After all, Lin Xingyun didn't want to hide it from her at all.

I told her all about my affairs.

She naturally also knew that the girl in a black dress in front of her who was as beautiful as a fairy and had a fuller figure than her.

It is Lin Xingyun's first woman in this life!

As soon as she thought of this, her eyes were full of unwillingness, and the two rows of silver teeth became more and more fierce.

"Mo is angry, Mo is angry..." "

There is no one to replace the anger!"

Liu Meng'er caressed her heart and secretly soothed.

But looking at the two, there was endless intimacy....

She held Lin Xingyun's hand, and couldn't help but squeeze it tightly!

And those two were entangled for a long time.

A silver thread pulls through.

Xiao Qianluo finally separated reluctantly.

She was still leaning on Lin Xingyun's shoulder, a pair of apricot eyes full of tears, and asked resentfully.

"At the beginning, you clearly said that you had cultivated to the Divine Fire Realm... Just come back to me..."

"Fall, what if I say that I actually just cultivated into the Divine Fire Realm for a few days?"

"Hmph! !

Xiao Qianluo's cheeks puffed out slightly.

In Lin Xingyun's heart, he pounded a few times in annoyance.

"Well, that's a lie."

"Fall, it's that I'm coming back late..."

"But not anymore."

Lin Xingyun smiled helplessly, and pecked pityingly on her white forehead.

Xiao Qianluo closed his eyes for a while, then looked up and wanted to kiss him again.

"Fall, my left hand hurts a little, let's continue at night."

"Let's get to know everyone first."

Lin Xingyun patted her buttocks with his right hand, and put his arm around her to look at Liu Meng'er and the others.

After introducing them one by one, Xiao Qianluo also said hello to each other.

But when he looked at Liu Meng'er, he obviously sensed the other party's resentment.

She did not show weakness, leaned on Lin Xingyun's shoulder, and said with an indifferent expression.

"You don't have to be angry, I haven't seen Nebula for more than a hundred years."

"It's not as good as you, get along with him day and night."

Yingqing and the others on the side listened.

They are all secretly crying bitterly and speechless.

They have not seen Lin Xingyun for a hundred years!

Everyone is just half a pound and eight taels, except for Liu Meng'er, no one eats more and occupies more!

"Sister Qianluo... Misunderstood, how can I be angry?

Liu Meng'er replied, still maintaining a soft smile on her face.

His right hand never relaxed, pinching Lin Xingyun's five fingers white.

"Okay, let's go inside."

"My mother is still waiting for us."

Lin Xingyun saw the two of them looking tense.

I just feel that on this occasion, it is not good for me to play my strengths and reconcile them.

On the two puff faces, they both kissed hard.

Then he took one by one, led Ying Qing and the others, and quickly entered the Lin family's mansion.

The Lin family along the way, after seeing Lin Xingyun, all saluted respectfully.

Especially the younger generation, everyone is full of respect and yearning, and there is no half of fraud.

Just because in the past hundred years, it has long been rumored among the Lin family.

The second young master of his own family originally saved his family members in the Immortal Fire Secret Realm.

He also crossed the great realm and reversed the slash of the young lord of the monarch monarch to become a Dao!

With the feud between the Lin family and the Jun family, plus such a proud record.

Let the children of the Lin family already have the utmost reverence for this second young master!

Even in the clan, there are still some rumors about the [Body of the Female Disaster].

But under the cover of such talent and brilliant achievements of the other side.

These little things are already not worth mentioning!

At this time, in a large hall in the Lin family's mansion, a spiritual hall had been laid down, setting up sacrifices for Lin Chen.

A brown-robed old man was sighing in front of Lin Chen's spiritual throne.

His cultivation was completely restrained, like an old man in the mortal world.

However, a clan elder of the Quasi-Emperor Realm and the Great Sage Realm did not dare to look at the other party's back.

Just stood on the side with his hands tied up very respectfully.

And on the side of the spiritual position.

Liu Fengyi was dressed in a plain mourning dress, and she was also slightly lowering her face, sighing.

Her face was haggard, and her eyebrows were full of inextricable worries.

Although because of Lin Xingyun's affairs, she had already been in trouble with Lin Chen a few years ago, and she didn't have much emotion.

But for any woman in the world.

Becoming a widow is, after all, an unrelenting pain............

What's more, her eldest son, Lin Feng, is now temporarily unharmed, but he is still completely unheard.

Now the only sustenance in her heart.

I can only hope that my youngest son will rush back as soon as possible.

Suddenly, there was a call for salutation outside the hall.

"Meet the Second Young Lord!"

"Excuse me, everyone."

Lin Xingyun answered, and went straight to his mother.

"Mom, the baby is back."


Liu Fengyi seemed to be rejuvenated, and immediately stepped forward with an excited expression.

Halfway through, however.

Seeing Liu Meng'er led by Lin Xingyun, she couldn't help but be stunned in place.

Seeing this, Lin Xingyun gently pushed Liu Meng'er.

"Mom, look who I brought back!"

The two had a spiritual rhino, and Liu Meng'er threw herself directly into Liu Fengyi's arms.

Although in the Tenth Dream, Lin Xingyun also often arranges Liu Fengyi to appear as a mother.

But at this time, countless years apart, Liu Meng'er's eyes were still hot, and she called out eagerly.

"Mom! It's me, it's a dream! "

Dreams... Dream ———?!

"Kid... Are you all right?! Great... That's great!

Liu Fengyi reacted and cried with joy.

He couldn't care about Lin Xingyun for a while, so he held Liu Meng'er in his arms.

Seeing that her daughter-in-law finally returned safely, she was already too excited to help herself.

She hugged Liu Meng'er tightly, and her cheeks kept rubbing gently on her face, as if she was afraid that something would happen to this child.

Liu Meng'er was also in tears of excitement, and she and Liu Fengyi were close to each other.

And look at this moving reunion scene in front of you.

Lin Xingyun also let out a long sigh of relief.

In the dream, he toiled hard and worked for thousands of years.

Now at this moment, he only feels that all the hard work is worth it!

And just when he appreciated and sighed.

The brown-robed old man also turned around and looked at him solemnly.

"Good boy, this body foundation is simply unprecedented!"

"Your fourteenth ancestor is right, it can indeed be called the Qilin of my Lin family!"

Lin Yin was stroking his beard and praised.

Lin Xingyun was stunned, and he didn't know the identity of the other party for a while.

"Nebula, this is your thirteenth ancestor, hurry up!"

Liu Fengyi came back to her senses and quickly reminded.

"Buxiao descendant Lin Xingyun, meet the thirteen ancestors!"

Lin Xingyun immediately saluted.

His face naturally returned to a look of deep sorrow.

After all, the other party must be the same as the Fourteen Ancestors, the Great Emperor Realm Ancestor of his own clan!

"Good boy, get up."

"At the beginning, you could reverse the heavy pupil of the Jun family, cut off a future great enemy, and greatly strengthen the momentum of my Lin family."

"Can such merits still be called unspeakable?"

Lin Yin smiled with satisfaction, and as soon as his mind moved, he lifted Lin Xingyun up.

"Thirteenth Ancestor, my little merit is really not worth mentioning!"

"My filial piety is that I failed to save my father!"

Lin Xingyun said with a sad face.

I went to Lin Chen's statue, and I bowed incense, and I became more and more sad.

"Father! The baby is late! "

When you were alive... I always hope that the child will become a material and a vessel!

"Now the child is already able to reverse the slash of the young lord of the monarch family and become a monarch!"

"With the help of the fourteen ancestors, he severely damaged that Jun Wangu!"

"What a child does is to live up to his father's expectations!"

"But now... Now you..."


Lin Xingyun said.

The tears that have been brewing for a long time have finally come out of their eyes!

That look of sincerity and filial piety, if there is a certain man surnamed Guo, record it here.

It will definitely be selected into the twenty-four filial piety!

And the Lin family members present were also moved to see it.

Some of the older generation even began to sigh and discuss.

"I heard that in the past, the head of the family was very harsh on the second young master."

"There are even many rumors that the relationship between the two fathers and sons is very discordant."

"But now that the Second Young Master is so filial and commendable, it seems that it is all rumors!"

"It's not necessarily a rumor, maybe it's another possibility!"

"Just as the so-called dear love me, why is filial piety?"

"Kiss me, Hyo Fangxian!"

"Even if the family master really harshly criticizes the second young master, the second young master still maintains a filial piety to the family master!"

"This is true virtuousness, true sincerity and filial piety!"


"It seems that the Second Young Lord, not only is he extremely talented now, but this character is also impeccable!"

"My Lin family can look forward to the future, the future can be expected!"

When the elders were talking.

Lin Yin also nodded his head, his eyes full of appreciation.



[I'm busy watching the summer decision today, so it's just one chapter, the family has a good night ◡ beggars by the way to ask for a wave of gifts and rewards~].

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