But the Lin family's immortal boat had gradually flown away, and it was about to fall towards the Qin family mountain gate.

"Young Lord, the Lin family is so presumptuous, do you want to catch up with them again and kill them quickly!" Jun

Hanhai was also indignant, and immediately asked.

"No need, this is the Qin family's place after all.

"This kid is hateful, I will personally behead him in the future!"

said Jun Chengdao fiercely, and then let Jun Hanhai drive the Xuan car with spiritual power, and also fell to the Qin Family Mountain Gate.

In front of the gate of Qin Family Mountain, a group of people had already gathered, watching the confrontation between Lin and Jun from a distance.

At this time, seeing that the dispute was over, they all turned around, handed over the gift list, and entered the Qin family's mansion.

"I heard that the Lin and Jun families are feuds, it's really true

!" "As soon as they met, they started it, or two saints, holding the Great Saint Soldier against each other, it was really exciting!"

"This time the Lin family had the upper hand, and slaughtered the nine-headed dragon, and the Jun family did not dare to pursue it."

"The two immortal families clashed, let's say two words less, don't be affected." While

all the guests were talking, the Lin family and his party had already stepped off the immortal boat.

And when Lin Xingyun appeared.

All the female guests present couldn't help but look forward intently.

"Eh, princess, why are you drooling?"

No! It could be... Leak......

"Miss, the head of the family has explained, this time you came to try to form a good relationship with the Qin family godson, don't..." "You tell my father, I have changed my mind, I want to have a good relationship with this son of the Lin family

!" "Chief, don't look! You are three thousand years older than others!" "

Pedantic! Haven't you heard of the female college three thousand sending golden pills?

A group of female guests are watching and admiring intently.

Lin Qian had already asked people to hand over invitations, gift lists, and congratulatory gifts, and the group entered the Qin family's mansion.

At this time, in the mansion, there are even more lights and treasure trees.

Countless floating islands were moved here, and in front of the Qin Family Divine Son Hall, a vast banquet was set up to welcome guests from all directions.

Seeing everyone from the Lin family coming, a Great Sage-level Qin family powerhouse personally came to pick them up and led them into a floating island at the forefront to drink a banquet.

The surrounding islands are also full of distinguished guests of immortal families and immortal Daoists.

Even the Yaochi Holy Land had sent someone here, and it seemed to be a Great Saint Realm elder from Xianwu Peak.

While everyone was drinking and gathering, the hour also came to noon.

As three bells rang out from the Temple of the Son of God, everyone present also stopped the noise and discussion.

Two rows of men and women were listed in the temple to usher a middle-aged man out.

"Contemptible Qin Ziyan, thank you for coming to my Qin family and witnessing the canonization of my Qin family's divine son.

Qin Ziyan gave a wide salute, and guests from all over the world also returned the salute.

Because the other party is the current head of the Qin family, and he is also a quasi-emperor-level powerhouse.

"Ding, the blood relatives of the daughter of Destiny have been detected!" "

Huh?" a

system prompt sounded in Lin Xingyun's mind.

The target seemed to be this Qin family master.

But he didn't bother to open it, because the other party was a quasi-emperor, even if it was related to the daughter of destiny, he couldn't interfere with the other party's behavior.

Might as well look at his son.

That Qin family divine son must also have a close blood relationship with that daughter of heavenly destiny.

Soon, Qin Ziyan finished saying a bunch of scene words, and sat on the largest floating island in front of the Shenzi Temple, giving up his position to today's real protagonist.

I saw that in the temple of the Divine Son, a white-haired old man and a black-clothed young man slowly walked out side by side.

That young man was heroic and extravagantly dressed, and seemed to be woven from some kind of fairy bird divine feathers.

The old man was coarse linen and had a thin beard.

Like a mortal old man, there is nothing special.

But when the old man appeared, including Lin Qian, all the elder powerhouses took the lead and stood in awe.

"See the Mountain and River Emperor!"

Then everyone stood up and saluted, showing their respect for this ancient powerhouse.

At the same time, he secretly exclaimed that the Qin family, the gift of canonization of the son of God, actually dispatched an old monster at the level of a great emperor!"

"Sit, sit."

"I just come out to be active and accompany the younger generation, and I don't have to be restrained."

The old man ordered casually, and everyone sat down again.

And beside the old man, the young man in black was also generous and honored.

Today is the big day of his canonization of the Son of God, all the guests have come for him, and there are even family emperor realm ancestors, supporting and companionship, it is indeed infinite!

Not far away, someone was watching him as if he were watching prey.

"Ding! Blood relatives of the daughter of destiny have been detected. "

Lin Xingyun's expectations are good, this Qin family divine son is the right target.

Look at his properties panel.

""Ding!" "

Name: Qin Yiren"

cultivation: Divine Fire Realm Fulfillment

Life Script: [Supreme Emperor Road] Orange

Life Number: [Supreme Chengshuang] Gold, [Heavenly Mandate Relic] Orange, [Talent Transcendent] Orange, [Discerning Time] Blue..................

Favorability: 50 [normal

] Detailed explanation

: [Supreme Emperor Road] Orange: The eldest son of the head of the Qin family, with outstanding talent, after birth, his parents seized the supreme bone of his cousin for him, and after grafting himself, he achieved transcendent talent, and was even named as the family god son by the Qin family, and later in the Immortal Fire Secret Realm, he and Jun Chengdao, the young emperor of the Wang family, Teng, Ye Jia Ye, and the heroes of the Taigu royal family, all surrounded and killed the daughter of the Mandate of Heaven and obtained her divine treasure, After the secret treasure, his talent went to a higher level and forged the foundation of the emperor, but he encountered the chaotic body of the Jun family after the Great Sage Realm, repeatedly defeated, and was subdued by him, followed the chaos sign to fight the Immortal Domain, and finally reached the Quasi-Emperor Realm Nine Heavens, failed to preach the Great Emperor

! [Supreme Chengshuang] Jin: When he was a child, he had the help of his parents, plundered his cousin's supreme bone to graft himself, and then besieged his cousin in the Immortal Fire Secret Realm, and captured the second supreme bone, and after the fusion of the two bones, his combat power was rare in the world, approaching the top five physiques of the immortal domain!

Orange: After obtaining the Daughter of Heaven's Destiny, her talent has risen to a higher level and she has become a great emperor!

[Talent Transcendent] Orange: Cultivation speed and understanding are extremely high, and the talent is extraordinary.

Lan: After being impressed by the chaotic body of the Jun family, he chose to encourage the people of the Qin family to form an alliance with the Jun family, although in the end profited, the Qin family has been prosperous since then, but it also led to its own lack of humanity and hopelessness in becoming an emperor.


"His supreme bone was robbed by his cousin?" "His cousin

actually has a supreme bone, and it will be snatched away by him again and fused into one?"

The Supreme Bone is an extremely special physical talent in the Immortal Domain.

After possessing the Supreme Bone, you can use it to cultivate, increase your combat power, and also use various treasure powers contained in it.

However, the Supreme Bone is not listed in the top ten physiques of the Immortal Domain due to the difference in type and strength.

But now the Qin family, since they are willing to establish Qin Yi as the son of God.

His supreme bone, or his cousin's supreme bone, must be incredibly powerful in order to be recognized by everyone in the Qin family!

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