However, he also knew that Ye Que had so many qi luck points, it was impossible to harvest it all at once.

Moreover, the other party not only has a family background, but also has eight reincarnation emperor seals hidden in the divine soul, and it is extremely difficult to kill directly, only

by harvesting often and sparing no effort to cut it clean!"

"Gee, where are you talking about this, what do you mean to leave your brother and sister?"

"I haven't had enough of it."

Lin Xingyun replied with a deliberately frivolous smile.

An Miaoyin listened, and her expression became more and more annoyed.

But not angry, he said he was a plaything.

Instead, he came when he opened his mouth, and he didn't practice just talking.

He didn't play with himself at all

, but Lin Xingyun acted so boldly, she was much more relieved.

"Lin Xingyun, you are looking for death!" Ye

Que's face turned green quickly, and he immediately rushed forward, and he was about to smash Lin Xingyun with his fist.

"Second brother, don't be impulsive, this kid is a bit of a cultivator.

"Big brother is angry for you!" Ye

Yu waved his hand to stop his younger brother, his face was gloomy, and he directly popped out the divine fire towards Lin Xingyun.

However, Lin Xingyun also pointed out, and more than ten lapis gold sword grasses were cut out.

Colliding with that divine fire, but in just two breaths, he extinguished that divine fire!

At this time, in addition to the sword heart and the heart Yuanfu phantom flickering.

A more condensed Canjin Yuan Mansion is also entrenched on the side of the heart.

After cultivating on the Immortal Boat for a month, under Bai Ze's careful guidance, he finally succeeded in shaping the sixth Yuan Mansion!

This Sixth Yuan Mansion is also stronger than the other five Yuan Mansions, and it consumes more resources to shape.

As a result, after the completion of shaping, his combat power has increased a lot compared to the past.


?" "You can actually pick me up?" Ye

Yu couldn't help but be surprised when he saw that the other party could actually extinguish his divine fire.

Immediately, five fingers clenched, turning into a fist-sized scorching sun, and bombarded Lin Xingyun again.

With the power of this move, Lin Xingyun is no problem to take it hard.

But after that, I am afraid that the aftermath will be able to burn all the ten miles of this restaurant!

However, on Lin Xingyun's side, Ying Qing easily annihilated the scorching sun with just a flick of his sleeve.

"Wang Hou Realm, you also brought the Dao Protector over?" Ye

Yu's eyes became more and more cold.

"Big brother, call Uncle Jiang here, slaughter this kid now!"

Ye Que suggested angrily.

This time, their Ye family came to the banquet, and naturally there were also Saint Realm elders accompanying the team.

However, as the young master of the Ye family, Ye Yu did not immediately inform the saint at this time out of consideration for the overall situation.

Just looked at Lin Xingyun and asked coldly.

"Lin Xingyun, do you really want to make things out of control for a woman?"

I secretly thought that you two brothers anyway, I plan to kill them.

Sooner or later, you have to tear your face, do you still care about this?"

Ye Yu frowned and turned to An Miaoyin to warn.

"And you, An Miaoyin, if you continue to fool around, the reputation of my Ye family will be ruined for

you!" "If you don't retreat, we have to forcibly take you away!" When

An Miaoyin heard this, she was even more angry and refuted.

"At the beginning, my master was afraid that your Ye family would be powerful, and was forced to agree to my marriage contract with Ye Que, so I was held hostage by you.

"Now that I am the Young Lord's handmaiden, the Young Lord, he will naturally shelter me.

"Right? Young Lord.

"Naturally, a stunner like you, how can I be willing to throw it to others?"

Lin Xingyun also cooperated, laughing and rubbing An Miaoyin's cheeks.

The tacit action of the two directly made the brothers Ye Yu and Ye Que angry!


!" "Lin Xingyun, you are simply shameless!" "Since you are stubborn, then..." The

brothers were just about to attack, but Lin Xingyun

interrupted in vain.

"I came here today just to see what my cheap fiancé of a maid is.

"Oh, I didn't expect it to be so fera as she said.

Lin Xingyun looked at Ye Que and said with an evil smile.

"Listening to Miaoyin, although you are not good at cultivation, you are very good at gambling stones and robbing tombs.

"You and I are going to the banquet tomorrow, and there is a big fight at this time, and there is a lot of inconvenience."

"It's better like this, Ye Que, you and I will go to the gambling stone shop in the city and use the gambling stone as a competition."

"If you lose, be self-conscious, quit marriage with this maid of mine, and she will follow me in the future, and you will let me play for the rest of my life." "

If you win, I'll give her back to you, how?"

Ye Que stared at the other party questioningly as if he had seen a ghost.

"You... Are you going to bet with me on stones?" then

snorted disdainfully.

"Hmph, Lin Xingyun, you really don't know the height of the sky and the thickness

of the earth!" "Don't say anything else, when it comes to gambling stones, no one in the entire Immortal Domain knows better than me

!" "In a word, let's go to Gambling Stone Fang!"

His face was full of contempt, secretly scolding the other party for not only being shameless and lustful, but also a fool.

He can't do anything else, he has never lost in gambling

stones! The Immortal Domain is vast and boundless, with countless treasures, and in the three thousand prefectures, there are many strange stones containing treasures.

These strange stones are often covered with mysterious stone skins, which can isolate the divine soul probe, and even extremely precious strange stones, which can resist various pupil techniques and magical powers to avoid being discovered in the hidden treasures.

Therefore, in various avenue states, there are gambling stone shops in many places, specializing in collecting and selling strange stones, opening stones on the spot, and looking for treasures.

At this time, seeing that the other party took the initiative to ask for a gambling stone, Ye Yu was confused and couldn't figure out what the other party's intentions were.

However, Ye Que agreed, he was not good to refute directly, plus Ye Que's gambling stone talent, he also had a deep experience, and he expected that it would not be bad.

After the two parties decided to come down, they each used their magical powers, and in a moment arrived at the largest gambling stone shop in Qinzhou City.

In front of that gambling stone shop.

Ye Que couldn't help it, and once again said to An Miaoyin.

"Miaoyin, why haven't you woken up yet

?" "Didn't you hear what he just said?"

"You are really just a plaything in his eyes

!" "Is there a good young lady who is not right, go to be a maid for others?"

"Do you sober up!" He

didn't know that An Miaoyin was completely different from his understanding.

At this time, An Miaoyin seemed to have heard him speak.

Holding Lin Xingyun, his pretty face turned red, and he seemed to be thinking about it.

"Just now he said... Let me follow him..."

"And... Still want to play with me......... For a lifetime?!" "

This bad embryo... Paint me bread again and again..."

Still interested in me!"

she secretly rejoiced.

Secretly scratched Lin Xingyun's palm.

Thinking of the other party again, it seems to be helping him withdraw from marriage and get rid of Ye Que.

He was even more moved inexplicably, and couldn't help but snuggle on Lin Xingyun's shoulder.

"An Miaoyin, are you listening to me?" Seeing

this, Ye Que became more and more annoyed, and immediately roared.

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