Qin Diyao gently pushed him away, but his eyes were always fixed on the sky.

The originally clear sky was now filled with endless black clouds, with giant dragons transformed from thunder flashing in it, as if they were about to bring down a world-destroying punishment!

"It's okay. I knew there would be a heavenly calamity, so I specially asked that quasi-emperor sister to help disperse the calamity clouds."

Lin Xingyun walked to Qin Diyao's side and looked at the remains of the ancient heavenly monument.

He raised his hand and summoned the last black light ball into his palm.

That was naturally one of the parts of the war immortal's Taoist robe, but this time it was a black helmet, which was also without spirituality, like a mundane dead object.

Lin Xingyun casually took it into his body, but found that Ouyang Lin had come to his side at some point, and said with a serious face.

"Brother Xingyun, I'm afraid I can't disperse this calamity cloud..."

"Huh? Why?"


Ouyang Lin pointed with his bare hand, and Lin Xingyun looked in the direction in confusion.

But he found that in the dark clouds, there were not only flashes of lightning, but also bursts of dark green wind and red sky fire, which were equally powerful and intimidating!

"Wind, fire, and thunder disasters, is this... the saint's calamity?!"

Lin Xingyun looked at Qin Diyao, but the other party nodded calmly, as if he had been mentally prepared.

"Xingyun, in fact, when I left the Wandao Small World, I already felt something in my heart, and I was about to break through the saint realm."

"And the path of cultivation I took was too extreme. I took my body as the way, which was not tolerated by the world's great way, and it would accelerate the arrival of the saint's heavenly calamity."

"But it doesn't matter, just get through it!"

Her little face was unprecedentedly confident, looking down on the calamity clouds in the sky, treating it as a trivial matter, without the slightest fear!

"Well, little sister, you are so courageous. I am counting on you!"

"Brother Xingyun, let's quickly avoid it. The Saint Tribulation is not something that others can interfere with. When the Great Emperor enters, there will be a corresponding Emperor Tribulation!"

"But don't worry, with my sister here, no one can disturb her during the Tribulation!"

Ouyang Lin admired Qin Diyao and was about to take Lin Xingyun and Chu Weiluo away.

Lin Xingyun thought for a moment and nodded. Before leaving, she still reached out and held Qin Diyao in her arms, gently stroking her pair of smooth cat ears.

The two of them had a tacit understanding and no need to say more.

"It's okay, wait for me."

Qin Diyao smiled and looked up and promised, and Lin Xingyun also kissed her forehead solemnly.

Then he let go and left, leaving her to survive the Tribulation alone.

And as the Jidao Ancient Heavenly Monument completely turned into ashes and disappeared without a trace.

The gloomy wind, bear fire, and thunder in the sky seemed to have received the charge order and began to bring down the monstrous Tribulation!

First, there were gusts of dark green wind, sweeping in like a ghost from the underworld!

And it seemed that because the Saint Tribulation and the Extreme Ancient Heavenly Monument Tribulation were combined into one, there were countless thunder dragons in the wind!

At this time, the wind and thunder were combined, and the wind was thundering, and the power was many times stronger than the ordinary Saint Tribulation!

Ordinary Saint Realm cultivators would not last more than half a minute before being crushed to death!

And Qin Diyao was like a flying fairy, actively facing the wind and thunder tribulation!

The power of the Tao turned into a glowing fairy light to protect her body. Even if the wind and thunder outside were terrifying, they still couldn't hurt her at all!

And the tribulation cloud seemed to have intelligence. Seeing this situation, it suddenly released a huge amount of wind that was a hundred times stronger than before, and poured down towards Qin Diyao!

At this time, thousands of miles away, Ouyang Lin watched Qin Diyao's tribulation and frowned in confusion.

"Strange, why did her wind tribulation come so quickly and so fiercely?"

"It takes two days and two nights for an ordinary person to survive the wind tribulation, but this tribulation cloud... why does it seem to want to pour down the cold wind of two days and nights all at once?!"

Lin Xingyun looked at the unusual tribulation cloud and frowned.

He had seen Liu Meng'er, Ying Qing, and Xiao Qianluo survive the tribulation. Even though Liu Meng'er was a Huimeng immortal body and had a deep foundation after his hard work, she was not as fierce and fierce as Qin Diyao when she survived the saint tribulation!

It seemed that the heavenly way of the fairyland was deliberately targeting Qin Diyao and was determined to wipe her out!

"It seems that taking the body as the way is still too against the will of heaven!"

"The extreme cultivation path that is envied by the heaven will inevitably bring punishment from the heaven..."

"The fairyland does not allow such a powerful existence!"

"Although Yaoyao is omnipotent, if she survives this kind of heavenly tribulation, she will probably be seriously injured..."

Lin Xingyun sighed secretly, and at the same time, a wave of ominous premonitions rose in his heart.

So he decided to think of a way to help Qin Diyao survive the calamity safely!

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