036 The female killer who punishes evil and promotes good! Disabled into the basement

“Gu Changjun, you have done so many evil things, it is time to pay for your life…”

The words fall–

The female assassin stepped on her feet and rushed towards Gu Changjun, with an extra dagger in her hand.

“Dare to be presumptuous in front of the prince, looking for death.”

With a ruthless look, his figure flashed, and he attacked the killer.


The female killer didn’t seem to mean to fight with it.

When the two were about to collide, her figure twisted an exaggerated arc, bypassed the ruthlessness, and struck Gu Changjun directly.


Ruthlessly surprised, but not the slightest panic.

The son is a master of Huajin, this female assassin wants to assassinate, she is crazy about dreams.

At this moment, the female assassin came, and Gu Changjun was still standing there.

It was as if he hadn’t reacted, and was left to be slaughtered.

Upon seeing it-

A smile appeared on the female assassin’s face, and she solved a scumbag for the world.

In her heart, there is the biggest secret.

That is, she has a system.

This is a killer system.

As long as you kill, you can get murderous points, which can be exchanged for all kinds of murderous items and skills.

But she didn’t want to kill innocent people, so she could only find some wicked people to kill.

This would clean the world from harm, and she didn’t feel guilty.

Just a few days ago, she investigated Gu Changjun.

I found that this was an extremely vicious guy, and I didn’t know how many innocent people were on his hands.

So, she came, to walk the way for the sky.

Seeing Gu Changjun getting closer and closer, her smile gradually bloomed, and the dagger in her hand shone harshly in the moonlight.

But when the dagger was approaching and only ten centimeters away, he could no longer advance for half a minute.

The female assassin was taken aback, staring at her with her eyebrows, her expression changed in amazement.

Gu Chang stretched out two fingers and clamped the dagger.

How can this be?

She has investigated Gu Changjun’s actions through the dark web, and she should be an ordinary person.

But what’s going on in the present scene?

One move caught the blow of her dark energy peak.

The strength is absolutely extraordinary, reaching the realm of the legendary master Huajin.

The thought flashed by, and as the second-ranked killer on the killer list, she reacted quickly.

Regardless of her movement, Gu Changjun’s mouth evoked a faint smile, and he twisted his fingers lightly.


A clear, crisp sound rang out, especially clear in this silent night.

Immediately afterwards, there was another “click” sound.

In the shocking eyes of the female killer, the dagger in her hand was shattered, and Gu Changjun slowly raised his foot.


The female killer was kicked out directly.

Accompanied by a roar, it hit the ground hard.

“Puff………… ahem……”

The female assassin stood up, coughed out a mouthful of blood, and looked at Gu Changjun in amazement.

How could he be so strong?

In a daze, the ruthless figure came to her, and a dagger slammed into her throat.

The female assassin wanted to avoid it, but at this time a soreness appeared and she felt weak.

Can only watch the approach of the dagger.

“Is it going to die like this?”

The female assassin’s eyes were unwilling.

She has not yet returned to meet her family.

I haven’t seen my gentle mother yet, and my sister who always followed me when I was young.

Her name is Jiang Feiyan. She was abducted by traffickers when she was a teenager and entered the killer training camp.

Fortunately, the system has awakened, and she has risen all the way, becoming the second-ranked Violet on the killer list.

When I came back from the dark world this time, I wanted to return to my family.

It just happened to find Gu Changjun, and wanted to kill the scourge first.

Unexpectedly, it was planted here.

“Hold on…”

Just when Violet was desperate, Gu Changjun’s voice came.

The deep cold dagger was only one centimeter away from her neck.

It is conceivable that if Gu Changjun was one second late, she might be dead.

Turning his head mercilessly, he looked at the son in doubt.

“First put her in the basement.”

Gu Changjun spoke lightly.

It would be a shame to kill a protagonist with a system.

If it can be used by him.

Maybe it can cultivate a killer organization for him.

From beginning to end, his eyes were on the whole world.

If there is a killer organization to escort, the future development abroad will be much smoother.

“But the son, her strength…”

Ruthlessly frowned, still wanting to speak, worrying that she won’t be able to shut her down.

“Don’t worry, her strength has been sealed by me, and she can’t escape.”


There was a merciless response, and then he carried the violets and walked towards the basement.


All this happened so quickly that Qin Mingyue hadn’t reacted yet.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the assassin being subdued.

Although she had some doubts about the basement that Gu Changjun was talking about, she didn’t ask much.

Now she feels that she can’t do without Gu Changjun.

“Don’t worry, you performed well today, and reward you tonight.”

Seeing the worry on her face, Gu Changjun smiled slightly and walked into the villa.

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. .

Ask for flowers, ask for votes, kneel for all support!

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. .*

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