Zhao Hanyi is telling her heartfelt feelings.

Suddenly, I was surprised to find out.

It's only been half a day.

Lin Xingyun spanned a big realm.

From the completion of the Wheel Sea Realm, it has reached the perfection of the Yuanfu Realm!

"I have deep roots, and after I just broke through the realm, I was directly consummated."

Lin Xingyun explained lightly.

"Huh? Can it still be like this? Innate Dao embryo... It's too against the sky!

Zhao Binglan on the side couldn't help but marvel.

Zhao Hanyi was shocked.

Still frowning, he admonished.

"Even so, between the Dongtian Realm and the Yuanfu Realm, the strength is still very different."

"Xingyun, don't be so stubborn, let me help you..." Without

waiting for her to finish, Lin Xingyun waved his hand and interrupted.

"Needless to say, those four guys, I'll dispose of it myself."

"Zhao Hanyi, I advise you to think clearly."

"What the hell should I do, make up for your mistakes!"

"Nebula, I..."

Zhao Hanyi said for a while.

Tonight, her mood went up and down too much, too often.

A heart.

It's like a boat on a stormy sea.

was Lin Xingyun and sister Zhao Binglan.

If you stir up, you can't live in peace for a moment.

At this time, she was already in a state of confusion.

I couldn't think of any way to make up for Lin Xingyun.

However, Zhao Binglan beside her.

But the beautiful eyes are shining, and the inspiration is flashing!

At this time she was in her heart.

A bold idea came up.

She couldn't help but get excited and swallowed her throat.

Immediately rushed in.

Pulled Zhao Hanyi up and said with a bad smile.

"Sister, I'll teach you a way!"

"Huh? What way?

Zhao Hanyi forgot to be angry and asked her directly.

"Young Lord, didn't he want you to be his concubine in the first place?"

"It's not too late!"

"You take the initiative to beg now to be a concubine for the young master."

"And tonight, I want to stay in the Sword Pavilion!"

"Young Lord, he will definitely be soft-hearted!"

"Huh?! This... This..." Zhao

Hanyi was advised by this step in place.

It's overwhelmed.

She blushed and did not dare to answer.

But quietly, he looked at Lin Xingyun.

Want to observe his reaction.


"This kind of compensation is still far from enough."

"At most, it's enough to make up for half."

Lin Xingyun said impatiently and squinted at Zhao Hanyi.

Zhao Hanyi listened, but his body trembled.

A heart, can't help but be excited.

Because Lin Xingyun meant this, although he was not satisfied.

But it seems....

Still willing to accept her!

This made her extremely humbling!

And a little overwhelmed.

I don't know what Lin Xingyun said about "not enough to see".

What does it mean....

However, without waiting for her to react.

A pair of strange little hands sneaked up from behind.

Jerk her along.

Accurately, he pushed her into Lin Xingyun's arms.

Lin Xingyun also subconsciously and naturally struck.

Just put his arm around Zhao Hanyi.

The two looked at each other.

Lin Xingyun was suddenly more convinced.

Compared to Zhao Binglan, that kind of goblin.

I still like it.

Big sisters like Zhao Hanyi and Xiao Qianluo.

"Yay! You...... You let me go!

Zhao Hanyi exclaimed.

Then he struggled weakly.

"Yes, but you have to think clearly."

"Let me go, you and I will have no future."

"Your chance, only this time."

Lin Xingyun said with a look of indifference.

Spread your hands out.

Listening to Lin Xingyun's words.

Zhao Hanyi did not struggle.

She looked at it quietly, the face that she thought about day and night.

Feel the embrace of a long absence.

I just felt that my mouth gradually became dry.

I can't help but think back in my heart.

After leaving Luoshui City, he often dreamed of scenes for a long time.

It was in a restaurant.

She and Lin Xingyun toasted each other and said everything in their hearts.

Finally, drunk in each other's arms.

Slept very peacefully.

Even, she often dreamed.

Lin Xingyun didn't just put his arm around her to rest.

He also carried her back to the restaurant room, and then ...

After that, she had no experience in this area at all.

Even dreaming, you can't dream of ideas.

And here and now.

Her plump and soft delicate body.

is pounced on Lin Xingyun.

Looking at the other party's spread hands, that casual expression.

Zhao Hanyi from the bottom of his heart.

A strange idea suddenly arises.

Suddenly, she wanted to be fierce.

Suppress Lin Xingyun!


"If I wanted to, tonight... Tonight I can... Give him to..."

"Little bad embryo! When the time comes... Look how arrogant you are!

She thought of Lin Xingyun.

The look of begging for mercy under her skirt.

Suddenly shortness of breath and red face!

After hesitating for a long time.

Zhao Hanyi finally made up his mind.

I saw her grit her teeth hard.

His face was red, and he was secretly ruthless.

"Fuck your mother's kendo!"

"No repair!"

Then she hooked Lin Xingyun's neck regardless.

Towards his lips, I kissed him hard..........


"Congratulations to the host for plundering Wang Teng, the son of Heaven's Destiny!"

"The reward villain value is 10,000, Wang Teng's luck value drops by 10,000, and the remaining gas luck value: 90,000!"

"Huh? 10,000 points? "

Doesn't it mean that Wang Teng wants to use her [Sister Treasure Body] to forge a perfect cultivation foundation?"

"Since it's so important, why did you only drop 10,000 points of qi luck?"

Lin Xingyun naturally cooperated with Zhao Hanyi.

While secretly viewing the system.

"Could it be..." "

I have to wait until I get her [Sister Treasure Body] Origin before Wang Teng loses a lot?" '

to get more villain value?"

Lin Xingyun thought secretly, and couldn't help but smile slyly.

Because of breaking through their own knots.

Now Zhao Hanyi's favorability towards him.

Already from 80 [difficult to divide].

It skyrocketed to 91 [to death].

This level of favorability.

It was enough for him to get the Treasure Body Origin.

"In that case, it is better to choose the day than to hit the sun."

"Today... Just accept her origin!

"Just look at what kind of perfect foundation I can forge now in the Yuan Mansion Realm."

Lin Xingyun secretly looked forward to it.

He stretched out his hand and held Zhao Hanyi's red face.

Commanded without question.

"Follow me upstairs."

"Hmm... Well!

Zhao Hanyi agreed obsessively.

A pair of beautiful eyes are already full of peach blossoms.

She couldn't wait to suppress Lin Xingyun!

And An Miaoyin on the side was dumbfounded.

"These two fox spirits are really clever means!"

"Sisters join forces, one ring after another!"

"It's just unpreventable..." She

was used to looking at Feng Yue, and at this time she had already begun to guess boldly.

This one comes out tonight.

It's not good that it's this Zhao family sister.

A beauty plan set up together!

And the most outrageous thing is that even Lin Xingyun has been counted!

Now look at him and Zhao Hanyi.

The appearance of that dry firewood.

It's a hit!

"Less Lord, Less Lord! What about me, what about me?

Zhao Binglan came up at the right time and asked excitedly

, "Count you smart."

"Let's go upstairs."

Lin Xingyun seemed to be rewarded, and stroked her long pink hair.

"Yay! Plan Pass! Zhao

Binglan was so pleasantly surprised that she almost jumped up!

She secretly said that sure enough, her own idea was extremely correct!

There is a bite of my sister.

Can you still do without her?

Wealth is in danger!

Just now, she pushed her wish!

When I think of the next, I want to be with my sister..........

She bit her lower lip with excitement.

A pair of jade legs are trembling!

"No, I can't be left behind!"

An Miaoyin was also anxious, and also came to Lin Xingyun's side.

Pulling his arm, she said coquettishly.

"Young Lord, what about Miaoyin?"

"Could it be, Liumiaoyin is glaring here?"

Lin Xingyun thought for a while.

It was very generous, smiled.

"Alas, since the atmosphere is here."

"It would be rude to continue to snub you!"

"I won't draw bread today, Miaoyin you too..."

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