At this time, facing Lin Xingyun's bold and straightforward expression of love, he panicked for a moment.


Bai Ze exclaimed, finally too embarrassed to bear it.

She pushed Lin Xingyun away, turned into a white light, and disappeared in an instant.

Lin Xingyun then stood up and freshened up with a smile.

Go and complete this seventh and last day of filial son’s performance!

And when the funeral ends on this last day.

After Lin Xingyun wiped away his last tear.

He returned to his dormitory in high spirits.

In the bedroom, Liu Meng'er was already sitting on the bed meditating.

Thousands of colors of dreamy brilliance rippled around her, and they danced according to her thoughts. It was obvious that she had already begun to understand the introduction to the "Hui Meng Emperor Sutra".

But it was limited by the strength of her soul at this time.

It must be impossible to completely construct a large enough and realistic dream world like Liu Qiuyan.

When she saw Lin Xingyun coming in, she smiled proudly and raised her fingers at him.

Lin Xingyun climbed onto the bed smoothly.

With hands as skillful as the wind, he had to quickly take off their clothes.

However, before he could move, the opponent grabbed his hands to stop him.

"Just go and play in your dreams."

"Let's wait until the wedding night..."

Although they were an old married couple, Liu Menger still showed a bit of shyness.

After all, the two have been in love for thousands of years in their dreams.

But her body in this world is still absolutely perfect!

"Okay, now this time is not suitable."

"Lin Chen just died. The white cloth and white flags outside are really unlucky!"

Lin Xingyun nodded, deeply convinced, and then pulled Liu Meng'er to lie down together, looking at each other's face and said softly.

"In the dream, we have been married ten times, and every time it was decorated with lights and decorations, perfect."

"Now that I'm back in this world, there's no reason to be careless. I want to get Meng'er at the best occasion and at the best time!"


"Honey, kiss!"

Liu Meng'er was also moved and delighted, and the happiness in her heart almost overflowed.

After a while of tenderness, the two of them entered the dream method at the same time, and soon entered the dream together again.

In the dream world.


When Lin Xingyun opened his eyes, he found that he looked up to a bright white beach. The sea breeze blew slowly, the tide hit the shore and set off white waves, and some scattered shells were washed up on the shore.

In addition to the sound of waves and sea breeze, there were countless people bustling around. I saw that I was on a large platform. Rows of pure white tables and chairs were arranged in all directions. Well-dressed men and women were changing glasses between the tables.

"Honey, do you remember where this is?"

A very familiar call came. Lin Xingyun turned around and saw Liu Meng'er, wearing an exquisite and luxurious white wedding dress, looking at him with a smile.

"Of course you remember, Bao, this is the place where we held our wedding in our first life."

Lin Xingyun smiled and replied that although their first wedding was actually a thousand years ago, he still remembered it fresh.

He also knew that the two of them had been married ten times, and Liu Meng'er's first marriage was still the most impressive and satisfying one.

Now she has fully awakened back to the dream fairy body and can freely evolve everything in the dream. Although she cannot evolve a world like Liu Qiuyan supports, it is still very easy to just evolve a wedding scene.

Soon, under the auspices of the wedding officiant, the two began to exchange rings and take vows.

"Never leave."

"Don't lose, don't forget."

The two had a good rapport, looked at each other, smiled and put the rings on each other's hands.

In the audience, their relatives and friends cheered and sprinkled flowers for them. Everything was so wonderful...

Chapter 238 The secret realm of Tiannan is ordinary and unremarkable



Lin Xingyun explained seriously.

"Hey! You're talking nonsense!"

"You have to serve me well this time. I don't know when I fall asleep next time."

Liu Meng'er cursed a few words, then her face turned red with embarrassment, and she raised her foot and rubbed Lin Xingyun's face.

"Huh? What do you say?"

Lin Xingyun couldn't help but wonder.

"After I learn the "Hui Meng Emperor Sutra", the cultivation and understanding of the tenth dream will be completely integrated into me."

"After these ten lives of dreams, my foundation has reached its peak, and the way of dreams has been understood and completed. It's time to achieve the status of a saint!"

"When we wake up this time, I should wholeheartedly prepare to survive the saint's calamity."

"How can I play crazy with you..."

Liu Meng'er's eyes were filled with ambition and a bit of reluctance. She lowered her head and kissed Lin Xingyun on the forehead.

"I see…………"

Lin Xingyun suddenly realized.

The other party possesses the [Returning Dream Immortal Body], and the accumulation of foundation naturally does not require a step-by-step approach!

Although the calamity of the saints has stumped countless talented people throughout the ages, it has caused countless princes to shed blood and hate.

But when the time comes, Liu Meng'er only needs to communicate with the dreams of ten lives and obtain the power within them.

Breaking the tribulation and becoming a saint is easy even if you think about it!

"Meng'er, I will watch you from a distance when the time comes."

"Just go ahead and fight. With me here, I won't let you have any accidents!"

Lin Xingyun stood up, hugged Liu Menger and comforted her softly.


Liu Meng'er leaned on his shoulder, her eyes also full of tenderness.




In this world, one month later.

Within Yanzhou, one of the three thousand states.

Amidst the towering mountains, thousands of cultivators from all over the world gathered here.

They came from different places, some from the righteous and evil sects, some from independent cultivators, and even many demon cultivators formed camps and stood in four directions.

It was because a silver-white space crack had already formed on the barren cliff.

Inside was another strange world, with a dense and majestic aura, and divine materials and precious medicines were almost everywhere.

It made the cultivators present unable to hide their greed!

In the independent cultivator camp, a young man in a Taoist robe was so excited that his eyes were shining.

But he did not rush to act.

Instead, he happily transmitted a message to a yellow-clothed man beside him who looked ordinary.

"Brother Li, this is the Tiannan Secret Realm!"

"I'm right, the treasures in it are really rich!"

"It is said that there is a bronze key hidden in an ancient tomb deep in the secret realm!"

"That is related to the Void Fairy Palace in the fairyland legend!"

"Although there are a large number of corpses of kings and princes in the ancient tomb, it is extremely dangerous, and no one has been able to explore the depths of the ancient tomb for many years..."

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