"Come on, you should call your mother!"

Lin Xingyun was also interested, and patted An Miaoyin and the others on the shoulders with a smile.


An Miaoyin was the first to step forward and called obediently.

"Yay! Ann girl, this is really... What a world away! Seeing

this, Liu Fengyi couldn't help but sigh.

After all, when An Miaoyin came to the Lin family and said that she wanted to find Lin Xingyun to condense the red dust Dao fruit, she still remembered it.

And An Miaoyin's reputation was spread far away, and she naturally heard about it.

What a maid, a divorce, an adulterer, a woman, it is indeed somewhat outrageous............

And An Miaoyin's heart is extremely delicate.

Seeing this, he directly bowed to Liu Fengyi and revealed his heart.

"Mother, Miaoyin was indeed notorious at the beginning, but Miaoyin is absolutely sincere to Nebula, we..............."

"Silly child, how could Niang doubt this?"

"What virtues my son has, will I not know?"

"You and Nebula are doing well, those gossip, what does it do?"

Liu Fengyi chuckled and lifted her up, hugged her in her arms and comforted.

"Thank you, ma'am!"

An Miaoyin was completely relieved at this, leaning into Liu Fengyi's arms and grateful.


And Su Qianwu and Zhao Hanyi also stepped forward respectively, blushing and calling out.

"Eh! Well behaved!

Liu Fengyi looked at these two beauties, one big and one small, and nodded with satisfaction.

Finally, she couldn't help but look at Bai Ze, who was sitting in the corner.

"Shhh! This girl, it's really..." She

looked at Bai Ze, although she was surprised, but she didn't say it explicitly.

But the other party's unusually tall and full, like a mountain undulating, is extremely suitable for a fertile body.

Still made her very satisfied!

I decided that this was my daughter-in-law!

"Master Mother, you misunderstood! I... I'm not..." Bai

Ze's face flushed, and he quickly waved his hand to explain.

However, Lin Xingyun had already come behind her back, put on her shoulder and laughed.

"Call early and call late, call sooner or later."

"Call your mother now, or I won't ride you in the future."

"You ———?!"

When Bai Ze heard him say this, he was immediately shocked to the extreme.

She looked at Lin Xingyun with a red face.

But I saw that he looked serious and had no falsehood.

She finally understood that her little master was now not even pretending!

It seems that he really wants to ride himself!

And when others listened to Lin Xingyun's words, they all understood in seconds.

They couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The hall was instantly filled with jolly air!

"You child! How can you be so ashamed of a girl?

"The white girl ignore him, you can marry in the future and change her mouth."

Although Liu Fengyi was also laughing, she leaned over and patted Lin Xingyun's head.

Then comforted Bai Ze softly.

"But I... I'm not..."

Bai Ze became more and more ashamed, and wanted to continue to argue.

An Miaoyin came to her side smartly, hugged her with a smile and persuaded.

"Sister Bai, you see how amiable your mother is, what are you hesitating about now?"

"You don't think you can escape Nebula's palm, do you?"

An Miaoyin said, and threw a wink at Lin Xingyun.

Lin Xingyun also pouted at her, and the two had their own tacit understanding.

Seeing such a situation, Bai Ze knew that he couldn't avoid it.

He had to blush and whispered to Liu Fengyi.


——!..." Not bad!

Liu Fengyi replied with a smile, and couldn't help but hug Bai Ze as well, feeling the broad bosom.

At the same time, he secretly satisfied and admired, saying in his heart that such a wonderful woman would definitely not be a problem to give birth to ten or eight children to Nebula in the future!

Everyone laughed and continued to sit down and feast.

"Children, to be honest..."

"I've been my mother for many years... None like today... That's a joy!

"For so many happy events today, come, another toast!"

Liu Fengyi was already crying with joy and invited her glass again.

Lin Xingyun directly got up with the wine glass and assured Liu Fengyi sincerely.

"Mom, there will be many, many more in the future on such a happy day!"

"We children will be filial to our mothers in the future!"

Liu Meng'er and Xiao Qianluo seemed to be the same when they saw this.

They were all full of emotion, each holding Liu Fengyi's arm and toasting.

"Mother, you have been in charge of the Lin family's affairs all these years, it has been really hard, we toast you!"

"Mom, we respect you too!"

"Okay, another toast!"

An Miaoyin and others also stepped forward to greet one after another, making Liu Fengyi more and more joyful and tearful, and toasted and drank one by one.

None of the people used spiritual power to suppress the alcohol.

Drinks until late at night.

"Children, my mother won't keep you much!

"Nebula, how are you... Go and accompany them! Liu

Fengyi was already drunk, with a playful smile on her face, and issued an eviction order to everyone.

Lin Xingyun had to take the seven women back to his dormitory.

And as soon as you enter the dormitory, close the temple door.

Xiao Qianluo seemed to have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

He hugged Lin Xingyun first, and began to touch his lips again, entangled endlessly.

"Ahem... "

Sister Qianluo, in fact, now... It's still during Xingyun's father's funeral, and it's only the first day

..." "I think during this time, shouldn't we try to converge a little

..." "Lest outsiders know, say some gossip..."

Seeing this, Liu Meng'er couldn't help but remind out loud.

"Huh? This..." Xiao

Qianluo listened, also reacted, and quickly parted his lips.

After all, she is also a princess of the imperial dynasty, according to her consistent cognition and rules.

This period of mourning.

Lin Xingyun and them should indeed observe filial piety and forbid to have sex together.

Although she didn't care about gossip, she didn't want to affect Lin Xingyun's reputation.

But if she left it at that, how could she be willing to ...

Ying Qing and the others were also entangled and hesitant.

Only An Miaoyin, the most thoughtful.

After a wine banquet, she had already seen her husband and mother-in-law, but she was actually not very sad!

She smiled slightly, hugged Lin Xingyun directly from behind, and said with a sigh.

"Alas! Sister Meng'er, Rong Concubine said something she shouldn't say!

"Nebula has seen how sad and sad Nebula is during the day today."

"All we can do for him is to accompany him and let him forget his sorrows."

"Isn't that more important than all the red tape?"

She said as she said with a straight face.

A pair of slender and soft shades quietly groped on Lin Xingyun's body.

The corners of Lin Xingyun's mouth hooked a smile, and he could clearly feel it.

After a hundred years, she must have already had a bad stomach!

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