"It turned out to be Han Immortal Master!"

"If I obey the edict of Immortal Master Han, I will definitely praise the good name of Immortal Master at four o'clock!"

The village chief became more and more excited, and once again led everyone to bow and thank him.

Han Feiyu got a satisfactory result, and only then nodded slightly.

Turn around and leave.

"Han Immortal Master go slowly!"

However, he was just about to leave.

But two village women, in unison, stepped forward to bow down.

"Immortal Master, our sisters have killed Rickoff, they have killed several husbands, and now life is very difficult!"

"Ask the immortal master for mercy, and guide my sisters to practice, so that they can get rid of this mortal life!"

"Ask the Immortal Master for mercy!"

The two village women are plump, and although their looks are, they are quite charming.

If you change to a young lord here.

Maybe they will be kind and take them away to work as handywomen or something.

However, Han Feiyu frowned.

An indifferent, impatient look.

There seems to be no interest in women.

"You two don't have any immortal cultivation qualifications, it's useless to force it, just spend your life in peace."

Saying that, he threw some spirit stones to the two of them.

Immediately, without stopping, he turned around and disappeared from everyone's field of vision.

"Congratulations to Master Han!"

Seeing this, the villagers bowed and sent them off.

Under the leadership of the old village chief, he even decided to praise Han Immortal Master's honorific title every day in the future and publicize Han Immortal Master's good deeds!




At this time, outside the Immortal Domain, in the void of the universe.

A behemoth star that has stood for countless years in the world is quietly crossing the sky, looking at the immortal domain from afar.

On this star, there are also countless living beings.

Moreover, whether they are men, women, or children, they are as popular as dragons and their flesh is extremely strong.

Some cultivators are stronger, and the purple qi and blood in their bodies when they cultivate are even more rushing out of the heavenly god form, and their momentum is domineering!

At this time, the core area of the stars was in a magnificent hall.

"Master, I have recently sensed that my great opportunity should soon be born in the Immortal Domain!"

"I want to go back to the Immortal Domain to have a look and win that great opportunity!"

A blue-shirted man said, his eyes full of surging fighting intent.

"Well, although you have only been practicing for more than a hundred years."

"But there were those ten saints, the merit of sacrifice."

"Let you cultivate the foundation and the overlord body, you will improve extremely rapidly!"

"Now it's also time for you to return to the Immortal Domain for a while, and experience all kinds of Tianjiao!"

On the high seat, Infinity praised, and his eyes were full of satisfaction and expectation.

The other party's talent far exceeded his estimate.

Now he was sure that the other party would definitely be able to cultivate the Cang Nether Overlord Body to a great extent in the future!

And to be able to cultivate a future Dacheng overlord with his own hands, he is naturally also very ambitious!

The man in a blue shirt.

Naturally, it was Ye Que who was brought by him to the Ancestral Star of the Underworld, broke the shackles of the overlord body, and practiced all the way to this day!

"Master Xie, I will definitely live up to Master's expectations!"

Ye Que replied happily, and the fighting intent in his eyes became more and more turbulent!

Because at this time, in his Qiankun ring, there was also a bronze key, which was blooming with treasure light, and the runes were circulating non-stop.

This bronze key originally floated in the void of the universe.

But it seems that he was born with a natural gift, and he is related.

Yesterday, the star fell straight from the void.

And just happened to be seen by him, let him succeed!

After he got the key, he naturally felt blessed, knowing that there was about to be a great opportunity in the Immortal Domain, and he was waiting for him to get it!

And the thought of returning to the Immortal Domain soon.

His eyes suddenly burst with endless anger and killing intent.

"Lin Xingyun!"

"Deep hatred and hatred, a hundred years and a thousand years, it is difficult to wash!"

"You wait, I'll go back to the Immortal Domain right away!"

He roared secretly angrily, his eyes full of sorrow and resentment.

For more than a hundred years, he did not want to kill Lin Xingyun all the time to avenge his brother's murder.

And the hatred of taking his wife!

And he also inquired.

I know that for more than a hundred years, the other party has been staying in the Yaochi Holy Land and practicing penance and retreat.

But now he has been completely reborn!

I can't wait to find Lin Xingyun for revenge!

"Lin Xingyun, I hope you don't continue to shrink in the Yaochi Holy Land!"

"If we meet this time, I will definitely kill you with my own hands and take revenge on Xue Shame!"

Ye Que secretly sighed angrily.

Led by the people sent by Hun Wuya, he set off to return to the Immortal Domain!




And at this time, the Immortal Domain, the Lin family's mansion.

In front of a pavilion filled with a gray mist.

Lin Xingyun came hand in hand with Liu Meng'er and Ying Qing.

As soon as the three arrived at the forbidden pavilion.

There is a pair of familiar figures, also hand in hand.

"Little Nebula, why do you have time to come to see us today?"

Lin Rong asked with a smile.

The palm of his hand was still holding Liu Qiuyan's hand and rubbing it non-stop.

Liu Qiuyan was a little embarrassed.

But he still looked at Lin Xingyun seriously.

I found that the other party did not have the slightest sadness.

On the contrary, the spring breeze is proud, energetic and radiant!

She secretly breathed a sigh of relief and let go of her heart.

But suddenly, she remembered something.

After all, it wasn't until they sensed Lin Xingyun and came to meet each other.

Lin Rong was still playing with her pair of jade feet............

She hurriedly thought about it and sorted out the still messy Luo socks on her feet.

Just in case the apprentice sees something strange............

"Meet the Fourteen Ancestors."

"Meet Master."

Lin Xingyun saluted them respectfully, and Liu Meng'er and Yingqing also bowed immediately.

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