"Han Immortal Master? Saving suffering? Seeing

this, Lin Xingyun almost immediately felt a little strange.

And look at the tokens that those people are holding.

All of them are written with seven golden characters "Save the Suffering, Save the Troubled Han Feiyu"............

He finally frowned, remembering the fate of Jun Changsheng that he had seen that day.

It was mentioned that his companion supreme treasure Heavenly Kettle was forcibly taken from the hands of the Rescue Heavenly Venerable in ancient times!

And that Salvation Heavenly Venerable seems to have been reincarnated and recultivated.

And the name of his life is Han Feiyu!

"Han Feiyu? He also came to the deserted city?

"Although that palm heavenly pot was snatched by Jun Changsheng's previous life, it also formed a life-and-death feud with his previous life."

"But now that the Palm Heavenly Kettle has recognized me as Lord, if he meets me, won't he..." he

thought secretly.

Above that restaurant, Han Feiyu, who was still drinking.

It actually stopped abruptly!

He also had an infinite strange feeling in his heart, and he stared at it with amazement.

Just because in the crowd, I looked at him more.

Instantly locked Lin Xingyun firmly!

"This... What's going on here?! "

Why do I feel that person ... What is extremely important to me?! The

more Han Feiyu watched, the more surprised his face became.

He was sure that he had never had such a strong premonition in his life!

It was as if the thing on the other party's body was not something he had obtained in this life.

It's a huge cause and effect accumulated over the years!

However, when he was shocked.

Lin Xingyun's mind also sounded a system prompt at the right time.

"Ding! Child of Destiny detected!

He followed the prompt.

Facing Han Feiyu's line of sight!

"Is that him?"

"It looks ordinary, it doesn't seem to be anything special..." Lin

Xingyun looked at it a little, and couldn't help but comment in his heart.

After all, compared to Qin Di Yao, Jun Changsheng, and Ye Que, this Saving Heavenly Venerable seemed so low-key and ordinary.

"System, look at his properties panel."


"Name: Han Feiyu"

cultivation is: Wang Hou Realm Fulfillment

Life Script: [Saving Tianzun]

Red Life Number: [Saving Suffering and Saving Suffering] Red, [Heavenly Resources] Gold, [Refining Genius] Orange, [Nengbending and Stretching] Blue, [Life and Death] Ash............

Favorability: 50 [normal

] Detailed explanation

: [Rescue Tianzun] Red: Originally one of the nine Tianzuns of the oldest era in the Immortal Domain - Rescue Tianzun, reincarnated and reborn in a family of ordinary people, with a heart to ask for immortals, grow all the way, seek immortality between death and calamity, and later become an emperor, and compete with eight Tianzuns such as Qin Emperor Yao, Jun Changsheng, and Ye Que, and finally transcend to become immortals!

[Rescue Suffering and Rescue] Red: Formerly known as the Immortal Domain Rescue Tianzun, there is a Salvation Tianzun Dao Fruit hidden in the depths of the divine soul, and in this life it has awakened part of the inheritance, with its self-created "Salvation Sutra" as the core, including "Salvation" and "Rescue" two articles, one can achieve oneself by doing good deeds and accumulate virtue, and the other can exert the extreme speed of the world, which is the first magic power in the Immortal Domain!

[Heavenly Resources] Gold: Understanding, cultivation speed are rare and rare, and they are the materials for heaven's connivance and achievement!

【Refining Genius】Orange: The talent of refining is extremely high, and he is proficient in all kinds of refining methods!

Blue: Can flex and stretch, never take risks in life, strike when it is time to shoot, shrink when it is time to shrink the head.

[Life and Death] Ash: It is very easy to hinder friends, but anyone who makes friends with them, especially if they experience together, often end miserably! As a result, he was alone and spent his life alone seeking immortal cultivation.

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