"In comparison, I heard that the Jun family has been like a dead star in the past hundred years, and everything is not going well."

"Especially the descendants of the Jun family master's lineage, they can be called dead and injured!"

"It's really wonderful that the two of them lose each other like this, it's wonderful!"

"It's a pity that the Jun family is only the younger generation that has suffered a lot of damage, and the foundation is not shaken much."

"If you die one or two Great Emperor Realm old monsters, then you will have fun!"

"Eh, you don't have to be so lucky."

"The feud between our two races must be killed in the end!"

"Reasonable and reasonable, after all, it is necessary to decide life and death with immortal battle!"

After the elders of the Lin family discussed it, they beckoned everyone to leave.

After all, the Second Young Master is now enlightening, and they are not bothered.

And the female flower rain was still dancing that day.

It was not until the next morning that it slowly dissipated.

For seven days in a row, Lin Xingyun played filial piety during the day and presided over the funeral.

At night, grief turns into strength.

Go sightseeing with Yingqing and others!

And on the sixth night.

In Lin Xingyun's bedroom.

On the bed, Bai Ze asked Lin Xingyun to lie on his eight-foot-long tall body and lie down in his clothes.

Her eyebrows trembled, still nervous.

It seems that he is afraid of Lin Xingyun, and he will ride her now..........

But a pair of white arms still unconsciously hugged Lin Xingyun gently.

"You... You said yes..."

"It's just that... Sleep overnight, you can't mess around! Bai

Ze's snow-moon-like clean face was full of shyness and embarrassment.

It was as if at this time she was no longer an immortal beast, but just an ordinary woman from a good family.

"Don't worry, you still don't believe in the character of the master?"

"The master will hug you at most, there will be no excessive actions!"

Lin Xingyun promised with a pleasant face.

The other party's body is like the most perfect cushion in the world, and his whole person lies on it, only to feel that it is extremely comfortable!

"Phew! Believe your nonsense, you and I are Qin Di Yao?

Bai Ze pouted, and couldn't help but despise and exasperate.

However, the next moment, Lin Xingyun raised his hand and took out a small bronze pot.

"I have been refining this little pot for six days, and now it has not fully confessed the Lord."

"Since you don't let the master ride, being idle tonight is also idle."

"Just help me refine the Palm Heaven Pot!"

After Lin Xingyun said with a smile, he took up the Spirit Treasure Sutra and punched out a series of mysterious talisman seals and blessed them on that supreme treasure.

Seeing this, Bai Ze did not grind, and also pinched the trick with both hands, carried the method of the "Spirit Treasure Sutra", and turned into countless talismans to cooperate with Lin Xingyun.

In order to make the palm pot, which is already an ownerless thing, confess the Lord as soon as possible.

The two worked until the next morning.

I saw that the small bronze pot was completely shrouded in thousands of talisman seals, and began to tremble and rotate continuously.

"Buzz ————!"

Finally, after a pleasant hum that resounded half of the Lin family.

The small pot bloomed with a simple blue light and slowly floated into Lin Xingyun's palm on its own.

After refining for six days with the Spirit Treasure Sutra, I felt that I and the Palm Heaven Pot, and finally after completely establishing a connection.

Lin Xingyun breathed a sigh of relief and took it into his body with satisfaction.

Bai Ze also let out a long breath and converged his qi.


However, the next moment, she found that Lin Xingyun actually deceived her.

That rare and handsome face was already attached to her face, gently rubbing with her.

However, without waiting for her to be more embarrassed, Lin Xingyun smiled softly.

"Dabai, thank you so much for coming all the way."

"Actually, in the Palm Heaven Pot, you accompanied me to fight against Jun Changsheng..."

"Also encourage me, don't be discouraged."

"I decided then that you were not my mount, but my partner."

"It's okay if you're not ready now."

"I will still be good to you as I did to them."

And Bai Ze listened to his determined words, looking at his laughing and serious expression, and couldn't help but be completely stunned.

After a while, she finally turned crimson, turned her face in shame, and began to change the subject.

"Now... Don't say this..." "

It's not too early, you... It's time for you to preside over the funeral..."

Lin Xingyun replied with a bad smile.

Then he slightly sideways and kissed her on the cheek.

Her tall and beautiful body obviously trembled violently.

But he bit his lower lip, forced himself without making a sound or moving.

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