
"This girl is very good!"

"It's a pity that I can't give her a name now... But you have to be with her... Ahhhh

So let the maids help them leave.

Yingqing also sensibly left the scene quickly.

Lin Xingyun turned around and looked at Xiao Qianluo, who was breathing a long breath.

Because it was the first time, I had a banquet with Lin Xingyun's mother.

She was very careful.

Don't dare to drink too much.

I'm afraid I'll get drunk again.

Give a bad impression to the future mother-in-law.

However, now, looking at Liu Fengyi, it is all like that, there is no system...

She also relaxed a lot.


Lin Xingyun slapped her on a certain part.


"You... What are you doing!

Xiao Qianluo was disgusted, and he was about to beat him with his backhand.

"Okay, don't pretend to be reserved, my mother and they are all gone."

Lin Xingyun took her into his arms.

Pinching her nose and laughing.

"Whew... Nervousness is dead!

"But... Mom, she's really... Have a personality!

"And it's fine for me, hehe!"

Xiao Qianluo arched into Lin Xingyun's arms and whispered proudly.

"Gee, you screamed quite well!"

"Stop arching! Tell you something serious.

Lin Xingyun pulled her up.

Then he talked about the fourteen ancestors and wanted to pass on to her.

He also said that he was about to go to the Yaochi Holy Land to practice.

But the fourteen ancestors were hidden.

Let him seduce the part of the female emperor............

After Xiao Qianluo listened, he was surprisingly silent and began to think about it.

However, she frowned and hesitated for a long time.

Still can't make a decision.

"That's it, I'll stay a few more days."

"Before I leave for Yaochi, whether you decide to enter the forbidden place, or come with me to Yaochi."

"I'll give you a gift."

Lin Xingyun did not urge her, stroked her hair and instructed.

"Huh? What gift?

"You'll know then."

"Hmph! It's always mysterious! "

The two drank together late into the night.

Xiao Qianluo got drunk and went back to his room to rest.

Lin Xingyun took time and went to the forbidden place again.

Prepare to inquire with the Fourteen Ancestors.

The treatment method of the extreme yin body.

He remembered that Lin Qingtan's life script was written.

In the future, she will marry an Extreme Yang body from the Immortal Ye family.

In order to completely lift, the drawbacks of the extreme yin body.

But Lin Xingyun obviously won't agree.

A girl who can give birth to chaotic bodies.

Just put it to the Immortal Leaf family like this?

When he does charity?!

There is no way to go, and he wants to find other ways to improve Lin Qingtan's physical ills.

Of course, he possessed the Immortal Devouring Demon Skill.

If you find the right time, you can swallow the Ye family's Extreme Yang body.

It's also a brilliant shot!



The next morning.

Lin Xingyun went straight to the Lin Family Gongfa Pavilion.

He still lacks offensive magical powers.

It needs to be made up in time.

By the way, go to harvest Lin Chuan once.

Give him a little villain shock!

When he entered the Gongfa Pavilion, the elder of the Shouge Pavilion saw him and bowed to him.

After a simple pleasantries, he handed him a wooden sign.

The Lin family's Gongfa Pavilion is a hundred floors high.

Collect countless exercises and magical powers in various realms.

According to the realm level, it is collected in layers.

Among them, only the top layer is the top layer, which collects the emperor-level exercises and magical powers.

Each floor has a ban and can only be opened with this inscription wooden plaque.

Otherwise, no matter how high your cultivation is, you will not be able to break through.

And the wooden tablet in Lin Xingyun's hand was engraved with "seventy".

It means that he is the highest, and can only go to the seventieth floor.

Among them, there are saint-level exercises and magical powers.

"Give me a hundred layers of signs."

"Huh? Second Young Lord, this is not in line with the rules. "

You have only now successfully cultivated in the Wheel Sea Realm, giving you a seventy-layer token, and it is already because of your noble status that you made an exception...,"

the Pavilion Elder explained with a frown.

However, he didn't wait for him to finish.

"So is this in line with the rules?"

Lin Xingyun took out the piece of jade given by Lin Rong and shook it twice.

"This is..."

"Mom! Fourteen ancestors?! "

After the Pavilion Elder saw it clearly.

A look of horror immediately appeared.

The next moment.

Without hesitation, he took out a wooden tablet with an inscription engraved with "one hundred".

Respectfully handed it to Lin Xingyun.

"Young Lord please!"

"Oh, even my own family is so afraid of her..." "

The Fourteenth Ancestor still said that he is not fond of killing?

"She must have been famous back then!"

Lin Xingyun secretly sighed.

And after receiving the wooden card, he walked forward.

I plan to go directly to the top floor of the Gongfa Pavilion.

However, he had just stepped onto the first floor.

I only heard the sound of swords breaking through the sky from above!

"Oh ————!"

The next moment, countless rays of light were like meteor showers.

Brush down from above.

Galloping towards Lin Xingyun!

Two or three breaths of time.

They fell in front of Lin Xingyun's eyes.

I saw that they were actually golden books and ancient books treasured in the Gongfa Pavilion.

Each of them has existed for countless years and has been born and channeled on its own.

At this time, the sword intent was emitting in unison, strong or weak.

It seems that all of them are kendo exercises and swordsmanship powers!

The next moment, they all turned the album on their own, allowing Lin Xingyun to observe.

Like a concubine in a harem.

In the flattery, invite pets in general.

Incredibly proactive!

Lin Xingyun took a brief look.

The lowest grade found was all Great Sage level sword techniques.

Other sage laws, princely laws.

Although also ran down from the tall building.

but was excluded.

If you want to be lucky for Lin Xingyun, you are not qualified.

And Lin Xingyun hasn't looked closely.

"Oh ————!"

Three more swords sounded.

Three distinct and dazzling rays of light.

From the top floor of the Gongfa Pavilion, swoop down!

The other books are instantly like encountering a superior person.

They all retreated.

And after the three-colored light fell in front of Lin Xingyun, they each revealed their true bodies.

"Mad Demon Slashing Emperor

Sword", "Immortal Sword Sutra",

"Ten Thousand Calamities Sword Body"?"

"These three... It should be the top kendo classic in the Gongfa Pavilion!

"It can scare off those Great Saint Laws and Quasi-Emperor Sutras."

"These three books should have reached the level of the Emperor Sutra!"

Lin Xingyun felt the extraordinary nature of these three imperial scriptures.

Then he laughed at himself.

He knew that although he had cultivated the [Sword Soul Emperor Sutra], his sword path perception had already started.

But so many kendo classics.

It's not because of my own little understanding.

So active, all come to give hugs.

The root cause should still be in your own body.

That crippled Da Luo Dao sword!

He coexists with the Great Luo Dao Sword and can detect it.

Its origin is terrifying!

Attract several imperial scriptures.

For it, it should just be a trick to carve insects.

And that's exactly what happened.

Those three Emperor Sutras originally retained some of the pride and reserve of the Emperor Sutras.

But at close range, after feeling the presence of the Great Luo Dao Sword.

They have also taken the initiative.

It's like a new daughter-in-law who lets go of her arms.

Wanting to refuse and welcome the ground, showing every page of himself.

For Lin Xingyun to view.

I just want to be chosen by him and practice!

"Alas, since everyone is so enthusiastic."

"So which one should I choose?"

Lin Xingyun poked the three Emperor Sutras with his finger.

I turned a few pages of each one and picked it out with a chuckle.

Those three Emperor Sutras immediately swayed and swayed, and their spiritual light flickered.

As if speaking excitedly.

Choose me, choose me, choose me!

"Lie to you!"

"Children make choices."

"Of course adults want all!"

However, Lin Xingyun was about to take away all three Emperor Sutras.


The next moment, he only felt that his dantian was slightly hot.

He immediately looked inward.

The Great Luo Dao Sword that he found on the sea.

Trembling slightly.

The esoteric inscriptions on the sword seemed to be floating slowly.

A faint sword sound came from it.

It's like calling for something.

Immediately after, a blue-gold light.

Silently, falling from the top floor!

After it fell, there was no hesitation.

The direct aura burst into a substantial sword intent.

Cut all the kendo classics out!

Even those three Emperor Sutras.

They were all cut back by it!

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