"It seems...more tempting than before!"

Lin Rong looked at that handsome face and felt the aura of love he had that day.

I feel that Lin Xingyun is like a charming flower that is constantly spraying pollen, easily attracting countless wild bees and butterflies at any time!

Even she herself, even after tens of thousands of years of practice, could not help but feel a little nervous when she was close to Lin Xingyun!

"Fourteenth Ancestor, that's it."

"I got some opportunities in the Void Immortal Palace, which allowed my physique to be sublimated, so..."

While Lin Xingyun was explaining, he suddenly felt a warmth on his cheeks.

He subconsciously reached out and touched it, and a little rouge mark fell on his fingers.

Lin Rong's bright white face flashed past, still staring at him non-stop, with a face full of teasing and teasing, which made him feel a little dazed for a moment.

No matter how experienced Lin Xingyun is in this regard, he still rarely blushes when his ancestor teases him like this.

Xiao Qianluo on the side couldn't help but look weird when he saw that his husband was kissed by another woman just after he came back.

But the other party was Lin Rong, and she didn't dare to say anything for a while!

Liu Qiuyan, on the other hand, had frowned deeply. Seeing her best friend molesting her disciple there, she was so angry that the tips of her hair were slightly raised!

I couldn't even help but think to myself, I haven't even kissed my disciple yet!

"Tsk, tsk, little Nebula, your physique is getting more and more incredible."

"There are more than one or two empresses in the Immortal Realm. You must be more careful in the future!"

Lin Rong praised Lin Rong repeatedly, still smiling and stroking Lin Xingyun's cheek.

Then he turned to look at Xiao Qianluo.

"Xiao Luoluo, you are also very good!"

"Now that your Taoism has been perfected and your cultivation foundation is completely sufficient, it just so happens that Little Nebula is still there, so it's time for you to survive the tribulation of a saint."

"Yes! Disciple, I obey!"

Xiao Qianluo responded respectfully.

Lin Rong waved her sleeves and led a group of people out of the forbidden area and went to the vast wilderness where Liu Meng'er and Ying Qing had gone through the tribulation. The vast power of the soul swept across the world to clear Xiao Qianluo's place to ensure that no one could disturb.

"Luoluo, I'm waiting for you here. Don't worry about going through the tribulation."


Lin Xingyun kissed Xiao Qianluo's forehead and comforted him. Xiao Qianluo was also extremely moved and nodded heavily.

At this time, having her lover accompany her to overcome the tribulation made her even more determined. She said a simple farewell to Lin Xingyun and her master, then flew to the sky to officially prepare to survive the saint's tribulation!

A few hours later, three flowers of the avenue appeared on Xiao Qianluo's head. Thousands of scarlet killing lights lingered around her body. Law and Tao were intertwined into chains, making her aura reach its peak!

Above the sky, the Immortal Realm Avenue sensed, and boundless calamity clouds began to gather.

Not long after, the dark wind, raging fire, and thunder continued to emerge and began to fall one after another, giving Xiao Qianluo the final test before becoming a saint!

Lin Xingyun watched his lover going through the disaster from a distance. Although he was concerned, he was not worried.

He knew that Xiao Qianluo had already obtained the origin of his female body, and his talents and qualifications had already reached the level of the top genius in the world!

Even the talent of the mind has reached the level of [Transparent Taoist Heart] gold early on, so there is no need to worry about the interference of the saint's heart and demon tribulation!

Coupled with Lin Rong's careful cultivation for more than a hundred years, and after her own physical sublimation, she not only merged with her in the Void Immortal Palace, but also personally helped her kill four saints, making her way of killing perfect. .

After returning to Huangcheng, I practiced double cultivation with her closely and non-stop for three months!

"In the past, before my physique was sublimated, the effect of double cultivation with women was as good as water piercing stone!"

"Now my physique has been upgraded to red quality, and the effect of dual cultivation is like opening a flood gate to release floods!"

"Today's Luoluo can be said to be flawless, a little saint calamity, ridiculous!"

Review: [Female Disaster Body] Red: The disaster of women in the world, the destiny of love, almost no female can resist its charm! The effect of double cultivation with a woman is excellent, surpassing all other physiques in the world! For a woman whose favorability reaches 100 [do whatever you want] level after dual cultivation, you can merge with her into one body, increase your own combat power, and choose one of the other party's skills, magical powers, and Tao principles to enlighten you. If you make the woman pregnant, you can make her achieve a perfect breakthrough. A cultivation bottleneck!

Lin Xingyun looked at his physical characteristics and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly!

Now I can even lie down and rely entirely on my dual cultivation and my lovers to become an emperor by traveling all the way!

"Well, there must be no problem for Xiao Luoluo to survive the tribulation."

"Little Nebula, what about yourself?"

"Now that you have understood a perfect principle and have a solid foundation, you can consider overcoming the tribulation and becoming a saint!"

Lin Rong looked up and saw that Xiao Qianluo had easily defeated the first level of Yin Feng Wind Tribulation. She was completely relieved and turned to ask Lin Xingyun.

"Fourteenth Ancestor, I'm not in a hurry. I want to go to Bianguan to practice for a while and polish my foundation."

Lin Xingyun responded casually, but a petite figure in a black skirt with cat ears and a tail appeared in his mind.

Chapter 306: Overcoming the tribulation completed, next step plan

While Lin Xingyun was sighing, he suddenly received several system prompts.


"The host makes the girl of destiny think about her day and night, and will be rewarded with an additional 10,000 destiny points!"

"The host worries the girl of destiny, and will receive an additional reward of 10,000 destiny points!"

"The host makes the girl of destiny unable to sleep, and the extra destiny value is 10,000..."

Lin Xingyun looked at this series of system prompts and couldn't help but sigh.

"Could it be... this is the so-called telepathy?"

"While I was thinking about her, that girl was also thinking about me..."

"I haven't seen her for a hundred years, I wonder how she is doing..."

Lin Xingyun became more and more sentimental. Even Qin Diyao, who was like a perpetual motion machine, gave him destiny points, he didn't feel much happiness.

But soon he thought of something, and his eyes shone again.

"And her new supreme bone must have grown well!"

"Although I can't dig the bone this time, I can get it in other ways!"

"When the time comes, the three supreme bones will be integrated into one, and maybe it can be compared with the top three physiques in the fairyland!"

"And since Yaoyao broke out of the shell, she has already reached the perfection of the king realm, and can also kill the saint."

"She must have mastered a law, and it is absolutely powerful!"

Such as the dream law cultivated by Liu Meng'er, the killing law cultivated by Xiao Qianluo, the sword law cultivated by Zhao Hanyi and Su Qingwu, and the worldly law cultivated by An Miaoyin.

With Qin Diyao's unprecedented talent, he must have mastered a supreme law that transcends all the geniuses of the world!

"When I see Yaoyao, I will take them all!"


"Ah! No, my conscience hurts again!"

Lin Xingyun covered his chest and frowned for a while, and it took him a long time to calm down.

In the distant sky, Xiao Qianluo's tribulation was still going smoothly. The three disasters of wind, fire and thunder that made her a saint were now easy for her. She even had the energy to exchange glances with Lin Xingyun from time to time and send a flying kiss across the air!

Seven days later, as the clouds of tribulation in the sky dissipated, waves of great Dao heavenly sounds fell from the void of 100,000 feet. Countless Dao and Fa turned into a hanging waterfall, which made the final cleansing for Xiao Qianluo's soul, body and spiritual power. Golden lotuses began to emerge continuously on the land of thousands of miles, congratulating the birth of the new saint!

After another six hours, it was finally accomplished. A figure whose cultivation had skyrocketed dozens of times and whose aura became more holy and noble threw himself into Lin Xingyun's arms.


"I miss you so much..."

Xiao Qianluo leaned on his shoulder, hugged his waist tightly and murmured.

"Luoluo, you don't look like a saint-level cultivator."

Lin Xingyun looked at the lover in his arms. Although her cultivation had skyrocketed, she was still as attached to him as the girl she first met. He couldn't help but be moved.

After the two of them were affectionate for a while, Lin Xingyun said goodbye to his master and the fourteenth ancestor.

"Xingyun, I will return to Yaochi Holy Land soon to preside over the affairs of the Holy Land."

"You have been staying at home for too long, and it's time to make plans for the next step."

"The last time I left Yuanshen Palace, many ancestors in the palace asked to see you by name, so you should prepare early."

Before leaving, Liu Qiuyan earnestly exhorted.

"Master, I plan to accompany Meng'er back to the Liu family first, and then go to the border."

"Master, don't worry, I will bring Yaoyao back to the Source Palace, so that we can pay homage to her ancestor master!"

Chapter 307 Traveling and merging

"Well, now is a time of trouble. Many young geniuses are making their way in the fairyland. You should be more careful when you are out there."

Liu Qiuyan instructed softly, with some worry in her eyes, but more of a sense of loss.

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