"Million Heavenly Destiny, tie Xiao Chen there, twenty-four hours to cut is not enough. "

Intermediate, advanced lottery, let's talk about it later."

"System, no lottery for the time being."

Nowadays outside, there are many people, and it is really inconvenient to draw prizes.

Therefore, Lin Xingyun put it on hold for the time being.

Let's talk to Xiao Qianluo this girl first, and play for a day.



At night, in Lin Xingyun's room.

"Aunt Ying, calcilate this copper piece for me."

"Yes, Young Lord."

Lin Xingyun took out the copper sheet.

After Yingqing took it, he raised his eyebrows and summoned a small flame that fluttered strangely.

This is the divine fire that can only be condensed after cultivating to the Divine Fire Realm.

Although it seems, it is just a small flame.

But if Yingqing urged with all his strength, it would be enough to burn down this imperial city!

At this time, as she calcined, the copper sheet began to slowly melt and shape.

This copper sheet is of extraordinary material and burned for more than an hour.

A dark golden copper book was finally condensed.

"Sword Soul Emperor Sutra? On the book? Lin

Xingyun took the bronze book, and after briefly checking it, he found that it was a practice that specialized in cultivating the divine soul.

Although it is only the first half of the volume, it can only be used for cultivation in the Divine Fire Realm and below.

But the grade is terrifyingly high, and it is actually a great emperor-level exercise!

After the cultivation is started, you can use the divine soul to transform the sword, and use it when attacking the enemy, which makes people defenseless.

And it can greatly improve the perception of kendo.

Cultivated to the extreme, the kendo perception can even be compared to the nine exquisite sword body, the immortal sword body, those top kendo physiques.

It's terrifying!

Originally, with Xiao Chen, that innate powerful divine soul talent, plus cultivating this half of the Emperor Sutra.

It is simply like a tiger with wings, and it is bound to grow rapidly.

But unfortunately, he no longer has this opportunity.

"Young Lord, this is... This is an imperial scripture?!

Yingqing couldn't help but be stunned when he saw it.

The young master of his own family, buy a piece of copper at will, and actually contain the Emperor Sutra!

Seeing that the young master of the family is not only peach blossom luck.

"Well, it just so happens that my divine soul power has not been strong, and cultivating this Sword Soul Emperor Sutra is enough to make up for it."

Lin Xingyun held the Emperor Sutra and nodded with satisfaction.

"Oh... Young Lord, I have a sentence, I don't know if I should say it or not..."

Yingqing said very embarrassedly.

She said in her heart that the Emperor Jing-level exercises were not something she wanted to practice.

Even people with outstanding understanding may not even be able to enter the practice for a lifetime.

And the understanding of his own young master....

It can only be said that everyone who understands understands ....

"Oh, Aunt Shadow, there is no need to say it, I understand."

Lin Xingyun smiled bitterly rarely.

His own qualifications are indeed hundreds of millions of points worse....

"But well, it's man-made!"

The next moment, he communicated directly with the system, intending to try the lottery to see if he could draw anything and improve his understanding.

"The primary draw that uses the prize!"

"Ding! The Junior Draw begins!

With the response of the system, a huge roulette wheel appeared in Lin Xingyun's mind.

There are four colors on it, thousands of hits.

Lin Xingyun looked at it at a glance, and saw that there were all some [Plain] white, [Bajiquan] white, [Qingyuan Sword Sutra] blue, [proficient in musical rhythm] blue, [Talent acceptable] blue, [fire spirit body] purple, [groups of wives and concubines] purple............

Most of them are white and blue prizes, which make people feel weak at first glance.

Among the few purple prizes, various physiques began to appear.

But they are also relatively ordinary physiques, which can only give people more advantages than ordinary cultivators.

After all, physique is also a fate, such as his [female martyrdom body], which is a golden fate.

And orange prizes, there are very few............

Soon, the roulette wheel began to turn.

And the faster and faster, the faster it gets, and it quickly reaches extreme speed.

However, after a while, the speed of the turntable began to decrease rapidly.

This is also the most intense moment for all the lottery!

Even if Lin Xingyun has the first draw benefit, knowing that it will inevitably come out orange, he can't help but concentrate at this moment, waiting for the lottery results.

After a while, the turntable slowly stops.

The hand crosses the white, blue, and purple prizes.

Finally, stop at an extremely rare orange prize!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the orange life - [Innate Dao Embryo]! "

[Innate Dao Embryo]: The top physique of Heaven Bell and Earth Love, born close to the Dao, extremely high in understanding, unparalleled in cultivation speed, and without any cultivation bottleneck! After cultivating successfully and thoroughly stimulating the potential of the physique, he can even mobilize the power of the Heaven and Earth Avenue to face the enemy, and fight with people and be invincible! "

Shipped, innate Dao embryo!"

Lin Xingyun smiled slightly on the surface, and his heart was already pleasantly surprised.

Although there is a first draw benefit, his luck is indeed good, and he won the top cultivation increase physique in the orange prize at one time, [Innate Dao Embryo]!

For many years, he has been regarded as waste by everyone.

Now with the [Innate Dao Embryo], he can finally be reborn!

"Aunt Ying, protect the Dharma for me, my physique may be about to transform!"

After Lin Xingyun calmed down, he suddenly ordered Ying Qing.

"Young Lord, what do you say? What physique metamorphosis? The body of the female martyr transforms?!

Yingqing was confused when he heard this, and quickly asked.

The next moment, the system issues a reward.

I saw Lin Xingyun's body all around, and thousands of rhyme auras immediately appeared out of thin air!

Then a strange purple mist emerged from the void, instantly surrounding Lin Xingyun.

Countless innate purple qi cleansed his body, flesh and blood, and his soul mind, making him feel like a new life!

And at this time over the imperial city.

Suddenly, a huge immortal bell that covered the clouds and the moon!

"Bell ——————!"

The immortal bell sounded spontaneously, and it actually emitted a thick and melodious Dao Tianyin!

Then the fairy bell rang nine times in a row.

The vast rhyme, falling from the sky!

All the people in the imperial city who are contaminated by the Tao rhyme.

The soul of ordinary mortals is blessed, and their life expectancy has all increased out of thin air!

Even those who are destined to die early, old age and dying, are suddenly healthy and healthy, and their lives are extended for decades.

And the monks grew one after another.

Many cultivators who had been trapped by the bottleneck for many years even immediately broke through the realm!

Such a big movement naturally alarmed the only prince in the imperial city, the Emperor Taishang, Xiao Fengxian.

"This is ... Is it a vision born of a special constitution?! "

Dao Tianyin, Immortal Bell Nine Rings... This vision...".

Is it the legendary innate Dao embryo?! "

Although the [Innate Dao Embryo] physique is rare in the world, its reputation in the Immortal Domain is extremely loud.

Every era of [Innate Dao Embryo] has achieved extraordinary achievements, and will be one of the most dazzling Tianjiao in the world!

Therefore, many people know about this physical vision.

Xiao Fengxian was shocked and inexplicable, and immediately moved his mind.

Innate Dao embryo, infinite potential, if you can take it back, it will be the pillar of Zhenguo in the future!

He immediately used his spirit to explore the city and quickly pinpointed the source of the vision.

"Huh? It's actually the house of the girl in Qianluo? "

Could it be... She gave birth to a congenital Dao embryo?! "

Xiao Fengxian has been in retreat for many years.

At this time, I thought that my granddaughter had given birth to a baby.

Then isn't this innate Dao embryo a descendant of their Xiao family?!

He was immediately pleasantly surprised, and immediately took off and flew to the Seventh Princess Mansion at great speed.

However, he had just arrived over the Princess Mansion.

He was shocked by an even more powerful princely realm aura.

"Stop coming."

I saw a proud woman in a black dress, standing in the air, indifferently announcing.

"Dare to ask Daoyou?"

Xiao Fengxian did not dare to stop and asked respectfully.

He could feel that the other party looked young, but his cultivation had reached the realm of the prince!

He is just the early stage of the prince realm, and he is not an opponent at all.

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