said, that Liu Feifei, will Chen Fan give it to that?”

Ling Xiaoyun was stunned and said, “I don’t know.”

“Then what if it were you? You are the villain, and you kidnapped Liu Feifei, the national goddess?”

Ling Xiaoyun was stunned for a long time, and said, “Well, I should be able to discuss this and what to do? We are going to save people.”

At this time in the room, Chen Fan was eating delicious food and enjoying his cozy time, while Zhuyeqing next to him was picking food for Chen Fan.

Zhu Yeqing has become accustomed to such a life.

Chen Fan snapped his bones, while Liu Feifei stared at Chen Fan.

“Brother Chen Fan, is your big bone delicious? I look like it is delicious.

“It’s not delicious, it’s too bad.

“Ah, it’s so unpalatable. Don’t eat it. Give me a bite. I didn’t eat tonight. I was thinking about losing weight recently and I was a little hungry.

Zhu Yeqing held back a smile. Seriously, this is the cutest girl she has ever seen.

Chen Fan nibbled another scallion and said, “Can you eat this thing?”

“Oh, you can’t eat it, Brother Chen Fan, you have to pair the scallions with egg sauce. Look, you just don’t have much to prepare.”

I’m fucking bored, just find something to eat at will, why do you shit so much.

“All right, all right, which one to eat?”

Liu Feifei came over and said, “Just that big bone, what a waste of your gnawing, there is meat on it, you are really, you can’t be so prodigal.”

Chen Fan handed Liu Feifei the rest of the nibble, and Liu Feifei took a few bites.

Then grabbed the knife on the table and cut directly.

“Look, what’s inside is the essence. The bone marrow is really delicious and the taste is very good.”

Chen Fan said alertly: “I shouldn’t untie the rope for you, really.

“Don’t worry, I’m very sensible. When I’m full, I will tie myself up without your help. Hey, I have learned this thing.,

This damn name is guijiafu, okay, this thing is lost, f*ck, from the country on the mysterious island.

This is very ridiculous, okay.

Forget it, don’t bother to think about it.

After eating several times in a row, Chen Fan looked at the piece in his hand tangledly.

He looked at the leftovers on the table.

Liu Feifei said, “Brother, I think your piece must be very delicious.”

“Give it to you, give it to you, give it to you, hurry up and eat it, don’t bother me.

Liu Feifei snatched it away and sat down on her own.

Chen Fan rubbed his temples and said, ‘I regret it a little bit.

Zhu Yeqing suffocated a smile and said, “Master, I think this girl is really cute.

“No, sister, you are wrong, I am sexy and cute, please don’t just say cute, and I am a sexy, cute and invincible fairy.”

“Yes, yes, you are a fairy, you are the most beautiful.

Chen Fan is starting to feel a pain in his head now, f*ck, the normal kidnappers must be eaten by you.

“No one told you, how much do you eat?”

Liu Feifei said: “It’s a lot, but they are all eaten elsewhere. I will tell you a secret. Don’t tell me whether it’s okay.”

Chen Fan nodded.

Liu Feifei stood up, pulling the clothes on her waist directly.

“Actually, I am really in good shape, but the agent refused to let me go that route, saying that I would take the jade girl route.

This f*ck is the simplest manga figure.

Chen Fan thought of a picture. At first, it was a little girl wearing loose clothes, standing, very cute, her face blushing.

But when the clothes are pulled a bit, they are directly different.

Zhu Yeqing counted his thumbs silently, and said, “Well, it’s really good, you know martial arts?”

Nonsense, this woman knows martial arts as a person, and her strength is not low, this woman is a genius, okay?

Chen Fan is very suspicious that this woman follows the character model of martial arts novels.

Xiaolongnv’s high face value was added to Wang Yuyan’s strength.

What strength?

Naturally, you will learn everything you basically read once.

The strength of this woman in the later period is very scary. You must know that the ancient martial arts setting in this world is very subtle, and the basic internal strength is the most fundamental.

But in fact, the moves are also very weird.

Often when you exercise your moves to a certain level, you can also become very strong.

You know that Liu Feifei was holding a table knife just now. The sharpness of this thing was average, and the cut was a piece of bone.

Also, when you cut it, you can’t see any extra marks on the table.

The most important thing is that it is cut just right.

Lidao’s eyes are all top-notch existences.

“Yes, when I was making a martial arts movie, I also went to learn about martial arts and so on. I know ancient martial arts, and I have exercised.”

“Then what did you learn?

“Wu Qin Xi, how about it, I practiced it blindly by myself, hehe.”Zhu Yeqing was shocked, looking at Chen Fan, why don’t you write such important news in your diary?

Zhu Yeqing joined hands and checked it. When she saw the internal force in Liu Feifei’s body, she was also completely shocked.

What kind of talent is this guy?

However, the reason why Chen Fan didn’t write was completely because Chen Fan felt that it was unnecessary. It was just martial arts, and he could do it. Moreover, he should be invincible.

Anyway, so far, Chen Fan has not seen anyone who can play.

Just like Tao Xiaotian, Chen Fan can also play, just a few problems, generally, more than a dozen, Chen Fan has no problem.

If you have more than 280, you have to be a little more serious.

The bones were gone, and helpless, Chen Fan found out some snacks from the drawer.

I just took a bite of potato chips, subconsciously feeling something was not right, then turned around, looked at Liu Feifei’s big eyes, and was staring at herself seriously.

Those eyes seemed to say, give me a sip.

“Brother Chen Fan, I think, you are so rich, you must have many enemies.”

“I know that many people want me to die.

“That’s right, you can’t eat anything casually, what if you are poisoned to death, right, I think, you should let me take a bite first, and I will help you to see if it is poisonous.”

Chen Fan rubbed his temples and gave her the film.

Eat a lot.

“Well, is it poisonous?”

“I didn’t eat it.

Damn, go to hell you, really.

Chen Fan found out a few chicken paws.

“I think this should be poisonous, too.”

Chen Fan was completely annoyed. He opened the drawer and poured a lot of them directly on the table. He said, “Eat, eat, they are all poisonous, I know, poison to you, eat you to death, why not make you fat? die.”

“Oh, I want to get fat too, but I can’t help but I can’t get fat.”

Haha, if someone else listens to this, they will probably hit someone.

Chen Fan reached out and touched Liu Feifei’s head.

This is totally subconscious behavior.

Liu Feifei rubbed a bit.

It feels like it’s a little cat. It’s really interesting.

Damn, I shouldn’t be like this.

Chen Fan quickly stopped, Liu Feifei raised her head and said, “Brother, you are not professional like this. You are a kidnapper, right? I am the one kidnapped by you. You don’t bully me. You are too kind. You must be a good person.”

You are a good person, your whole family is a good person, go to hell you.

Chen Fan got up and stood in front of the window, already scolding his mother in his heart.

Stupid protagonist, where are you, why are you not here, are you eating shit at home?

Laozi will be tortured crazy by this woman, okay?

If you don’t come again, Laozi will really tear up the ticket.

At this time, Ye Aotian and a few people were already ready.

With Ling Xiaoyun, the two of them went all the way to the villa.

The other three girls are walking their own way, and they will definitely be there. As for who the three of them will find, it is not certain.

“Tonight, I must let Chen Fan know how to write the word fear.

After speaking, the corner of his mouth smiled evilly.

I don’t know why, when Ling Xiaoyun sees this guy smiling now, he feels okay, he doesn’t feel good, and 80% of him is going to be beaten tonight.

ps: Please subscribe, thank you all, please read it.

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