"Can we still allow it to appear again and again?"

Lin Xingyun looked at the key in his hand and couldn't help but asked in surprise.

"Because that fairy palace appears every time."

"They are all outside the wilderness and closely adjacent to the wilderness..."

"The power of the Immortal Palace is so wonderful that even the Great Sage cannot shake it."

"But the quasi-emperors and great emperors from all sides dare not approach the wilderness..."

This time it was Liu Qiuyan who explained helplessly.

He couldn't help but roll his eyes at Lin Rong beside him.

After all, when Lin Rong went to explore the Void Immortal Palace, she was naturally with him.

When the Immortal Palace disappeared from the world.

Lin Rong was very dissatisfied and angry that she didn't get the best chance.

In line with the idea that what comes comes comes.

She just wanted to take a trip to the wilderness!

Recalling how hard she had gone to stop him, Liu Qiuyan viciously slashed her good sister's eyes.

"I see……"

Lin Xingyun suddenly realized.

Now among the five restricted areas in the Immortal Realm, only the Desolate Realm has not yet been lifted.

But its deterrence has not diminished at all, no one dares to cross the thunder pool rashly!

"Master, based on time, how long will it take for the Immortal Palace to truly appear?"

"About half a month or so..."

After Liu Qiuyan responded, her expression changed.

He couldn't care less about his resentment, and subconsciously expressed concern and dissuade.

"Xingyun, that Immortal Palace is extremely dangerous and dangerous. Although it is limited by the divine power within, only saints and below can enter it."

"But often, those who go to explore the realm of princes and princes are perfect, and only one out of ten can come out alive!"

"It's too dangerous there, Nebula, you——"

While Liu Qiuyan was urging her earnestly, Lin Xingyun interrupted.

"Master, my father has recently lost his life. Although my grief has eased a lot..."

"But now, my disciple, I still want to take revenge every moment!"

“There is no time to delay in cultivating and improving!”

"Since this bronze key was obtained by the disciple by coincidence."

"Perhaps this is proof that the secrets in the Immortal Palace are destined to be disciples!"

"If I don't go and find out what's going on, I really can't give up!"

As Lin Xingyun spoke, he looked impassioned.

When Liu Qiuyan saw this, no matter how worried she was, she couldn't stop her.

He could only sigh and exhorted earnestly.

"Xingyun, you are always... always so stubborn..."

"Since you insist on going, you must be more careful..."

She thought for a moment and then tried another way to dissuade him.

"Too much is too little, Nebula, you don't have to force yourself to have the highest chance of becoming an immortal,"

"Actually, there are a lot of treasures in the Void Immortal Palace, enough for you to harvest."

"Even the Ancient Sky Monument of the Divine Fire Realm stands in that hall, and no one can shake it..."

Liu Qiuyan finished speaking.

Lin Xingyun's eyes were even more gleaming!

Secretly thinking about this Void Immortal Palace.

Now I really have to go!

"Yun'er, then I... won't go through the tribulation for the time being. I'll go with you!"

Upon seeing this, Ying Qing demanded immediately.

"No need, Auntie Ying. Now that the time is right, the place is right, and the people are right, it's hard to be so ready."

"You can go through this with peace of mind, I'll be fine!"

Lin Xingyun shook his head to persuade, and Yingqing couldn't refuse.

After the two of them warmed up for a while, Lin Xingyun pulled her to sit cross-legged and continued to watch Liu Meng'er, who was a hundred miles away.

I saw that high in the sky, Liu Meng'er's whole body was blooming with dreamy brilliance. The shadow of the dream gate appeared behind him, and countless spiritual powers and Taoist powers were surging out from it.

When her momentum reached its peak.

Above the vast sky, the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm is also sensing this, and the vast and boundless calamity clouds are rapidly gathering from a distance with the ultimate power of destruction and death.

After a long time, the calamity clouds in the sky were completely formed.

But it is not a single thunder catastrophe, but several terrible catastrophes coexisting in it!

Chapter 244: Successfully overcoming the tribulation, the saint’s wife


There were bursts of terrifying and terrifying wind sounds.

Then I saw a vast dark green wind falling from the sky, like a world-ending disaster.

This evil wind is so powerful that it can easily blow away the bones, flesh, and internal organs of most monks in the princely realm.

If you practice hard all your life, you will turn into smoke and dust!

Moreover, this wind calamity has extraordinary spirituality, and it only gathers and surges towards Liu Meng'er, vowing to blow her away into calamity ashes!

But Liu Meng'er's face remained normal, and as she controlled her thoughts, rays of dreamy light emerged from the dream gate behind her, blessing her body.

The next moment, she flicked it with her bare hands.

Thirty-six layers of Dao Yun halo appeared around him.

Three feet above the top, there is a purple-qi-filled, solid and simple Dao Fairy Bell!

The strange image of the Great Dao Immortal Bell slowly rotated, firmly protecting her entire body.

Regardless of whether the wind blows from east to west, north or south, she remains motionless, treating the sinister wind that can blow away countless princes and monks as nothing!

Two days later, when the evil wind and wind calamity gradually dissipated.

Another raging fire descended, scorching the whole sky and earth in that area, and the red fire illuminated the heaven and earth, making people fearful!

Naturally, there have been countless monks who have achieved perfection in the princely realm. Under this more powerful and ferocious fire disaster, they were turned into charcoal, leaving only black ashes in the world!

But in the door behind Liu Meng'er, the dreamy light shone brightly again.

The dream power of the third life all poured out, leaving Liu Meng'er protected by the vision of the Great Dao Fairy Bell.

The center of his heart shone with bright white light, and streaks of flying immortal power escaped from it!

When the vast scorching fire fell with the force of burning the sky and boiling the sea.

An exquisite figure with cat ears and a tail appeared on her heart.

Then with a thought, the flying immortal fetus rose into the sky, waved a pair of petite jade palms, and smashed the countless blazing fire into pieces that filled the sky!

A hundred miles away, Lin Xingyun watched all this and couldn't help but nod with satisfaction.

I have worked hard for ten lifetimes.

It’s not in vain after all!

As Liu Meng'er's [Dream Returning Fairy Spirit], he can bring all his special physique, magical powers, and talents like alchemy and talisman formation into dreams.

Practice together with Liu Meng'er.

When Liu Meng'er fell into a dream for the first time, it was because Liu Meng'er's body was awakening for the first time, and their realm in the present world was insufficient, so it was difficult for them to reach higher realms such as saints and great sages in their dreams.

But when Liu Meng'er's physique is further developed, her current cultivation will be further improved.

When you practice again, you will naturally be able to achieve a higher level in your dreams!

And if he can achieve [Innate Holy Body Dao Embryo] in the future.

Let’s go and experience a whole life with Liu Menger again.

Liu Meng'er will naturally be able to obtain the unparalleled power of the [Innate Holy Body Dao Embryo] from it!

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