Another three days passed.

Lin Xingyun controlled the treasure bottle and swallowed a trace of ominous red light into the bottle.


Master, well, this ominous place has also been solved.

He breathed a long sigh of relief before withdrawing the Heavenly Demon Treasure Bottle and taking a slight breath.

And the dark red evil qi under Liu Qiuyan's back was indeed devoured.


Liu Qiuyan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and instantly restored his robe to its original state.

And she was ashamed though.

But the feeling of being stripped out of her body was real, which made her feel a little more relaxed.

As soon as she thought of this, she couldn't help but turn around and look at her little apprentice with emotion and joy.

When she saw Lin Xingyun's fine sweat, she subconsciously took out a silk pad, just like she had treated Liu Xinyan in the past, and gently wiped it for him.

"Nebula, thanks to you, now... I already feel a lot more relaxed!"

"Are you tired, rest for a while, blame me, make you work so hard..."

Lin Xingyun said with a chuckle, a light smile of relief.

At this time, he looked at his master, so lovingly and gently wiping his sweat.


the other party changes to Yingqing, he estimates that he has already held the other party's soft yun, and then he will throw it down and start making the other party sweat


It was not that he was afraid that Master Venerable would hurt him, but he did not dare to easily and directly touch the other party's flesh.

It stands to reason that the flesh of a powerhouse in the Great Emperor Realm, if Liu Qiuyan hadn't controlled it with all his strength, he would have turned into flying ash if he got close!

But at this time, if he took the initiative and grabbed the gentle palms of the master, it was hard to imagine that his entire arm might be instantly shattered by the countershock............

As soon as he thought of this, he also converged his thoughts and said sincerely.

"Master, in one year, the disciple has already stripped you of two ominous powers.

"Let's go ahead and peel off the next place!"

said Lin Xingyun, and Liu Qiuyan suddenly interrupted with an embarrassed face.

"Nebula, when you peel off the next ominous, can you... Blindfolded?" her

plump face glowed with blush.

Over the past year, Lin Xingyun has successively stripped her left collarbone and two ominous forces on her back.

But then, the ominousness in other places, she was really embarrassed to continue to let Lin Xingyun look directly at her for months like this!"

Master, why did you start to care about these subsections again

?" "Are you worried about your disciples and have thoughts about you?"

Lin Xingyun asked with a look of grievance and hurt.

"No, Nebula, I have never suspected you!" Seeing

this, Liu Qiuyan felt even more guilty about this little apprentice, and quickly explained.

She hesitated for a long moment, then finally sighed softly.


You kid, don't worry... Don't go out...,"

Liu Qiuyan clanged, and then shy and slowly opened his belt.

"Master, can't you trust the disciple?" "

The disciple must help you completely solve these ominousness, even if it is hard and tired, you don't care!"

Lin Xingyun's sincere words made Liu Qiuyan more and more beautiful.

She closed her eyes and was about to untie her robe.

Suddenly, outside the cave mansion, an impatient voice came out, which directly woke up the master and apprentice who were concentrated.

"Junior Brother, that Immortal Fire Secret Realm is about to open in half a month. "

In three days, the disciples of the Divine Fire Realm in our Holy Land will assemble and go!" Half

a year ago, Lin Xingyun transmitted a message to Liu Xinyan, who came to the outside of the cave mansion, asking her to help find out the specific opening time of the Immortal Fire Secret Realm, and remind herself at that time.

However, at this time, Liu Xinyan's transmission directly made Liu Qiuyan stunned.

She opened her beautiful eyes and asked with some concern.

"Nebula, are you really going to that Immortal Fire Secret

Realm?" "After that secret realm opened, it was full of cultivators above the Divine Fire Realm, and even the fire spirits in it were not lower than the cultivators of the early stage of the Divine Fire Realm.

"Although you have a strong foundation, even far beyond ordinary Divine Fire Realm cultivators, it is still too dangerous to go rashly.

"Master Venerable doesn't have to worry, there are many treasures on the disciples, and it is not a problem to save their lives in the secret realm.

Lin Xingyun shook his head and smiled indifferently.

"Let's not mention that, Master, there is still some time before departure, the disciple will continue to help you strip away the ominous..."

However, Liu Qiuyan had already instantly put on his robe and fastened his belt and buckle.

Her face was still confused, and she ordered Lin Xingyun.

"But three days is not enough to strip away this ominous force."

"Or wait for you to come back from the Immortal Fire Secret Realm... Let's continue..."


Okay, the disciple listens to the master. Lin

Xingyun saw that she looked shy, and seemed to want to escape for a while, so she had to regretfully agree.

He immediately got up and stretched his muscles slightly.

As soon as he moved, there was a sound of tiger roaring dragons in his body.


more than a year of hard cultivation, absorbing an unprecedented amount of spiritual power, and accumulating thick and thin, he finally used the Five Qiqi Vein cultivation method to cultivate an additional four Yuan Mansions.

And the tenth Yuan Mansion, that is, the most risky Peak Yuan Mansion, because of Liu Qiuyan's constant care, he slowly and carefully condensed, and has also created a purple Yuan Mansion in it!

But even this last part of the kung fu was just like when he broke through the ten-inch wheel sea, as if he was blocked by some kind of barrier.

No matter how he absorbed spiritual power and ominousness, he could not shape it into a golden state of consummation.

And he had a hunch.

This time, the extreme bottleneck, I am afraid that even the Great Luo Dao Sword will not be able to break through for him.

After all, this last Yuan Mansion is in his top vein, that is, the head position.

After all, the Da Luo Dao Sword is the supreme treasure of killing, and it may be okay to use it to forcibly open up the wheel sea.

At the skull, the risk is too great.

It was as if a certain Cao thief in his previous life did not dare to rashly open his head!

He also instinctively felt that he must not rashly use the Da Luo Dao Sword to give a sword to the Dingmai Yuanfu............

But even if it was only nine Yuan Mansions, it made his strength several times stronger than a year ago!

But with Liu Qiuyan, a great emperor powerhouse, always guiding him, he also practiced hard.

The "Sword Soul Emperor Sutra" and the "Nine-Leaf Sword Technique" have also been comprehended by him to the fourth divine

power! Now he not only has a huge increase in combat power, but also by chance, he has obtained an evil path killing weapon!

At the bottom of the bottle, there was a dark red evil qi orb, slowly spinning.

After more than a year of continuous engulfing and suction.

Although most of the ominous things that were stripped out of Liu Qiuyan's body were refined into the purest Origin Spiritual Power for Lin Xingyun to cultivate.

But there are still traces of ominousness that have been left behind.

It condensed into this evil qi orb and precipitated at the bottom of the Heavenly Demon Treasure Bottle.

Lin Xingyun had long discovered its existence and knew that it was limited by the Heavenly Demon Treasure Bottle and could not expand and erode at will.

But if you are facing the enemy, use this orb as a weapon.

He believes that the ominous power contained in it will definitely make the other party sour.

If the other party's cultivation is not enough to suppress the ominous.

It may be eroded to grow a red hair on the spot and turn into an evil demon!

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