"Meng'er..." "

She... I want to go see her.

Lin Xingyun also retracted his joking look and asked with a regretful face.

"Hmph! You still have a little conscience.

"It's too late today, I'll take you tomorrow."

Liu Xinyan's face looked better.

She craned her chin and thought cutely for a moment.

He continued to admonish.

"Later... You just call me... Senior

Sister, yes, call Senior Sister!" "Also, in the future, you are not allowed to call Sister Xinyan, let alone mention Lin Feng!" "

I am not so close to your Lin family.

"This marriage was originally without my consent, but it was decided by our Liu family and your Lin family.

"What's more, now that Lin Feng is missing, I may not enter your Lin family's door!" At

this time, she saw four times, except for herself, it was the woman Lin Xingyun brought.

No more careful concealment.

With one hand on his slender waist, he emphasized to Lin Xingyun.

"Okay, okay, senior sister, I understand, I understand!"

Lin Xingyun responded with a smile.

He had long heard that Liu Xinyan and Lin Feng did not have much relationship.

The two sides are just because the Lin Liu family has a tradition of marriage.

Plus the innate Dao embryo, and the Primordial Eucharist.

These two rare special physiques are extremely compatible!

Now he looked at Liu Xinyan, that stubborn look.

More and more certainly.

Lin Feng, he hadn't been able to get Liu Xinyan's heart at all


"You can sprinkle and rest yourself, I'll go first."

"As for this girl, I'll take her to find another cave mansion." After

Liu Xinyan explained, he would take Su Qianwu away.


I see that this attic is quite big, and she also lives here, isn't it!"

said Lin Xingyun extremely "generously".

He also winked at Su Qianwu.

Su Qianwu saw it, too ashamed to look at him.

But she was clearly impressed.

He was even bold and tried to ask.

"Peak Lord, Young Master Lin is here... It's fine, or..." However

, Liu Xinyan just glared at her.

She was so frightened that she quickly covered her small mouth.

"Lin Xingyun, you give me the honesty!"

"I have long heard what kind of [female martyrdom body] you are, throwing flowers and making trouble!"

"But you are now a disciple of the master.

"It's mine... Junior Brother!"

"In the future, you are not allowed to hook up with other women, understand?"

Liu Xinyan's jade face was slightly red, and with a little shame, she admonished him.

Look at the cynical and overly good-looking brother-in-law in front of him.

Liu Xinyan only felt inexplicably irritable.

She thought suddenly.

Just like before, she pulled Liu Meng'er's ears.

"Okay, Senior Sister.

"I will never hook up with others in the future."

Lin Xingyun pretended to be well-behaved and agreed.

Thought secretly.

At most, I can only hook up with Master


"Let's go, rest early, don't be late tomorrow."

Willow gave him a blank look.

He took Su Qianwu and drove away in the clouds.

"Alas, female junior, holding gold bricks.

"Three hundred women, send Jiangshan."

"I don't know Senior Sister, hundreds of years older than me?"

Lin Xingyun sighed.

So he instructed the maids to go into the attic and clean.

He found a rock and meditated on the spot and waited.

The aura around this Sword Pavilion.

It's simply too rich to be true.

It was already similar to the Holy Son Mansion of the top ten holy sons of their Lin family.

At this point he swallowed.

One after another, the aura is thick fog.

Like a long dragon, it gathered around him.

In his body, the 2,001st giant elephant particle is slowly taking shape.

And at his lower abdomen dantian.

A sea of golden wheels is rushing endlessly.

The cultivation of the Wheel Sea Realm is the process of constantly widening the Wheel Sea.

Ordinary cultivators, when the cultivation reaches the completion of the Wheel Sea Realm.

The sea of wheels should reach three inches.

With a three-inch wheel sea, you can condense the Yuan Mansion.

Thus entering the Yuanfu realm.

The limit of the 100,000 jin strength of the Qi and Blood Realm.

If you have a special physique and rare body refining elixir, you can break through.

If the Wheel Sea Realm wants to break through the limit, it is much more difficult.

There are only a very few, Tianjiao demons who have a divine chance.

In order to repair the sea to more than three inches.

At this time, Lin Xingyun looked inside.

His round sea.

It has been repaired to more than six inches! It

seems to be only twice as much as ordinary cultivators.

But because of every inch after the three-inch round sea.

It's all Lin Xingyun, with a large number of giant elephant particles.

Forcibly impacted, opened up!

and then every inch of the sea.

The concentration of spiritual power contained and the speed of spiritual power operation.

Now his wheel sea, stored spiritual power.

It is almost equivalent to an ordinary Cave Heaven Realm early stage cultivator.

There are more than one great realm of combat power!

This is the invincible road he wants to take.

It is necessary to cultivate every realm to the extreme!

Other people, even if they have special physiques.

However, the spiritual power that can be stored and utilized in the body is limited after all.

But he has the Divine Elephant Suppression Technique!

This kind of mysterious exercise.

It can absorb massive spiritual power and condense giant elephant particles like an endless limit!

For others, it's too hard to think about.

But for him, it just came to fruition!

All it takes is time.

And the most massive cultivation resources

! Golden prizes, simply terrifying!



The next day.

Lin Xingyun dressed up and stepped onto the main pavilion of the peak.

However, as soon as he arrived outside the attic door, he was stopped by the doormaid.

"This prince is slow, peak lord, she

..." "She hasn't woken up yet..." The

little maids were fascinated by Lin Xingyun, but they still blocked it.


asked me to come over and told me not to be late."

"As a result, she didn't wake up herself

?!" "What kind of senior sister is this? it's outrageous!"

Lin Xingyun was simply stunned!

The Holy Daughter of Yaochi with a congenital Dao embryo.


you say this, I am afraid that you will laugh at the three thousand Daozhou

! "Gongzi, please wait! Slaves... The

little maids were also a little panicked, and hurried upstairs to spread the word.

After a while.

Lin Xingyun faintly heard a coquettish exclamation.

Then, there was a loud sound of people in the attic.

"Qiuwen, quickly bring my dressing

box!" "Oh, my eyebrow powder is gone, go and get another box of jade silver sand!"

"What about my Xiangfei red dress?

Mixed up..."

"Oh, Peak Lord slow down! You haven't combed your hair yet!"

Lin Xingyun listened in the attic.

That group of women, the movement of the army was chaotic.

The black lines on his face are getting richer.

"Could it be that my senior sister..."

"Is it stupid and stupid

?" "Can she instruct me to cultivate this horse?"

Unexpectedly, Liu Xinyan, his appearance was like a fairy in the Moon Palace, and he was noble.

Inside, it's so unreliable!"

However, it is very similar to Meng'er. "

It's worthy of being sisters..."

Lin Xingyun recalled when he was in the volcanic hot spring.

The night I first met Liu Meng'er.

I couldn't help but shake my head and sigh.

I waited for almost half an hour.

Liu Xinyan finally appeared.

Today, she changed into a concubine red dress and stepped on a pair of red high-heeled leather boots.

It looks more beautiful and charming than yesterday.

It's just hair, and it's a little messy.

"Ahem... "

I practiced all night last night, and I accidentally forgot the hour..." Liu

Xinyan's jade face turned crimson, and he coughed awkwardly to cover up.

Immediately changed the subject.

"Let's go, take you to see Meng'er first. With

a wave of his sleeves, he took Lin Xingyun and left.

The two went to the top of Qianjianfeng Mountain.

A quiet and elegant loft deep in the clouds.

It was as clean as new, and several maids were cleaning it daily.

Liu Xinyan took Lin Xingyun and went straight to the top floor of the attic.

There is a pink-decorated girl's boudoir here.

But singularly.

The aura in this boudoir is so rich that it even exceeds the Sword Pavilion!

One by one, portraits large and small.

What's in it.

Both are a boy in white and a girl in a green dress.

On a volcano, by the hot springs.

Or a girl in a blue skirt, holding a sword around the teenager's neck.

Or a boy in white, using his own fur clothes to shield the girl from the wind and snow.

There are even photo stones.

The two were photographed with each other.

Give the image of each other's first kiss.

"Meng'er this girl..."

"Actually put these... It's all recorded..."

Lin Xingyun looked around, and he was a little lost for a while.

I can't imagine the little girl I met by chance.

Affection for yourself, so deep.

But at this moment.

The girl in the blue dress in those pictures.

At this moment, he was lying on the luxurious embroidered bed in the boudoir.

Her appearance is very similar to Liu Xinyan, the same pouring sentient beings.

Maybe it's the same as her sister, when she was younger.

On the fairy beauty list, ranked first.

But she closed her eyes at this time and breathed steadily.

It's actually sleeping.

But unlike ordinary slumber.

She has been sleeping in this boudoir for more than a year.

"For more than a year, every day, a full-time maid would come over to scrub her body.

"I'll come and visit her too."

"Master Venerable is also under this attic, arranging the top-level Spirit Gathering Array.

"With a large amount of aura, supply her cultivation.

Liu Xinyan looked at her sister, who showed no signs of awakening.

Eyes full of sadness explained.

"The only good news is that her cultivation has entered the realm very quickly, and she has reached the Cave Heaven Realm to complete.

"That means she's not in any danger for the time being."

"But her physique is weird.

"Even if Master Zun made a calculation, he couldn't calculate whether Meng'er would wake up safely..."

Lin Xingyun did not speak, surprisingly silent.

In fact, he knew these things clearly.

It's just that in the past, he couldn't face it.

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