"Tianyuan Secret Code!" This

time, he did not dare to be careless, and immediately cast the amplification secret method.

Xiu Wei immediately skyrocketed again, reaching the early stage of the Cave Heaven Realm!

"Oh, do you think you have a secret method?" "

Just try that Great Desolate Sutra!" Lin

Xingyun chuckled, and then shook it down with one hand.

Under the entire martial arts arena, countless spiritual powers suddenly emerged, converging towards Lin Xingyun at an extremely fast speed!

"This breath... Is it the Great Sage-level Amplification Secret Method?!" Lin

Lang felt the extraordinary nature of the Great Desolate Sutra, and despair surged in his heart.

The opponent's strength is already strong, and the increase secret method is much stronger than his own.


the matter had come to this, and he couldn't help but flinch!

He concentrated his mind and raised his sword again.

And Lin Xingyun also completed the increase at this time.

His roots are too strong, like a pool of water that is difficult to fill.

Therefore, even if the Great Desolate Sutra was cast, his cultivation only barely increased to the early stage of the Yuan Mansion Realm.

But at this time, he was already much stronger than before!

I saw him pointing at the sword, continuously casting the Nine Leaves Sword Technique.

The incomparably thick and condensed spiritual power turned into countless lapis gold sword grasses and began to attack Lin Lang.

Lin Lang swung his sword left and right, and instantly fell into a disadvantage again!

He was forced to helpless, knowing that he could not delay, and immediately made a trick to press the bottom of the box.

I saw that his whole body began to burn red blood flames, making his momentum even higher.

The long sword in his hand was even more bloody and fierce!

"Ancient Phoenix Blood Feather Sword!" He swung his sword with all his strength and cut out more than ten Blood Feather

Divine Phoenixes.

Those Sword Qi Divine Phoenixes finally repelled the surrounding sword grass.

Then he roared towards Lin

Xingyun! "Swift wind knows the grass!" Lin

Xingyun's body was covered with Xuanhuang Linglong armor again.

Immediately attacked and pointed to the sword, dancing the Dao Lapis Sword Light.

He slashed those blood-colored divine phoenixes into pieces one after another

, and he also got close to Lin Lang again, punching out, setting off a heavy burst of sound waves.

Lin Lang did not dare to be careless, and immediately swung his sword with all his strength to block this punch.


after a bang.

The swords and fists were combined, and they couldn't hold each other for a while.

Then Lin Xingyun only relied on a pair of fists and began to fight with Lin Lang's sword moves, hand-to-hand!

In order to exercise his actual combat ability, he did not plan to use the Da Luo Dao sword today.

Otherwise, if the sword is out, the other party will definitely fail miserably in an instant

!" "Damn! It can't be broken at all! Not even a trace can be left!" "Doesn't it mean that the [Innate Dao Embryo] physique, the strength of the flesh is average

?!" "How can his physical strength and defense be so terrifying?!"

"It's even more outrageous than a demon beast!" The

more Lin Lang fought, the more frightened he became!

The opponent's physical strength is amazingly strong, and he can't break through the opponent's defense.

How else to fight this?!

There is a hanging, it really can't be beaten!"

"Second Young Lord, today's matter... I would like to apologize!"

"If we continue to fight, we will inevitably lose both."

"Now that you have earned enough face, I can also retain the position of the Holy Son."

"Give me a chance, I will definitely change my mind and become a person again in the future!" Lin

Lang fought and retreated, while secretly transmitting a voice to Lin Xingyun.

Obviously admitted.


Lin Xingyun threw him back several times with a punch, and also responded with a voice.

"Then the second young master, let's this..." "

If you take my move, I'll stop!"

Lin Xingyun pointed out his sword again.

This time, he fused dozens of lapis gold sword grasses into one, and slashed at Lin Lang in unison!

"Damn it!" "

Okay, I'll take your move!"

Lin Lang scolded secretly.

Immediately, he also concentrated and poured all his spiritual power into the long sword in his hand,

but he was about to go all out and take Lin Xingyun's move.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank.

I saw a pale golden sword pill phantom, and I don't know when, it had already attacked and killed him at great speed

! He didn't have time to defend, and was hit in the head by the sword pill!

But he didn't shed a drop of blood or break a layer of skin.

Because this is the method of divine soul attack, the first divine power after the entry of the "Sword Soul Emperor Sutra" - Soul Swinging Sword Pill!

Being hit by this sword pill will damage people's spirits and greatly reduce their combat power.

Heavy rules, you can directly kill

the divine soul!"Ah———!"

Lin Lang let out a terrifying scream, only to feel that the divine soul was about to be cut!

This kind of divine ability that specializes in divine soul is originally impossible to prevent, and he is not a major in the way of divine soul.

Moreover, the magical powers related to the divine soul are all extremely difficult.

He never dreamed that Lin Xingyun could actually master this kind of magical power!

At this time, he was caught off guard, and was hit by a blow, and Lin Lang was instantly chaotic.

The blue-gold nine-leaf sword qi followed, and he could only barely swing his sword to resist.

But he was still cut by the sharp sword qi, and he was cut all over his body in blood.

In the end, he was no longer able to resist and was cut off by a sword.



his breath quickly weakened, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

That luxurious purple robe was now broken and bloody, and it was embarrassed.

The surrounding crowd hurriedly retreated to avoid a few feet away.

Everyone looked at the defeated Tenth Saint Son with shocked faces.

There was a deathly silence............

Lin Qian was extremely shocked when he saw this scene.

But after all, he was old and immediately declared loudly.

"The contest is over

!" "Lin Xingyun, win!" "I will report to the Hall of Elders later, from today onwards, Lin Xingyun will be my Lin family, the tenth

holy son!" "Congratulations holy son!"

Then led a group of subordinates to salute Lin Xingyun


In the crowd, some people gradually woke up.

He began to salute Lin Xingyun in congratulations.


to the Holy Son!" "Congratulations to the Holy Son!" Soon, the congratulations

of the mountains and tsunamis resounded again in the martial arts arena.

The horror, shock, and admiration that accumulated in everyone's hearts.

At this time, it all turned into a shout

! "One whole realm away, can you still defeat Lin Lang?!"

"This is the real demon Tianjiao

!" "Congenital Dao embryo, it's simply terrifying

!" "My Di mother! It turns out

that the young lord is the most fierce!" "Still in the young lord? Now you want to be called the Holy Son

!" "Ah! Jimei, why are you bleeding from the nose!"

Bleeding by the young manager... I was a little dizzy, and I wanted to flow again..." "

Young Lord, I'm going to give you a monkey!" Those

Lin family girls who had been crazy about Lin Xingyun.

At this time, they screamed even more excitedly! The

atmosphere of the whole audience instantly reached today's peak!

And looking at the people around him, cheering and screaming for Lin Xingyun, his position as a holy son has also been snatched away.

"Poof———!," Lin

Lang was angry and spat out another mouthful of blood.

Then he passed out.

This time, everyone was busy congratulating the new Holy Son, and there was not even a single person who came to carry him to the doctor.

At this time, Lin Qingzhu was looking at the martial arts stage in amazement, Lin Xingyun, who was still relaxed and comfortable.

She covered her small mouth and couldn't cry.

The gratitude and infatuation in my heart for this young lord was also burning like a raging fire at this moment.

Her favorability for Lin Xingyun soared by 8 points again.

It reached the level of 99 points [to death]!

And Xiao Qianluo, looking at Lin Xingyun, looked at him with great spirit and admiration.

She also felt honored and very happy to have it.

But inexplicably inferior.


After the incident.

Lin Xingyun took Xiao Qianluo and Lin Qingzhu to visit Lin Chuan, who was treating his injuries in the Lin Family Medicine Hall.

After learning about Lin Xingyun, he actually defeated Lin Lang and won the position of the Holy Son.

Lin Chuan was also shocked, unable to speak for a long time....

In his heart, endless frustration suddenly arose.

Opponents who fought hard and could not be defeated.

But he was easily defeated by this young lord who was younger than himself and whose cultivation was much lower than himself!

"That Lin Lang is not an opponent at all!"

"And the young lord just helped our branch disciples speak, warning everyone to separate each other in the future."

"Brother, young lord, he... "Powerful

, kind, and will..." Lin

Qingzhu's little face turned red with excitement.

He didn't care that Lin Xingyun was next to him, boasting about him vigorously.

Lin Chuan listened, and was stunned again.

He looked at Lin Xingyun and pondered.

"I thought that the young lord was lecherous and frivolous

..." "I didn't expect that he actually had such strength and was willing to stand out for us branch disciples

!" "Such a big-hearted, righteous and awe-inspiring person..."

"And the natural strength, terrifying!"

"Perhaps, indeed... It's worth following..." Lin

Xingyun smiled silently.

Looking at Lin Chuan's tangled and complicated expression, he only found it interesting.

If only the brothers and sisters knew.

The reason why Lin Chuan failed miserably was completely manipulated by himself.

It is to take the exercises of others by yourself.

He also ordered Lin Qian in advance to take away his jade talisman on the spot.

I don't know how wonderful the expressions of their brothers and sisters will be then!

These brothers and sisters will never know the truth.

"Young Lord..." "Young Lord's

great kindness, Lin Chuan... There is no reward!"

Lin Chuan hesitated for a long time, and finally made a decision.

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