But not long after, they all changed back to their original state, still walking away slowly like the living dead.

However, the next moment, a silver-white light fell from the sky like a comet.

Han Feiyu held the bronze key in his hand, relying on his extremely fast body movement. Even if he was randomly teleported after entering the fairy palace, he was still the first to arrive here!

"Is that... the time law?!"

He looked surprised, because he felt the traces of law aura emanating from the bronze door, which were all rare and extremely mysterious time laws!

And there were three keyholes in the center of the door, as if calling for the bronze key in his hand.

He didn't dare to approach rashly, so he casually shot out a few threads of spiritual power and controlled the bronze key in his hand to put it into one of the keyholes.

Although the bronze door bloomed with a burst of precious light, there was no sign of opening.

Seeing this, he immediately took back the bronze key and at the same time used all his strength to wipe out all the time law aura on it.

This fairy palace was full of weirdness, so he naturally had to be careful everywhere.

"It seems that without collecting all three keys, there is no way to open the bronze door..."

"Well, let's go somewhere else to check and see if anyone else has brought the bronze key."

Han Feiyu's eyes sank, and he quickly made a plan.

After all, as long as he holds a bronze key, he will always have the upper hand.

He no longer hesitated, and immediately stepped on the silver-white light, and set off to look for opportunities everywhere.



At this time, 100,000 miles away in the west.

On a barren mountain, dozens of monks from all walks of life have gathered, surrounding a cliff tightly.

On the cliff, a seven-color sacred tree stood on the top, blooming with seven-color precious light, forming a seven-zhang square barrier, protecting a pink-haired girl sitting cross-legged under the tree.

The girl's body was also like a resonance, constantly emitting a seven-color halo, merging with the sacred tree behind her, and trying to refine it.

At the forefront of the barrier, Qin Yiren stood with his hands behind his back, smiling sinisterly.

"Young lady, there is no need to resist any longer."

"Even if you succeed in refining this treasure, with so many of us here, can you really take it away?"

"I am Qin Yiren, the son of the immortal Qin family."

"If you can obey me and take this treasure with you, I can guarantee your safe departure. How about that?"

The surrounding monks all cast unfriendly glances at him.

However, the identity of the son of the immortal Qin family was enough to intimidate a group of people and make them dare not move rashly.

Only in the corner, a man in a gray robe covering his face snorted disdainfully.

Then, the girl in the barrier also spat fiercely and cursed Qin Yiren.


"The Godson of the Qin family, right? I've heard about him from my sister."

"How can I believe your lies, a beast like you who would even plot to murder your own cousin!"

"Huh? Your sister? Who is your sister?!"

Qin Yiren's face twitched, and he couldn't help but ask back.

But he suddenly remembered that who else would know about the good things he had done except Lin Xingyun's group? !

"Hmph! I don't want to bother with scum like you!"

Zhao Binglan cursed with contempt, and continued to refine the sacred tree behind her.

"Bitch, you don't want to drink a toast, so you have to drink a penalty! You——!"

Qin Yiren was humiliated and was scolding angrily.

The gray-robed man passed by him and said coldly with contempt.

"It's embarrassing, don't mention the immortal family in the future!"

Chapter 258 Siege of the barrier, Immortal Domain Transfer

"Everyone, this Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree is a treasure of heaven and earth, and it is extremely spiritual. It is difficult for anyone to break the barrier alone."

"Why don't we work together to break the barrier first, and then fight for it based on our own abilities."

"Even if we only get one of the branches, it will be of great benefit!"

He looked around and proposed loudly.

Immediately, everyone nodded in agreement, and everyone's eyes were full of greed!

The next moment, the gray-robed man took the lead and took out a cattail leaf fan magic weapon, fanning thousands of spiritual wind blades towards the sacred tree barrier!

Seeing this, some of the other cultivators also divided into eight directions, each using their magical powers to start bombarding the barrier.

Naturally, some people chose to wait and see.

Qin Yiren stared at the gray-robed man, and for a moment he couldn't see through his background!

And seeing that with the combined efforts of dozens of perfect monks in the king realm, the divine tree barrier was still stable, but its brilliance was gradually dimming.

After all, there were naturally few mediocre people who dared to come to the Immortal Palace.

At this time, the combined efforts were like water dripping through a stone, and there would naturally be results!

And those who were waiting and watching could not hold back and attacked one after another, so as not to lose the initiative and not be able to grab the branches of the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree!

Inside the barrier, Zhao Binglan saw this situation, and her pretty face was full of bitterness.

"Wuwuwu... Why is my life so bitter!"

She bit her lower lip and complained pitifully.

It was because her current cultivation level was only at the early stage of the king realm, and her own combat power was not too strong.

In fact, she had never thought of coming to such a dangerous place as the Void Immortal Palace!

However, a month ago, she was in Cangzhou, next to Huangzhou, and was looking for treasures in another secret realm.

However, he was accidentally drawn into a space crack. When he came to his senses, he was already outside the gate of the Void Immortal Palace!

Under the threat of spatial turbulence outside, she had no one to ask for help, and even the message talisman could not be used. She didn't know how to get out, so she had to enter the fairy palace in advance.

Unexpectedly, it was even more dangerous inside, and there were corpses and puppets everywhere with perfect cultivation in the king realm!

After she finally escaped from the world of life, she found the protection of this sacred tree with her own [Seven Treasures Dao Body] characteristics.

But now she has not yet completed the refining, and she has been discovered and besieged by so many foreign cultivators.

It's really a case of a leaking roof and a rainy night, and bad luck has picked the Ping Xiong people!

"If this goes on, it won't take a few days for the barrier to be wiped out!"

Zhao Binglan saw that the barrier was slowly melting, and couldn't help crying.

The rules of heaven and earth in this fairy palace are extremely strange. Her escape magic weapon cannot be used, and the message talisman has long been isolated and cannot send messages to the outside world.

She glanced at the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree behind her, and after carefully sensing it, her face became more and more desperate.

"It will take at least seven days for me to refine this sacred tree..."

"I'm afraid... it's too late..."

She sighed, tears welling up in her lively eyes.

After a while, she wiped her tears, sniffed her beautiful nose, and took out a message talisman from the Qiankun Ring.

Although she knew that the other party still couldn't receive the message.

But she still wiped her tears and sent a few messages to her sister Zhao Hanyi.

"Sister, goodbye forever."

"I shouldn't have made you angry in the past, I'm sorry, sister..."

"I hope we can still be sisters in the next life..."

She finished sending the message crying.

I immediately turned to Lin Xingyun, and sent a few messages with even more tears.

"Young Master, I wonder if you have come out of seclusion?"

"I have really missed you in the past hundred years..."

"I am really sorry that I cannot be with you in this life, very sorry..."

"In the future...when you are with my sister, can you think of me often, even if it is just saying my name..."

"I hope you remember that there is a woman named Zhao Binglan who will always miss you..."

The more Zhao Binglan sent letters, the more tears she burst into.

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