"Ding!" "

Name: Tang Yu"

Cultivation: Late Life Script of the Yuanfu Realm

: [Great Emperor Reborn] Golden

Life Number: [Carrying Heavy Treasure] Gold, [Green Plum Can Expect] Jin, [Great Emperor Experience] Orange, [Talent Transcendent] Orange, [Jiaxi Bi Reward] White, [Loved Ones Mautilation] Ash

........................ Detailed explanation

: [Great Emperor Reborn] Jin: In the previous life, he was the ancient emperor of the Immortal Domain, the Emperor of Tianluo, after being poisoned by his relatives, he was reincarnated and reborn, with the cultivation perception of his previous life and the experience of the Great Emperor, he harvested opportunities all the way, pushed invincible, and finally became the emperor again, and the hand blade poisoned his two closest relatives!

[Qingmei can be expected] Jin: The little girl in the same village who met after reincarnation, the predecessor is also extremely terrifying, is the incarnation of an ancient sword scabbard, reincarnated, helped Tang Yu all the way, and finally accompanied Tang Yu to become an

emperor! [Great Emperor Experience] Orange: With the perception and experience of the emperor in the previous life, cultivation breaks through the realm, grabs opportunities, secret realms, and is one step faster! [Talent Transcendent] Orange:

Cultivation speed and understanding are extremely high, and the talent is extraordinary!

White: Narrow-minded, favorability declines quickly, rises very slowly, anyone who offends him will take

revenge on [Blood Killing Sword] Ash: Poisoned by two former closest relatives, resulting in death and rebirth, turning into a revenge

Recent chance: After a blaze of incense, he will pull out his former sword from the bluestone in front of the mountain gate - [Blood Killing Sword], [Blood Killing Sword] Reappearing in the world, the vision of sword qi attracted the Lord of Qianjian Peak, and Tang Yu was set on the spot to ask the sword of Jianfeng, whose status far exceeds that of the true legend, and since then he has been on a smooth road in the Yaochi Holy Land!

Favorability: 30 [Disgust]

Qi luck value: 100000


"Good fellow

!" "It's actually an ancient emperor reborn!" Lin

Xingyun looked at the simple young man like a mortal and couldn't help but secretly marvel.

Every great emperor is

the ultimate in the Tianjiao of an era! It is the corpse of countless Tianjiao

demons who have stepped on it all the way, pushing across the world.

And now this mediocre, even a little poor young man.

It was actually an ancient emperor reborn!

"Well, not bad, not bad

!" "This kind of supreme son of destiny is only enjoyable enough to plunder!"

Lin Xingyun's face showed excitement.

Then he looked at the big bluestone behind Tang Yu.

And that rusty sword above.

"Blood killing sword, the sword that the Great Emperor once had?

"It just so happens that the Great Luo Dao Sword is not suitable for common use, and I am lacking a suitable sword soldier. "

First meeting.

"I'll give you a little villain shock first!"

Lin Xingyun made up his mind.

On purpose, he asked Elder Ma Baowei in front of him.

"Eh, Elder Ma, I look at that rusty sword over there, it seems to be a little good.

"Why did you put it in front of this mountain gate?"

"Young Lord has good eyesight, although that sword is rusty, it was asked by the previous generation to the Sword Peak Peak Lord..."

Ma Baoxian was worried and quickly explained.

"Oh, no one has been able to draw this sword in eight hundred years?"

"Then I'm going to give it a try!"

Lin Xingyun said with a curious smile after hearing this.

Immediately stepped on the wind and thunder phantom.

The figure flashed, and he stepped on the bluestone.

And not far below.

Those newly promoted disciples were already talking non-stop at this time.

"This brother... Oh no, this son..."

"It's just my ideal type

!" "Are you thinking about eating peaches! Don't you look at those elders, are they all so respectful!"

"And they still call him Young Lord... His identity background must be very terrifying

!" "Hmm, that's what pokes

me the most!" "This Jimei, it's not a secret, I have no resistance to the master-servant

love!" "Me is also me!" "

The domineering young master is in love with me! Just thinking about me is......... No more!" a

group of young women, whispering, obsessed, or screaming.

While peeking at Lin Xingyun.

While his face was flushed, he discussed fiercely.

And the remaining male disciples.

They were all indignant.

Full of cynicism.

"Mad, handsome, with a background, amazing?!"

"Look at the people, sitting on a fairy boat, with beautiful women, only came over at night, but went straight to Yaochi

!" "I'm so big, I haven't seen such an arrogant person

!" "Eh, you saw it today

!" "And he's still a true disciple of the Sect!"

"Hmph, what about a background? This kind of family is mostly a young man.

"As long as I practice hard and work hard, I will definitely be better than them in the future!"

I saw Lin Xingyun, stepping on the bluestone, ready to take the sword.

"Look, he's going to pull out that sword too!"

"Looking at his breath, it's only the Wheel Sea Realm Perfection, and it's only a little stronger than me."

"So many of us have failed, if he can draw his sword, I will eat the bluestone!"

Tang Yu also came to his senses, and then looked up at Lin Xingyun.

Face showed a disdainful sneer.

"Arrogant fool, blood killing is not something you can pull up!"

"But this guy is not good, and judging by his temperament, he seems to have a special physique." "

Maybe you can properly woo him to see if you can get some benefits from him..."

thought to Tang Yu secretly.

Can't help but turn back again and look at An Miaoyin.

At this time, he almost regarded An Miaoyin as a bag.

For Lin Xingyun, whether he could snatch his blood killing sword.

He wasn't worried at all.

The Blood Killing Sword had sensed the arrival of his original owner.

He will never confess to anyone again!

I saw Lin Xingyun calm down and stretched out his hand to grip the hilt of his sword.

The two thousand giant elephant particles condensed in his body shine together!

With one punch, you can take that Lin Langtian.

Beat into a corpse!

But with such great force, acting on that rusty sword.

But it's like a grasshopper shaking a tree.

Nothing can be shaken.

"Oh? something. "

This is Tang Yu's sword, could it be that he recognized the old lord and refused to go with me?" Lin

Xingyun tried it a little, then let go of his hand and thought about the result.

And Tang Yu under the bluestone also turned around.

Pretending to be sympathetic, he smiled.

"This prince, there is no need to be lost, everyone has their own chances.

"This sword is extremely spiritual, and it seems that it only follows the next fate, and it is really difficult for others to take it away, so you might as well try it in the next one." "

Under Tang Yu, didn't ask the prince to honor the surname?"


You said, this rusty sword is only related to you?"

Lin Xingyun glanced down and said with a playful smile.

"Yes, everyone saw it just now, after I approached, this sword trembled on its own, and it also made a sword sound, so I..."

Tang Yuzheng explained proudly.

was interrupted by Lin Xingyun waving his hand.

"Tang Yu, right.

"You can see clearly who this sword is related to!"

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