But he was in doubt.

Another man came and waved his hand to refute.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"Brother Yuan, don't listen to their nonsense!"

"The child must be yours, sister-in-law is not that kind of person!"

"Let's go back quickly, sister-in-law is still waiting for you to have dinner at home!"

"Brother Cao, you have to be on my side!"

After hearing this, the man surnamed Yuan was so moved.

He left with the man surnamed Cao who lived next door.

Others didn't pay much attention to them, and continued to kowtow to Master Han to thank them.

On the other side of the street in a restaurant,.

A man in yellow clothes with ordinary clothes was sitting alone at the railing.

While drinking, he looked at the scene below.

Feeling the invisible and intangible gratitude, they gathered towards him.

Han Feiyu nodded slightly with satisfaction.

He looked at the family of four in the clinic.

The couple and their children kowtowed in tears for a while.

The two children were picked up by their parents and went home happily.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but pause, as if he recalled some past events.

After all, he was also born in a secular family.

Besides him, his parents, brothers and sisters did not have the qualifications to cultivate immortality.

When he embarked on the road of cultivating immortality by chance, a hundred years passed in a flash.

When he looked back, his blood relatives had changed.

"People have joys and sorrows."

"This is difficult to achieve in ancient times."

He sighed secretly and drank another glass of sake.

At this time, in another direction, outside the gate of the deserted city.

A pair of young men and women crossed the space channel and floated here hand in hand.

It was Liu Qiuyan who opened the space channel directly and sent Lin Xingyun and Xiao Qianluo to the deserted city!

One of them was wearing white clothes and the other was wearing black skirts, holding hands and leaning on each other tightly.

Not only are the two of them extremely beautiful, but their temperaments are also extremely similar. They can be called the darlings of heaven and earth, and are loved by all the spirits in the world.

It's like a rare immortal couple, coming to the mortal world, making countless people outside the city gate amazed and stunned.

Especially those ordinary women, after seeing Lin Xingyun, they blushed in two or three glances.

They swallowed their saliva wildly, and their legs were tightly entangled, and they couldn't control themselves at all!

As his cultivation became more and more profound, he became more and more affectionate with his lovers, and they continued to practice dual cultivation.

His physical characteristics seemed to be gradually developed, and these ordinary women couldn't resist at all.

And seeing that there were many ordinary people in this city.

Lin Xingyun waved his hand and covered his face with spiritual power, trying to restrain his aura.

Seeing this, Xiao Qianluo wanted to be consistent with Lin Xingyun.

He also waved his hand to cover his beautiful and charming face.

Then the two of them looked at each other at the same time.

Looking at each other's hazy and invisible face, they couldn't help but chuckle together.

Then the two of them held hands and quickly passed those ordinary people and entered the deserted city.

"Xingyun, it's rare for you to come out, and the fairy palace has not really appeared in the world. Let's go shopping for a while."

"The last time we went shopping together was the last time... "

Xiao Qianluo leaned on Lin Xingyun's shoulder and said with some resentment.

It seems that he also knows that the time spent together in a world like this is limited, and he wants to live as richly as possible.

"Well, I listen to you."

"Luoluo, we will achieve immortality in the future, and there will be many years to accompany each other. When you want to go anywhere, I will accompany you."

Lin Xingyun smiled and promised softly.

For Xiao Qianluo, it is difficult for him to refuse and love him.

When Xiao Qianluo heard this, his heart was as sweet as honey, and he pressed his plump body closer to him.

The two began to stroll leisurely all the way.

When passing by a street, he saw the group of people kneeling and thanking Han Xianshi for his kindness.

Chapter 249: The Heavenly Lord of Rescue, a friend of life and death!

"Han Xianshi? Rescue the suffering and the distressed?"

Seeing this, Lin Xingyun felt a little strange almost immediately.

And looking at the tokens held by those people.

There were seven golden characters "Han Feiyu, the Rescue of the Suffering and the Distressed" written on them...

He finally frowned and remembered the fate of Jun Changsheng that he saw that day.

It was mentioned in it that his companion treasure, the Heavenly Pot, was snatched from the Heavenly Lord of Rescue in ancient times!

And that Heavenly Lord of Rescue seemed to have been reincarnated and rebuilt.

And his name in this life is Han Feiyu!

"Han Feiyu? He's also in the deserted city?"

"Although the Heavenly Pot was snatched by Jun Changsheng's previous life, and he had a life-and-death feud with his previous life."

"But now the Heavenly Pot has recognized me as its master. If he meets me, wouldn't it be..."

He was thinking secretly.

On the top of the restaurant, Han Feiyu, who was still drinking.

He also stopped his action suddenly!

He also felt infinite strangeness in his heart, holding his breath and staring with surprise.

Just because he looked at him more in the crowd.

He instantly locked onto Lin Xingyun!

"What...what's going on?!"

"Why do I feel that there is something on that person...that is extremely important to me?!"

The more Han Feiyu watched, the more surprised he looked.

He was sure that he had never had such a strong premonition in his life!

It seemed as if the thing on the other person's body was not obtained in this life.

But it was a huge cause and effect accumulated over many lifetimes!

However, when he was extremely surprised.

Lin Xingyun's mind also sounded the system prompt at the right time.

"Ding! The child of destiny is detected!"

He also looked in the direction of the prompt.

He met Han Feiyu's eyes!

"Is it him?"

"It looks ordinary, nothing special..."

Lin Xingyun took a quick look and couldn't help commenting in his heart.

After all, compared with Qin Diyao, Jun Changsheng, and Ye Que, this rescuer seemed so low-key and ordinary.

"System, check his attribute panel."


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