"You're pretty good!"

"The reward is there, but not now." "

The time has come... Nature will give it to you.

Liu Xinyan smiled slyly, and her face flushed a pink color.

Immediately changed the topic, waved his cuffs, and also took Lin Xingyun, together with everyone who asked Jianfeng, and left together.




That night, in the Sword Pavilion.

At this time, Lin Xingyun was in his bedroom.

I saw the wide and luxurious embroidered bed.

Su Qianwu was sitting with her eyes closed, holding the Da Luo Dao Sword with both hands.

One person and one sword are emitting gray light at the same time, echoing each other and increasing each other.

At the end of the remnant sword of the Great Luo Dao Sword, a jade ruyi is slowly being swallowed and absorbed.

It is self-born spiritual, and naturally has tried to resist desperately for a long time.

But in the absence of control, the gray light emitted by the Great Luo Dao Sword seemed to be the natural nemesis of these magic weapons.

There is also the increase of Su Qianwu.

Let it quickly lose its ability to resist.

At this time, its ruyi handle has been eaten out of a gap.

At this rate, it is estimated that it will be swallowed up in less than a month!

And as the magic weapon is constantly devoured.

Except for the Great Luo Dao Sword, which was slowly restored.

Su Qianwu has actually been fed back, and the aura of cultivation is rising.

With one sword and one sheath, they are twins, and it seems that they can achieve both glory and loss.

However, when Lin Xingyun used to hold the Great Luo Dao Sword Devouring Magic Weapon, he did not have this special effect.

"Dabai, your clan is worthy of claiming to be able to understand all things and know all things.

"Now, as you say, let them try to join forces." "

The speed at which the Great Luo Dao Sword devoured the magic weapon was indeed much faster than in the past!"

said Lin Xingyun with delight.

"Can you please stop calling me that, it's hard to hear!"

said Bai Ze with a look of disgust.

At this time, she had already turned into a human form, holding her chin and casually lying on Lin Xingyun's embroidered bed.

"If it's not called Dabai, it's called Xiaobai?"

Lin Xingyun glanced at her and replied with a chuckle.

The other party is now lying on his side on the embroidered bed.

The slender and perfect curve, like the undulating mountains, is particularly eye-catching.

Maybe it's because it's an immortal beast form.

Her current figure is much taller and plumper than ordinary women.

The whole body looks like a larger version of Xiao Qianluo.

The skin is exceptionally fair and translucent.

Some are like those exotic women that Lin Xingyun has seen in his previous life.

In any case, it is not appropriate to call it small.

"You can call me Shirasawa-sama.

"Or conversely, if you call me master, it's not unacceptable to me."

Bai Ze pouted and said playfully.

"Okay Dabai.

"Dabai, since you have such rich experience, do you know how to shape the sixth, seventh, and even more Yuan Mansions?"

asked Lin Xingyun naturally.

"Gee, stinky little ghost!" Bai

Ze saw that he didn't change his name at all, and couldn't help but smack him.

Then explained lightly.

"More Yuanfu, I know the shaping method, but it is time-consuming and laborious.

"I see that you little devil has already cultivated five Yuan Mansions, and this kind of foundation is already perfect.

"Are you sure you want to learn?" "

Of course, the more the merrier!" Lin

Xingyun couldn't help but be a little surprised, secretly saying that the other party was worthy of being an ancient immortal beast, Bai Ze's family.

After searching for a method for many days, and reading the Emperor Sutra to no avail, the other party actually knew!

Bai Ze saw that he insisted, so he explained coquettishly.

"In addition to the five internal organs, the human body also has five strange veins.

"Starting from the center of your head and eyebrows, from top to bottom, they are the top, larynx, heart chakra, navel and Brahma point.

"After these five veins of cultivation, a total of four Yuan Mansions can be shaped and entrenched in them. "

Five strange veins, how can you only shape four?"

Lin Xingyun couldn't help but question.

"Because this method was figured out by a senior of my clan, no one has tried it yet."

"But according to his estimates, the top vein, that is, the human skull, if it is shaped into the Yuan Mansion to accommodate it, it is extremely risky and difficult.

"If you don't pay attention, your head and even your soul will be severely damaged."

"Of course, if you are in a hurry to die, I suggest you directly cultivate the top vein first, hehe!"

said Bai Ze with a bad smile on his head.

"I'm dead, who will be your master?"

"Then start with the heart chakra chakra, I already have a sword heart, I think it will be easier to shape the Yuan Mansion near the heart."

"Come, teach me cultivation now."

Lin Xingyun patted a certain part of Bai Ze and urged with a smile.

"Gee, stinky little devil!"

snorted in dissatisfaction.

Immediately, he slowly supported his plump body and began to guide Lin Xingyun to cultivate the method of the five veins.



[Friendly reminder for some old readers, chapters 36 and 38 have been revised, the shadow is cleared, if you don't review it, you may not understand it next, and ignore this reminder (ᄋᄉᄋ)]

the next evening.

In Yaochi City at the foot of the sacred mountain, it was the lights of ten thousand homes at this time, and it was very lively.

After Lin Xingyun stepped into the city, in order to avoid trouble, he covered his face with spiritual power.

Otherwise, with his current appearance, temperament, and [female difficulty] characteristics.

Those worldly mortal women in the city.

I'm afraid I can't stand such a big stimulus, and I have entangled them.

He followed the address given by Yingqing and quickly left all the way.

Finally, I came to a pavilion shop called "Yunlai Pavilion".

The five-storey pavilion is elegantly decorated and has many elixirs that exude aura, making the environment comfortable and pleasant.

There are many customers inside, shopping back and forth.

And without exception, all women.

Because this is a shop that sells rouge, eyebrows, powder, jewelry, and other women's items.

Lin Xingyun looked in front of the store.

I looked at the sign again.

In my heart, I couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Immediately walked inside.

But it wasn't long after he stepped into the shop.

All the women in the store felt a strange feeling from the bottom of their hearts and stopped their movements one after another.

It was as if something wonderful had appeared that was attracting them.

There were even people who suddenly became uncontrollable and unstable.

Seeing that he was about to fall into Lin Xingyun's arms "by coincidence".

Lin Xingyun didn't have time to take care of them, and went directly to the top floor in a flash.

According to the address, he pushed open the door of one of the innermost rooms.

I saw that Yingqing was meditating and cultivating in the room at this time.

But she is different now than she was in the past.

She used to like to wear plain black dresses, and the decoration was extremely simple.

Today, she is wearing a bright blue skirt, pearl necklaces, gold and jade hairpins and other accessories.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is her delicate face with makeup.

Now her lips are bright red, and her eyebrows are painted with peach pink, which looks extremely gorgeous.

Even Lin Xingyun couldn't help but swallow his throat when he saw it.

And Yingqing sensed his arrival and quickly woke up from the settlement.

"Huh?" "

Young Lord!"

Ying Qing called in surprise, but saw Lin Xingyun casually close the door and stared at her step by step.

"Aunt Shadow, how do you... Dressed up so gorgeously?"

"Do you know that I'm coming today?"

Lin Xingyun couldn't help but question while pulling Yingqing's jade hand.

"I... I do not know...... When will the Young Lord come..."

"So... I every day... Every day, dress up..."

Yingqing bowed his head slightly, explaining very shyly.

"Oh, so it is~"

Lin Xingyun twisted her face playfully and continued to ask with a smile.

"Then how did you come up with the idea of opening such a shop?" "

Living in this city, in addition to cultivation... When I have nothing to do, I will let people... Opened this shop, by the way...,"

Kagekiyo explained.

But I didn't embarrassed to say it, I wanted to pick makeup and jewelry for convenience, so I opened this Yunlai Fang.

As for why she suddenly likes to dress up, Lin Xingyun can guess without asking.

After experiencing the Seven Heavenly Joys of Immortal Boat, Yingqing has also changed a lot.

Nowadays, it is natural that women are the ones who please themselves.

"Gee, Aunt Ying, you disappointed me so much!"

"You are a prince realm powerhouse, you don't want to feel the avenue and step into the realm of saints.

"Actually all day, making these worldly mortal gadgets?" "

It's simply unmotivated and willing to fall!" Lin

Xingyun suddenly pinched Yingqing's chin.

Deliberately viciously reprimanded.

"Young Lord, you... What do you say?"

Ying Qing didn't react for a while, thinking that Lin Xingyun was really angry.

The gorgeous jade face was suddenly full of grievances and guilt.

However, the next moment, Lin Xingyun raised his hands.

He picked up Yingqing and gently placed him on the bed.

Then leaned over to look at Yingqing and asked with a smile.

"Aunt Ying, do you know how to realize the Dao if you want to enter the Saint Realm?"

At this time, Ying Qing finally reacted.

Lin Xingyun was just teasing her just now.

She suddenly turned worry into joy, and her delicate face was full of excitement and expectation.

Something immediately came to mind.

Covered his eyes in shame, he muttered in reply.

"Nope... I don't know..." "

Cloud... Yun'er, then you... You teach Aunt Ying..." Lin

Xingyun was also stunned when he heard this.

He only felt that the blood all over his body seemed to be ignited by something!

Immediately no longer hesitated, leaned over and untied it

.................. (100,000 words omitted first)



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