Two days later.

It was noon on the day.

In front of the main pavilion of the peak, there were already crowds at this time.

In addition to asking all the disciples and elders of Jianfeng.

Many disciples of the other three peaks also came to admire and watch from afar.

Get ready to enjoy this contest.

As events continue to spread.

Lin Xingyun's identity also spread.

The second young master of the Immortal Lin family, the newly promoted tenth holy son, the innate Dao embryo physique, and the new Sword Peak Sword.

All this combined.

It's a proper peerless Tianjiao!

And the most outrageous is.

Others are excessively handsome.

But three days.

There were already countless male disciples in the Holy Land, and they were extremely jealous of Lin Xingyun!

Now this Tianjiao is asking for humiliation.

As soon as he entered the Holy Land, he provoked many True Legends of the Holy Land.

Today, they all want to come and see it with their own eyes.

This future Tianjiao Young Lord.

Stomped on the head!

Of course, there were also a large number of female disciples coming.

I want to see the beauty of the sword.

At this time, in front of the main pavilion of the peak, a vast competition platform has been arranged.

The two asked the elders of Jianfeng, and they were separating the two sides of the platform.

Responsible for maintaining order and preventing fights from spilling off the field.

And above the platform.

Six true disciples dressed in golden robes each stood with their swords in their hands.

Jiang Nan, Meng Liangchen and four others.

It's all impatient.

It seems that he has been waiting for Lin Xingyun for a long time.

"Made, that kid won't be afraid to fight, will he?"

"Hey, it's good to escape."

"The position of the sword, he has no face in this life."

"If he comes in a while, I'll strike first, and no one will rob me!"

Meng Liangchen smiled viciously and spoke, as if his hands were itchy.

And on the side of the four of them.

Zhao Hanyi and Zhao Binglan, together displeased, glanced at them.

The two pairs of beautiful eyes showed a fierce light.

Obviously it has been completely on Lin Xingyun's side.

A moment later.

In the crowd of onlookers in the audience, there was a sudden exclamation.

I saw a figure in white, stepping on the spiritual power wind and thunder, and fell on the platform.

The crowd immediately erupted into countless discussions.

"He's the little sword?!"

"Sure enough, I am very handsome, even when I was at the peak of my appearance, I had to retreat!"

"Stinky and shameless, who do you see is not retreating?"

"It's a pity, what's the use of Hikaruto Handsome!"

"Ask these six true legends of Jianfeng, the lowest cultivation is also the late stage of the Cave Heaven Realm."

"Whoever you want, it's enough to step on his head!"

"Huh? Q: Didn't Jianfeng hear that there were seven true legends?

"What about the new Su Zhenchuan?"

"Why haven't you seen it?"

"I heard that she is also a successful cultivator of the Yuanfu Realm, so she will not be afraid to fight, so she doesn't dare to come over, right?"

Many male disciples who were watching were talking about it.

The female disciples stared at Lin Xingyun one by one.

That extremely perfect appearance and temperament.

Let them see dry mouths and trembling legs..........

If it weren't for this occasion, it would be really inopportune for it.

They may not be able to contain their excitement and scream!

Among them, many female disciples quietly approached under the platform.

Just to get closer and see each other's heroic posture.

"The sword can make us wait."

"Later, don't blame us for starting too hard."

Meng Liangchen saw that he had finally arrived, and threatened with a sneer.

"Huh? Have you broken through the realm? "

Yuanfu Realm? And is it consummation?

"Jianzi, shouldn't you have taken some kind of temporary cultivation elixir?"

"Alas! Relying on that method to improve cultivation is too reckless, right? Jiang

Nan was the first to detect Lin Xingyun's realm.

Immediately pretended to be sorry.

"Huh? That's true!

"It's ridiculous, don't you know that this method will damage the foundation?"

"But Jianzi, your family has a big business, why don't you take more pills?"

"Is there any use in just ascending to the Yuanfu Consummation?"

"Hahaha..." The

other three true legends also laughed when they saw this.

Obviously, the cultivation of the Yuanfu Realm is complete.

In their eyes, there is still no threat.

"You four, shut up for me!"

Zhao Hanyi couldn't bear it anymore and scolded angrily.

The coercion of the Divine Fire Realm burst out all around her.

Jiang Nan and the others were suddenly like great enemies.

It was suppressed so hard to move.

"Senior sister... You—" "

What do you mean by that?"

Jiang Nan and the others were stunned for a while.

While resisting the coercion of the realm with all his strength, he asked in bewilderment.

Zhao Hanyi ignored them.

Instead, he walked to Lin Xingyun's side.

He said without looking back.

"Today's challenge, I took it for Jianzi!"


Zhao Hanyi's words fell.

The whole audience immediately resounded with an exclamation like a wave!

Especially the disciples of Jianfeng.

It's all the first time, showing a strange expression.

Three days ago, Zhao Hanyi was the first to support Lin Xingyun.

This is already very strange.

Today, my own master sister is so firmly on Lin Xingyun's side.

This mud horse has no personal affair?

I can't say it!

"And me and me!"

Zhao Binglan also ran over lightly.

With a smile, he took Lin Xingyun's arm.

Turning back to Jiang Nan and the others, the fox fake tiger said.

"I will also always support Jianzi, you are not afraid of death, come and challenge the three of us!"

And Jiang Nan's four were all dumbfounded at this time.

Zhao Binglan counted it all, and she was originally very out of tune.

But their own master sister.

He actually ran to support Lin Xingyun!

Master Sister is a Divine Fire Realm!

In the Immortal Domain, the higher the cultivation realm, the greater the gap between the realms.

Divine Fire Realm Annihilation Cave Heaven Realm.

Than Dong Heaven Realm, kill Yuanfu Realm.

A hundred times easier.

Zhao Hanyi only needs to summon the Essence Divine Fire.

Four of them, up to three rounds.

It will be burned to fly ash!

This is still a hairy thing!

"Senior sister... You... "

Are you really, to that kid..."

Jiang Nan had a ghostly expression at this time.

His face also began to turn green.

At this time, looking at Zhao Hanyi, he protected Lin Xingyun in public.

A sense of foreboding in his heart.

It's getting stronger!

As if to validate his hunch.

Lin Xingyun casually stretched out his hand, rubbed Zhao Hanyi's face, and ordered.

"Go and wait for me offstage."

"I'll fix it soon."

"Nebula! You..." Zhao

Hanyi still wanted to insist.

But looking at Lin Xingyun, there was no doubt about it.

She hesitated for a moment.

In the end, I had to sigh softly.

"Then you... Be careful, I'll keep an eye on it.

After she put away the coercion, she slowly walked off the stage.

Lin Xingyun glanced at Zhao Binglan again.

"That... Come on the lesser lord! We'll take care of it for you! Although

Zhao Binglan was helpless.

I had to encourage obediently.

Immediately followed his sister off the stage.

And everyone here, at this moment.

Finally, I completely understood.

These two Jurchens.

It turns out that they all have a leg with this little sword!

"It's so exciting! This trip to ask Jianfeng is worth it!

"This little sword is also too terrifying, only a few days into the beginning? Just take down the sisters together!

"Gee, I said Senior Sister, how can it be so abnormal........."

"It turns out that I want the old cow to eat tender grass, and the cart is chaotic......!"

"Woo hoo... The master sister actually fell in love with someone else... I'm out of love!

"Junior Brother takes the taste, are you called lovelorn?" Don't have points in your heart?"

"Eh, I heard that Senior Brother Jiang, the unrequited love master sister has been in love for hundreds of years."

"Now I was actually cut off by the new sword."

"He can't write a miserable word?"

"Isn't it? Look at Senior Brother Jiang, that face is almost green! "

The discussion of the crowd rushed up.

And Lin Xingyun on the stage.

At this time, he had already looked at Jiang Nan and the four with an indifferent face.

"All four of you, let's strike together."

"I still have something important, busy with it."

He waved his hand and made a defiant gesture.

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