"When ... I shouldn't believe you in drawing bread!"

"If you really dislike me so much and have no intention of me, I'd better leave, save myself from watching you and them every day..."

An Miaoyin was sad and aggrieved.

But suddenly his figure fell.

was hugged by Lin Xingyun with a pair of jade legs and hugged in his arms.

"When did I say that I had no intention of you?"

asked Lin Xingyun with a flirtatious smile.


That Su Qianwu, sleeping in your room every day

!" "But what about me, you let me listen to the sound at the door!" "

Lin Xingyun, you are simply a beast..."

An Miaoyin gritted her silver teeth and vented her disgust.

But before she finished speaking, her lips were expertly sealed by Lin Xingyun.

An Miaoyin was stunned for a while.

It was extremely jerky to fit together.

Three quarters of an hour later.


It seems that today's young master still has to teach you a truth about being a man."

Lin Xingyun wiped his mouth.

Pinching An Miaoyin's flushed face, he said with a smile.

"The most delicious things are often saved for the last tasting.

"You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

"You... And you... Again... Painting cakes..."

An Miaoyin's breathing was a little rapid, and she subconsciously retorted.

Her eyes were confused, and she seemed to be a little drunk.

After all, this was the first time she had been so intimate with a man.

And the object is still the person who thinks about it himself.

At this time, she was in a state of confusion, but suddenly realized something.

Now this is the case....

Isn't it a godsend?

She didn't hesitate, and a pair of jade hands pulled Lin Xingyun's clothes.

Seems to want to go further!"

the little dancers were still waiting.

"It would be rude to continue.

Lin Xingyun smiled lightly and grabbed her hand.

Holding An Miaoyin, who was already on the string, he went downstairs.

After a few people packed up, they went to the gate of Yaochi Holy Land Mountain.

Ying Qing had already driven to the Immortal Boat to wait, and then took the group and went straight to Qinzhou.




A month later.

In Qinzhou City, a restaurant is in the middle of a private room.

"Young Lord, this is the gift list for this banquet, you have seen it.

Lin Qian respectfully handed over a golden book.

This banquet was led by him, a saint, and brought the Lin family to meet Lin Xingyun.

Lin Xingyun took the golden book, took a brief look, and saw that there were treasures listed on it, and he was very generous.

"No problem, so be it.

"Elder Lin Qian, tomorrow, we will leave for the Qin Family Mansion. "

Yes, Young Lord, subordinates retreat!"

Lin Xingyun indifferently ordered, and Lin Qian bowed and retreated.

At this time, only Lin Xingyun, three women, and an immortal beast were left in the room.

"Ahem... Ahem..."

"It's okay for the time being.

"Miaoyin, Dabai, you can go back to your room and rest."

"Me and Aunt Kage, Little Dance, well... It's time to start cultivating.

Lin Xingyun coughed twice and ordered An Miaoyin and Bai Ze.

Ying Qing and Su Qianwu listened, and they both blushed.

At the same time, his eyes are full of expectation.

"Oh, stinky little devil!" Bai

Ze looked embarrassed and slammed the door directly.

An Miaoyin has a pretty black face.

Leng snorted and threw a telegram in front of Lin Xingyun.

"Hmph, see for yourself!"

"I'm your maid now, what to do, you have the final say." Saying

that, he sat down breathlessly on the side.

Needless to say, in the past month, on the fairy boat, Lin Xingyun did not touch her again.

And every day is either cultivation, or nestled in Yingqing and Su Qian's dance room.

She naturally gave birth to a lot of resentment.

"Huh?" Lin

Xingyun looked puzzled and picked up the messenger to check.

"Oh, Ye Que is here

?" "And now in Qinzhou City

?" "Do you want to meet you over?"

Lin Xingyun looked at it, and the corners of his mouth raised a bit of an evil smile.

But his heart suddenly moved, and he casually looked down at the transmission talisman.

I looked at Ye Que and An Miaoyin, the content of the previous message.

Ye: "Are you there?"


: "Why haven't you returned to the Ye family yet?"


: "Cultivate outside, can't my Ye family cultivate

?" Ye: "Why don't you reply? What are you busy with?"

Ye: "Today is the 20th day of the fifth month of the mortal calendar, I have prepared five hundred and twenty pieces of divine source for you as a holiday gift!" Ye: "

Don't worry, these are not tomb robbers, they are opened by me by gambling stones." Ye

: "Is cultivation so busy, why don't you reply to me?"

Ye: "An Miaoyin, what are you pretending to be cold?! Don't forget, you are my fiancée!" Ye: "

I'm almost in Qinzhou City, and the family asked me to follow my eldest brother to the Divine Son Banquet." Ye

: "Miaoyin, I missed you

.............................. "Poof——!,"

Lin Xingyun covered his mouth, trying not to let himself laugh out loud.

He is rigorously trained, and no matter how funny things are, he will not lose his shape and laugh.

Unless you can't help it!

But at this time, looking at the transmission talisman, Ye Que's unilateral transmission.

He really couldn't hold back!"

Ahem... "

It seems that these children of destiny, when they were young, were also a little unbearable. He

remembered a certain Heavenly Emperor he knew in his previous life.

When that Heavenly Emperor was young, he drove a Mercedes Benz and installed X three times.

I can't wait to inform the world that he drives a Mercedes!


"Since he's here, let's go, I'll take you to meet him."

Lin Xingyun finally held back a smile.

Immediately got up and took An Miaoyin.

"Huh? You... Are you going to take the initiative to take me over to meet him?" This

time it was An Miaoyin's turn to be shocked.

The relationship between her and Lin Xingyun, after all, is not very light............

I didn't expect the other party to be so righteous and had no idea of covering up at all.

"Don't worry, this kind of small... Cough, I have seen this kind of man a lot, and it is not difficult to deal with him.

Lin Xingyun waved his hand and held An Miaoyin.

Take Yingqing and Su Qianwu and go to the place where Ye Que is staying.

The four of them soon arrived at a restaurant called "Cui Bi Lou".

In a private room, two men in Chinese clothes were drinking.

"Second brother, why bother to frown for a woman

?" "My generation cultivator, how can I be trapped in the private affairs of my children?"

Ye Yu persuaded earnestly.

"Big brother, how can I compare to you, you were born with an extreme yang body, excellent qualifications, and hope for preaching in the future.

"I'm just a wasted body, and there is no hope of breaking through the Wheel Sea Realm for the rest of my life!"

"Your brother and I are actually more like mortals, wine-colored wealth, and everything.

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have robbed tombs everywhere, and fell in love with Miaoyin..." Ye

Que smiled bitterly and poured another glass of wine.

Ye Yu couldn't help but be a little speechless when he heard it.

How did he remember that his younger brother had used the family power to put pressure on the Miaolu Immortal Sect, and he had reluctantly made a marriage contract with An Miaoyin.

"Big brother speaks straight, second brother, do you call love?" "

You're hungry for her body! You are cheap!" "Oh! Don't

say it, brother, accompany a drink!"

"Alas, it's not interesting to drink so lightly, so let's take my brother today as a guest, take you to the Immortal Desire Pavilion in the city, let's go and meet the beauty of Qinzhou

!" "Well, didn't you still think about your fiancée just now?

"Big brother, you don't understand this, although the family flowers are good, the wildflowers are more fragrant!"

"I haven't officially married yet, so it's not too much, right?"

The door of the private room was suddenly kicked open.

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