By the way, let him take out the Da Luo Dao sword.

So let her stick it!

"Well, Miss Su is early."

Lin Xingyun answered casually.

Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows and had a plan.

The feeling when I held Sue softly last time.

He remembers it well.

It was as if he had been directly empowered by the power of kendo.

Almost so refreshing that you can't breathe!

"Just at this time, I am comprehending the sword marks, it is better to..."

thought Lin Xingyun.

He waved at Su Qianwu.

"Come here, sit in my arms."

"Ah! Lin Gongzi... This... How does this work?!

Su Qianwu was stunned, and her little face was immediately full of red light.

I didn't expect Lin Xingyun to suddenly make such a request

: "Here... There are so many more people...,"

she looked around sheepishly, afraid of being overheard.

Yet the next moment.

Lin Xingyun pointed to his heart.

The Great Luo Dao Sword in the Heart Yuan Mansion.

Immediately the sword roared!

"Ahhh... Forest... Lin Gongzi..."

Su Qianwu felt the sword sound and breath.

His complexion quickly became attached and excited.

Immediately, it doesn't matter if there are others or not.

Directly threw himself into Lin Xingyun's arms, and his little face fell on his heart.

Like a weak sister, coquettish.

Listen and feel the Da Luo Dao Sword with attachment on his face.

Lin Xingyun also naturally held her tightly with his right hand.

The feeling of being empowered by the power of kendo.

Sure enough, it appeared again!

He immediately calmed down.

Continue to observe the jade sword marks.

With the perception of kendo, it improved rapidly.

He suddenly felt blessed.

Started running the Sword Soul Emperor Sutra.

This exercise is not only the most difficult divine soul exercise.

It is also the emperor-level emperor scripture.

Even if only the first half of the volume.

But the difficulty of cultivation is still terrifying.

All this time, although Lin Xingyun relied on it, he quickly grew his divine soul, far surpassing the cultivators of the same realm.

But only from it, mastered the first magical power.

That is, the Soul Swinging Sword Pill.

But fortunately, this exercise is greatly influenced by kendo.

Because its essence is to use the spirit to transform the sword and attack.

At this moment, relying on the increase of Su Qianwu.

Plus the help of the jade sword marks.

His comprehension of the Sword Soul Emperor Sutra also rose rapidly.

Half an hour later.

He raised an eyebrow and summoned a golden sword pill.

The power of the divine soul gushed out, constantly carving and shaping the sword pill.

He is in the heart of the Yuan Mansion.

The Da Luo Dao sword also cooperated, exuding a trace of sword intent.

Assist him in transforming the sword with a divine soul.

At the same time, subtly, it helped him condense the sword heart.

Just when Lin Xingyun was concentrating on cultivation.

Not far around.

Three by three asked the Jianfeng disciples.

It's already a mouth-stop.

"Huh? Isn't that our sword?

"And the new Su Zhenchuan, they are..."

It's early in the morning! And in front of so many people, just hugging and hugging there..."

"That's it! I know wait until it gets dark!

"I didn't expect it, Su Zhenchuan... He also has a leg with the sword..."

"You see, that Divine Soul Sword Pill in front of Jianzi, this is... Practicing Divine Soul Exercises?! "

Divine Soul Exercises? Isn't that extremely difficult to cultivate? Does Jianzi still have this talent?

"Eyes are small, aren't they? Do you understand the gold content of the innate Dao embryo! "

Innate Dao embryo... Can you hold your sister in your arms while practicing Divine Soul Exercises?

"This is also outrageous!"

"You know a hairy! The heart of the sword is naturally far beyond ordinary people. "

Hmm... I don't know if I have a blessing to touch the heart of the sword..."

Junior Sister Lu, don't be crazy!

"After the day after tomorrow, he will not be a sword!"

"Not bad, the four True Transmission Senior Brothers will teach him to be a human being when the time comes!"

The crowd was far away.

While watching, there was a lot of discussion.

And Lin Xingyun, at this time, has reached a critical moment.

He fully controlled the power of the divine soul and shaped the sword pill.

A moment later, that Divine Soul Sword Pill.

Finally, it was completely turned into a light gold broken sword.

It is based on the Great Luo Dao Sword that it was shaped!

This is the second magical power of the Sword Soul Emperor Sutra - the Spirit Sword!

This is the official beginning, the transformation of the sword with the soul.

The attack power is naturally far superior to the Soul Sword Pill!


Lin Xingyun breathed a sigh of relief.

With a little eyebrow, he withdrew the Spirit Sword.

This kind of magical power consumes a very large amount of divine soul power.

Even if his divine soul power was far beyond the cultivators of the same realm.

Now at most, he can use the Spirit Sword five times.

"To save Meng'er, there are also high requirements for the power of the divine soul."

"Fortunately, many of the elixirs given by the Fourteen Ancestors can strengthen the divine soul."

Lin Xingyun thought about it, and raised his hand to flip it.

From the Qiankun Ring, take out a bottle of [Bodhi Soul Condensing Pill] at random.

Only one capsule was eaten.

One night of cultivation, consumed divine soul power.

Within a few breaths, it gradually returns to perfection.

"My realm needs to be stable, and it is temporarily inconvenient to improve my spiritual power cultivation."

"During this time, focus on Divine Soul and Kendo."

Lin Xingyun secretly planned.

Just as he was about to continue his cultivation.

Suddenly, I heard a system prompt.


"Children of Destiny detected!"

"The host makes the Destiny Child mentality explode, and the reward villain is worth 5000!"

"Huh? Who is this, why did it suddenly crack?

Lin Xingyun was wondering.

Look up.

I saw not far away.

Tang Yu was holding a food box.

His face turned green, and he was stunned in place.

He has been in the Holy Land since he entered the Holy Land.

He was selected into Xianwu Peak, one of the four peaks, and became a true legend.

Because I knew that Su Qianwu would come here every morning to see the sword marks.

I specially prepared Su Qianwu, my favorite chestnut cake.

I want to come and find her and talk about old days.

I didn't expect it to come.

I saw each other, lying in the arms of other men....

And the man.

Or Lin Xingyun, who he hates incomparably!

His anger at this time.

Already burned overhead.

As if one more look, it will explode!

"Boom! I haven't gone to you yet, you sent it yourself?

Lin Xingyun laughed secretly.

Immediately patted Su Qianwu's head.

"Huh? Lin Gongzi...,"

Su Wu raised her head blankly.

She was still attached.

It seems to be very intoxicated by Lin Xingyun's embrace.

However, the next moment, her pupils shrank.

I saw Lin Xingyun bowing his head slightly.

Kissed her directly on the lips.

"Well, more fragrant than Zhao Hanyi."

Lin Xingyun wiped his mouth while tasting.

While glancing obliquely at Tang Yu not far away.

I saw Tang Yu and froze for three breaths.

Then take the food box directly in your hand.

Smash it on the ground!


"Lin Xingyun! You look for death! "

Tang Yu finally couldn't hold back! Immediately roared and roared.

He was pretty sure.

That was Su Qianwu's first kiss!

He couldn't bear it anymore!

Immediately rushed to Lin Xingyun at great speed and shouted angrily.

"Tianluo Fa, bundle the immortal gold net!"

I saw that he pinched his hands and turned into seven spiritual power nets, restraining towards the other party.

This is a magical power that he created in his previous life.

But in the same realm, it is difficult to avoid this net.

After being trapped, I wanted to break free for a while.

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