"Hmm? Fourteenth Ancestor, what's the last step?"

Lin Xingyun was stunned, and then asked.

Lin Rong shook her head and sighed, and was rarely serious.

"Luoluo has been practicing my "Killing True Demon Sutra" for more than a hundred years, and has taken the purest killing path."

"You also know that my method is that the more people you kill, the stronger they are, and the greater the benefit to yourself!"

"Every time I take Luoluo out for training, she wants to relieve her longing for you..."

"She often kills to stop thinking, vents to her heart's content, and kills with extreme devotion!"

"She has really learned my true teachings!"

As she said this, she smiled proudly again.

She seemed to be extremely satisfied with her disciple!

"Therefore, she has made rapid progress in her practice, and now she has reached the perfection of a king and a prince."

"As long as she can kill another saint with her own hands, the way of killing can be initially perfected, and she will also have the foundation for becoming a saint!"

"Fourteenth Ancestor, this..."

Lin Xingyun was so upset when he heard this.

He couldn't help but wipe the non-existent cold sweat from his forehead.

He secretly thought that his fourteenth ancestor was still so outrageous in both temperament and path!

However, Lin Rong was still very proud and continued to explain.

"But my technique is against the harmony of heaven."

"It can be created, so there are naturally some limitations."

"If some elders and ancestors of high realms help."

"Then even if you kill people, it will be useless."

"But if there are girlfriends, Taoist partners, brothers and sisters of similar realms, they can help."

"That's still possible, and it's still useful!"

As Lin Rong said this, he took Liu Qiuyan's arm and boasted with a smile.

"Before I became a saint, it was with the help of your master that I killed a saint and my Tao was perfect!"

"Alas, you!"

Liu Qiuyan shook her head and smiled bitterly, but let Lin Rong be proud.

After all, the two of them really fought hand in hand all the way, and they could be said to live and die together.

Even in the end, when the two of them cultivated to the peak and reached the last moment of the ninth level of the Quasi-Emperor.

It was because she used her Heavenly Spirit Body to fully assist Lin Rong and killed an ancient emperor that Lin Rong was able to completely break the last shackles and become an emperor first!

"So that's it..."

"Don't worry, Fourteenth Ancestor, I understand, just leave it to me!"

After listening, Lin Xingyun suddenly understood and immediately promised.

Xiao Qianluo now has to kill a saint to become a saint, but she can't have the help of the ancestor.

If I don't accompany her to kill, who else in the world can accompany her to kill?

Without hesitation, he immediately bowed and said goodbye to Lin Rong and his master.

"Well, you are good, you are still so sensible!"

"Although saints and above cannot enter the Void Immortal Palace."

"But in the depths of the palace, there is actually a faint pressure from the saint realm. Perhaps there is a similar existence to the saint realm, or maybe..."

"If it doesn't work, you can leave the immortal palace and look for saints to kill outside!"

"I have my bracelet to protect you."

"As long as you don't enter the wilderness, no one can do anything to you!"

Lin Rong rubbed his face with a smile and gave some instructions.

And Master Tu Xing Qianli was worried, and Liu Qiuyan repeatedly and earnestly reminded him to stop when he saw the good and never take risks.

After Lin Xingyun agreed one by one, he returned with Liu Meng'er and Ying Qing, explained and said goodbye to his mother and others.

Then he went to find Xiao Qianluo.

As soon as the two met, Xiao Qianluo was still the same as before, and directly threw himself into his arms with ease.

Feeling the plump, warm and soft body, looking at Xiao Qianluo's extremely attached look.

Thinking of her deep affection for him, Lin Xingyun's heart was infinitely moved, and he kissed her on the forehead lovingly.


Xiao Qianluo murmured, and took the initiative to raise her head and kissed Lin Xingyun's lips.

A pair of white and tender hands also began to pull Lin Xingyun's clothes.

Although it was still broad daylight, she didn't care.

She just wanted to cherish this spring time that was worth a thousand gold coins, and took Lin Xingyun to travel around the mountains and rivers.

However, after the two of them were affectionate for a while, Lin Xingyun separated from her.

He stroked her cheek and smiled.

"Luoluo, come out with me."

"I'll take you to kill people."

Xiao Qianluo was stunned for a moment.

But he quickly understood that the other party wanted to help him become a saint.

Her beautiful face showed more and more joy.

"Well, okay!"

As if her feelings were even more intense, she raised her head slightly and kissed Lin Xingyun's lips again.




Immortal Realm, Huangzhou, one of the three thousand Daozhous.

This Daozhou is adjacent to Huangjie, one of the five forbidden areas, so it is named after it.

Chapter 247 Is there a possibility that the Immortal Master appears?

At this time, a towering city stands at the easternmost part of Huangzhou, also called Huangcheng.

And this Huangcheng, a thousand miles further east, is the edge of Huangjie, which can be said to be the forefront outside Huangjie!

But Huangcheng has been located here for countless years, and there has never been any accident.

It's just because Huangjie is different from the other four forbidden areas.

It has never launched any dark turmoil, and there has never been any strange life inside, breaking out of Huangjie to harm the world.

Instead, it is the huge deterrence of Huangjie.

Let the strong men from all sides dare not make trouble in Huangcheng!

Even the existence of the deserted city itself has been tacitly approved and protected by the desert world.

Once there was a group of evil monks who were reckless when they passed through the deserted city, bullying and killing the residents in the city.

But it was only a very short time.

Those evil monks suddenly grew strange red hair all over their bodies from head to toe!

Then they all went crazy and soon turned into Dao and dispersed with the wind...

Since then, not only those top masters dared not come here rashly.

The monks with lower cultivation also dared not to do evil in the deserted city!

As a result, the deserted city became more and more prosperous, and it remained peaceful for thousands of years.

And as time went by, all kinds of monks dared not come.

However, more and more mortals who did not have the qualifications to practice moved here to live.

After all, this place is indeed extremely safe, and it is a rare treasure in the entire fairyland.

One day, on a street in the north of the deserted city.

In a clinic facing the street.

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