Han Feiyu also controlled the killing array and the worm, constantly resisting the invading corpse creatures.

However, in a moment, Ye Que stepped into the air, and the majestic qi and blood evaporated up, reflecting the huge skeleton phantom behind him more and more domineering!

But seeing that Han Feiyu's combat power was extraordinary, he could actually compete with the three ancient emperors, and he couldn't help but be curious and want to know the origin of the other party.

As soon as he ordered, those corpse creatures gave way to Han Feiyu's pressure to weaken a little.

"Who are you?"


Ye Que was halfway through the question, and Han Feiyu stepped on the silver-white fairy light and ran backwards in an instant!

He waved out thirty-six flying swords, and under the full force, the silk cage shattered instantly, making him like a bird out of a cage, and he was about to run away from this place!

"Yuan Shi Sealing Divine Technique!" Countless

Dao marks instantly appeared out of thin air, turning into thousands of divine patterns, and in an instant, a large sealing array was formed again in this heaven and earth, blocking Han Feiyu's escape path in an instant.

There are also countless divine patterns turned into magic purposes, coming towards Han Feiyu imprisoned!


" Han Feiyu controlled the crazy impact of the worms head-on, and for a while he still couldn't break through those divine pattern seals

!" "Now in one day, I have met two people in a row, both of them have the ability to prevent me from escaping?"

"This hero of the world...", "

It's really like a carp crossing the river!"

Worms, dissolving the confinement that attacked, and at the same time, I couldn't help but feel a little surprised in my heart.

Especially this Ye Que, the magical power he exerted made him feel extremely inexplicably familiar

, as if this magical power was at the same level as his "Salvation Sutra", and tens of millions of years ago, he had personally seen such forbidden magical powers! "

Shall I let you go? Quickly report the origin of the name!" Ye

Que had already laid out the sealing array, and the old god asked before the ground volley.

But he was not in a hurry to fight, and he seemed to feel a little inexplicably familiar with Han Feiyu.

"Nine Xuanzong, Li Huangfeng!"

replied Han Feiyu with his usual face, without relaxing his guard in the slightest.

"Jiuxuanzong? What a small sect, I haven't heard of it.

"I am the young master of the Immortal Ye family, Ye Que.

"You also have some ability, hand over the bronze key on your body, and I can allow you to belong to my Ye family."

Ye Que proudly declared, already knowing that Han Feiyu did not have much origin, which was equivalent to scattering one!

After hearing this, Han Feiyu also noticed that the bronze key in his Qiankun Ring was reverberating and reverberating, knowing that it could no longer be concealed.

However, the other party's lofty attitude, as if he was above all living beings, really disgusted him, and his eyes were filled with ice!

"The great name of the Immortal Ye Family is like thunder, and he has admired it for a long time!"

"Since Young Lord Ye is so gracious, Li Mou is not respectful.

"In the future, I hope that the Lord will take more care!"

he said, taking out the bronze key and making a respectful gesture.

"Heh, Li Huangfeng, you can also be regarded as a person who knows how to lift!" Seeing

him so obedient, Ye Que couldn't help but smile proudly, and took the bronze key away with a wave of his hand.

"Hmm, you ———?!

" However, as soon as the bronze key entered his hand, a hidden rune suddenly burst out of it, like an electric hummingbird

, and rushed to Ye Que in the blink of an eye! "Zhenluo Refining Heart Spell!"

Han Feiyu shouted, and the rune immediately burst into power, turning into countless strange spells that haunted Ye Que!

Ye Que was also not afraid, and the huge skeleton vision behind him suddenly possessed him, and the gushing blood turned into a copper wall and an iron wall, protecting him tightly.

That skeleton vision is unbreakable, and the rune spell can't even invade half a point!"

The innate vision of the overlord body?"

This person not only has that strange sealing power, but also has the overlord body, which is really tricky..." Han

Feiyu withdrew the bronze key in the air and frowned rarely.

The strength of the other party is beyond his expectations, he only feels that there will be a vicious battle today

! "Toast and don't eat and punish wine, give me death!" Ye

Que shouted angrily, and did not spare the slightest hand, just waved with one hand, and the vision behind him also waved his huge arm, sweeping a thousand armies, and wiped out all the Shenxia in front of him!

Seeing this, Han Feiyu's pupils shrank, and he didn't dare to make a hard connection, so he had to step on the silver-white brilliance and dodge it at great speed.

However, Ye Que's Yuanshi Sealing Divine Technique was still completely performed, plus eight hundred corpse puppet creatures surrounded and suppressed, no matter how fast he was, it was always difficult to escape!

The air battle began to heat up gradually, and at the edge of the lake below, Chu Wujie finally recovered some of his breath.

He immediately flew ashore and looked into the air, only to see Han Feiyu, Ye Que and the others all displaying their amazing combat power, which made him grit his teeth and sigh, angry.

"It's really outrageous, how can these Tianjiao in this life become like this?!" "

It seems that it has to be a monster like the old sister to make a move to calm them

..." "Becoming an emperor is far away..."

This is still the first battle in the true sense after he was unsealed and born.

Who knew that as soon as he was born, he encountered so many top demons, and his little life was about to be lost!

But he didn't indulge much, quickly adjusted, and then ran to that Baoding, and the ten

corpse puppet creatures! "Taking this Baoding, I think it can also distract that Ye Que a lot!"

"Dog thing, I see how many you can drag..."


He was just about to strike and kill those corpse puppet creatures.

Suddenly, from the bottom of his heart, a burst of terrifying signs appeared

! Then he hurriedly crawled on the ground, and all the spiritual power gushed out to protect himself, as if to avoid some kind of life and death crisis

! And after he crawled to the ground, a lapis gold sword light cut through the sky like a crescent moon, splitting all the silk and sealing along the way in two, and together with the ten corpse puppet creatures, they were also cut in two!

!The three figures also flew down, and Lin Xingyun directly touched the treasure ding, and smiled with satisfaction.

"This is that Qiankunding, it really contains a huge amount of Xuanhuang Mother Qi, not bad!" But

he tried it and also found that it was quite time-consuming to refine, and he couldn't collect it for a while.

"Brother-in-law, leave it to me!" Seeing

this, Zhao Binglan immediately rushed forward smartly.

As soon as her small hand struck, a colorful divine tree floated out, but when she brushed in the air, the colorful divine light bloomed, and the Qiankunding seemed to meet the opponent, and in the blink of an eye, it floated in the air on its own, turning into a nine-inch small ding, which was ingested into the branches by the divine tree.

Zhao Binglan held the Seven Treasures Mysterious Tree in her hand and smiled obediently to Lin Xingyun.

"Brother-in-law, you do your business first, and when it's done, I'll help you refine

it!" "Well, it's really good!" Lin

Xingyun looked at her attentive and flattering little appearance, and as soon as his heart moved, he kissed her on the cheek again as if rewarded, causing Zhao Binglan to twist her legs in shame.

"Lin... Forest... Lin

Xingyun ———?!" Chu Wujie looked at the empty pit in an instant, and the familiar figure in white, and suddenly couldn't hold back anymore, and exclaimed with his mouth wide open

!" "Hey, this Taoist friend, meet again, we really have a cause!" Lin

Xingyun also let go of Zhao Binglan in time, and stepped forward to joke with a smile.

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